Mauka Concourse at HNL - What's missing?

Something Big Went Missing at Honolulu Airport: Visitors Take Notice

Beautiful as it may seem on arrival, where are the food and the tropical fragrances at the new Mauka Concourse at Honolulu Airport (HNL)?

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87 thoughts on “Something Big Went Missing at Honolulu Airport: Visitors Take Notice”

  1. Lame. The open air and age gave it character and was part of the charm of flying to Honolulu. Bummer they felt the need to “upgrade” facilities that were part of the experience.

    1. The so-called “Experience” became very Lame when the walk to claim baggage became a marathon without directions. The “Experience” somehow has become much less appealing than airports in some “Third World Countries.” The Aloha Greetings, any of the other Positives that had been a wonderful greeting have disappeared into the inactive volcanoes never to be experienced again. The Jasmine in the air has been replaced by the exhaust fumes from airplanes and the feelings of hospitality and friendliness have been mostly replaced with the Ignorance of grumpy older workers. If This is what the Hawaiian Experience has become there’s no wonder why many won’t return, they could go to New York or New Jersey for that!

  2. Airports around the world need to get with modern world food culture and offer vegan, plant based menus. As a vacation destination even Maui is horrible at this. While Maui does have a few small vegan restaurants, the vast majority of hospitality businesses here do not serve decent plant-based fare.

    1. The Actual Demand isn’t there, at least not enough to support entire restaurants devoted to it. Maybe someday in the future it will be but for now the flatulent cows have cornered that market. That brings up the subject of why plant based entire meals for the human race isn’t a good idea for Climate Change, Flatulence. Cows are being blamed for Climate Change, will it only worsen when all humans are forced to become vegan? Of Course it will, 8+ Billion People releasing their Flatulence will add significant amounts of Green House Gasses! They will then need to Cull Humanity to make things better.

  3. Went thru this extension coming back from Hilo. Nice, new, big airport style. No concessions, long walk to baggage, and lonely feeling. Surprise, concession building permits slowing making it a functional space. Grassroot has it correct, local Hawaiian Government has paralyzed every facet of our society. Even Fast food at Ala Moana Center builds out rather than be delayed by a very ineffective Government.

  4. Just flew out from the new concourse on 10/26. Nice start, with huge passenger amenity upgrade potential. The biggest problem is that HDOT runs it. So many delays on all of their projects. Create a port authority that focuses on the airport itself and perhaps they can right the ship.

  5. Entrenched old boy network does nothing for airport unless kickbacks of some sort are on the burner. FAA has many decades worth of issues with airport, run by state DOT. No miracles on the horizon…

  6. Comfort should be priority over uniqueness. And HNL is Far from being a comfortable,user-friendly, and attractive airport.
    1. Signage is horrible because of the Lack of signs AND the lack of coordinating sign design (different colors, designs).
    2. It’s Hot. Tourists always complain of the Heat that comes with the outdoorsy feel.
    3. Inconvenient wiki wiki people mover.
    4. Lack of moving walkways, like on the mainland.
    5. Lack of great eateries with a local flair
    6. Worst baggage carousels in the world
    The airport needs work. Lots of work

  7. How many engineers does it take to plan and design an airport, how about architects.

    I suggest more architects to be used to plan cities, they learn how to plan for peoples needs, rather than engineers who design primarily for implementation of the architects design.

    Architects and their influence on our cities, is very marginalized by the political process.

  8. Last year I had time to kill there and stopped at what I think was the only restaurant around. I was flying international so I’m not sure if it was this same concourse or not. It was a big place, and sadly the recommendation from the waitstaff was to get the nachos. They turned out to be pretty crappy 7-11 cheese sauce nachos with Kalua pig (pulled pork) on them.
    Next time I would just pick up a plate lunch somewhere, or may e pick up a few spam musubi to pack in my carry on.

    1. So perhaps the fact that the state is having a huge financial issue (and housing crisis might I add) is part of the problem….when we first moved to Oahu from the mainland, there was nowhere to rent under 1600 without 3x proof the rent…so take a guess where we ended up…
      Thanks for reading!

      1. The State of Hawaii has created their own Financial Debacles by Severely Overspending, take for just One Example the Expenditure of twobillion dollars by the Governor and Lt. Governor to find an Answer to the Homeless Indigent Problem facing the Entire State. The Answer to that Problem was that they couldn’t find one! How many low and moderate income housing rentals could have been built with $2,000,000,000.00? We will Never Know. Hawaii Needs New Governance, a totally new one, and bring Financial Stability back to the State and possibly then that Problem can be addressed. It doesn’t happen overnight. 😕

  9. Terrible design. It doesen’t have an ” Aloha” appeal. It doesn’t feel like you are in Hawaii. Looks like poor planning,and mismanagement if money by Hawaii leaders, again…Pack your plate lunch.

    1. This. The first thing the Govt should do is force HNL vendors to use outside local pricing. I know Pittsburgh Airport does this.

  10. Seems like all the amenities from the flights have changed drastically.. Years ago, your plane fare included a meal. No free juice offered… Pack food !!! 5-8+ hrs -a long wait between travels.

  11. What??? Enclosed terminals and walkways? Landing and experiencing the open air concept with the beautiful breeze with hints of floral scents Is Hawaii! And why would I fly across the Pacific to eat at Burger King?

    1. There is a pizza place, juice bar(close), and fast food Chinese in addition to Burger King. Not much of a food selection. We paid $36 for breakfast at BK!.
      Waliking sound, there were more food places, but they looked as if they had been closed since the pandemic.

    2. The “Floral Scent” is now provided by Glade plug ins in an attempt to cover up the airplane exhaust fumes. So much for Open Air, give everyone a break and put in Air Conditioning for the mile walk to baggage. Maybe passengers will eventually find where it is, Hawaii doesn’t have signage. Maybe they’ll print maps and charge $10.00 for them.

  12. The best place to grab a snack is in that new area. Try the place that makes smoothies to your specifications and you will not be disappointed! It’s a little take out that is on the left side as you walk to the higher numbered gates. What a delicious healthy treat thanks to their recommendations! Thanks to that unknown place that serves da best!


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