southwest hawaii inter-island

Updated Southwest Hawaii Inter-Island | When It Starts + How It Works

Updated 3/4/19. Southwest Hawaii inter-island Flights were announced today and Southwest Hawaii deals are now available.

News from our sources today on just how and when Southwest inter-island flights will roll out. When we met with Southwest Executive VP Andy Watterson last summer, he said that flights would arrive in Hawaii from the mainland on one day, spend the next flying inter-island and then return to the mainland on the third day. In other words, a three day rotation. Andy recently added, “we see that big (inter-island) market with higher price points and it’s short haul, which is what we’re known for.”

1. When will Southwest Hawaii inter-island start? Flights between Honolulu and Maui will be starting by early April, and will be part of the initial roll-out of Southwest Hawaii flights.

2. Inter-island routes and frequency. We’ve seen indication that inter-island will consist of four to eight flight segments per day, at the beginning. Those will start as flights between Honolulu and Maui, and soon thereafter expand to Kona, Lihue, and then Hilo.

3. Inter-island aircraft. Southwest will use their Boeing 737-800 aircraft for inter-island flights. Those accommodate 175 passengers, or approximately 50 more than Hawaiian Airlines‘ 717’s. In their all-economy configuration, Southwest will have 32 inches of seat pitch in a 3×3 configuration, whereas the Hawaiian fleet has 30-31 inches of pitch in a 3×2 configuration. That information according to Seat Guru.

4. What prices do we expect to see? While Southwest Hawaii inter-island may be a minor component in overall competition, it will still be enough of a force to bring prices down significantly. We will go out on a limb and predict best fares on both carriers could drop to the $39 range.

5. Southwest planes are mainland based. There will not be a separate fleet of aircraft for Hawaii inter-island service, either now or in the future. As a result, no separate Hawaii maintenance or crew base should be required.

One concern a mainland based inter-island fleet raises, is that Southwest inter-island flights might have some degree of reduced punctuality. Should a mainland flight be late, which can happen due to a range of issues including weather, winds, etc., that could impact follow-on inter-island flights. That in contrast to Hawaiian’s huge inter-island fleet that is based here in Hawaii. Those of us who live here, and visitors too, rely on that on-time dependability. One way the initial Southwest schedule appears to deal with that potential issue, is to segregate inter-island flights to be on the 2nd day of the rotation only.

6. Southwest Hawaii personnel. Honolulu and Kahului airports are staffed by Southwest employees. At Lihue and Kona, however, staffing will be a mix of a limited number of Southwest employees with the remainder being contracted from local companies. That is similar to what Alaska Airlines does in Hawaii.

7. Is there any issue with 737’s flying short hop Hawaii inter-island flights? In a nutshell, 737 can easily fly inter-island, it just can’t do it all day, every day, the way the Hawaiian 717 fleet can. This relates to addition engine stress created by these rapid short cycles, especially in our island weather conditions. When we asked Southwest about it last year, they stated emphatically that flying inter-island flights will not be any problem for the 737 fleet. Period. And that’s how we understand it too.

See our latest updates on Southwest Hawaii flights

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56 thoughts on “Updated Southwest Hawaii Inter-Island | When It Starts + How It Works”

  1. Southwest will be a most welcomed competitor and hopefully a permanent one!!! The bully on the block has skinned the hawaii residents for too long! Now I can visit where I grew up on the big island … Often and still enjoy spending my money! Aloha and mahalo southwest airlines!!! Conrad

    1. Absolutely! Ever since Aloha went away, Hawaiian gouged us with steep increases in airfare & started charging for checked bags! SWA will gain a lot of customers because of the 2 free checked bags. I hope SWA doesn’t get forced out by political pressure like the way we lost the Superferry which affected Hawaiian, Young Brothers, car rental & parking lots!

    2. Totally Agree! Hawaiian Airlines has increased their prices significantly since the shut down of Aloha. I’m glad to see another competitor here in the islands. It won’t break the bank to visit our family on another island.

  2. We have flown on Hawaiian for many years and enjoy the service they provide. I look forward to Southwest joining the field of flying in Hawaii. I’m sure there will be some start-up problems, but I’m sure they will be corrected and the competition is a good thing to give us choices. There’s a lot of room for more flights and more choices in this industry. Welcome to Southwest, I’m sure both airlines will still be profitable, and locals can visit family more frequently with affordable air fares.

  3. To Stephen (Feb 21st)… you sound like another airline’s shill trying to create doubt in SWA service. That’s sad. Another viable carrier is long overdue here. SWA entering will humble Hawaiian and the others quick. Thankfully.

    1. Hi JC.

      We don’t know Stephen so can’t comment directly on him. We believe, however, that a fair number of website comments are emanating from individuals who have an agenda. That just seems to be the nature of online reviews, whether they be here, on TripAdvisor, Yelp, etc. If they aren’t egregious, we don’t delete them. And luckily, they are fairly easy to spot in most cases.


    2. We went thru the same thing with the super ferry. Groups were paid to protest it. Hawaii is controlled by a few and they don’t like change. They try anything to stop it. To 5 plus years to get gas at Costco Maui.

    3. JC,
      I work for NO OTHER Airline and infact recently retired running a $300M travel program, I can absolutely tell you planes coming into an area (Hawaii or ANY place else) will be subject to delays that LOCALLY based aircraft will NOT be subject to. I would gladly try Southwest (WN) inter island, but would be FULLY AWARE they arrive from long haul destinations. Fog in OAK Airport area WOULD DELAY your flight!!…..

  4. Dear Best of Hawaii, Thank you for your updates on Southwest Airlines delayed service to our beautiful state. Just wondering if they are rethinking their service. Please try to get something out of them. I know their stock is way down and their mechanics are mad. Goldman Sachs downgraded them to a sell rating yesterday. And their Instagram account is lit up like a Christmas tree today when they cancelled over 700 flights with no rule 240 accommodations for their customers. It seems like they have bigger fish to fry right now to try to get their customer service upgraded. Mahalo and Aloha for your service to our Staye

  5. Southwest started as a short hop airline from HOU to DAL in the beginning. They currently do a lot of flying short hops from Houston to Corpus, Austin, San Antonio, and Dallas. I’m not sure why that would be much different than from HNL to KOA, LIH, or OGG.

  6. What will be the cheapest place to fly out of in California to Maui August 1-10. Will there be any redeye flights back to the mainland? Mahalo

  7. Aloha Jeff and Rob!

    Thank you for this invaluable resource. The knowledge and insight is much appreciated.
    I’ve made plans to travel from Los Angeles to Maui mid-October. I’m started to keep my eyes and ears open now for flight deals. In your expert opinion, what time in the coming months would be a good time to make the final purchase?


    1. Hi Julio.

      Thank you! This year is harder than ever to predict for obvious reasons. Having said that, probably July.


  8. What is the food selection on the new exciting 6 hour flights from Oakland to Lihue? I am sure there will be more than a bag of pretzels and a can of Coke. I have a wife and four children. Will there be seat assignments, so we can sit together? I have a ton of Rapid Reward Points. Will I be able to use them like I do going from Oakland to Phoenix? I have heard that there may be further delays when Southwest will start their service to Hawaii, especially the inter-island flights. What have you heard?

    1. How do you book the $59 inter island tickets. We need them HNL to KOA on June 23, 2019.

      Thanks for your help!


          1. Hi Nancy.

            From $79 depending on time of day. Probably better to book early as desirable times get booked fast and your date will be busy.


  9. Aloha,

    we are a family of 8, we will be flying to Maui from Honolulu in Jyly, when is the best time to buy the inter island tickets? and also just checking, cant book more than 6 people, why? thank you…

    1. Hi Angela.

      Best to not wait and buy tickets right now. Not sure why a reservation can only contain six tickets.


      1. Hi, when we took our family a few years ago there was 11 of us. We had to book inter island flights as a group. Worked out really well doing that. Think that may be what you may have to do with more than 6. Hope this helps.

      2. Where are you finding options to book on Southwest for inter-island? When I get on the Southwest web page, it doesn’t acknowledge Honolulu or Maui.

  10. Aloha! Myself and 5 friends are planning a trip to Maui from Chicago in September. Right now all the dates we are seeing are between $850 and $900 round-trip with one stop. Please tell us if we should expect to see fares come down, and if so when would be a good time to watch for lower fares or are we better off watching for two separate fares? Maybe one way to SFO or OAK on Southwest and then pick up another flight to Maui?

    Cathy P.

    1. Hi Cathy.

      You might see fares drop by $100 or so if you wait until sometime in spring. Yes you could do two separate tickets, but with that comes issues of missed connections, checked bags that may not inter-line, and possibly having to thus go through security again. And even with all that, it might save you very little. Airlines have that all figured out better than we do. 🙂


  11. Whoo whoo!
    My daughter and I have the same birthday in December, and I will be 70 and she will be 35 in 2019. We are planning a trip maybe in September
    and would love to go to Aulani.
    Milestones for both of us so I will be booking tickets for myself, daughter, husband and two grandkids!
    I am soooo excited that we will be able to use
    Southwest from Los Angeles to Oahu!
    Thank you !!!!

  12. SO excited to hear this very good news! We use Sacramento airport and would delight in boarding here and arriving in Lihue or Kona or Kahului without having the extra cost in time & money going through Honolulu. We’re headed to Kona at Thanksgiving this year with 14 family members. This is a dream come true!

      1. Hi Eb.

        We just don’t see anything on the horizon for Ontario unfortunately. Might happen, but for whatever reasons, it hasn’t worked out before.


  13. What is the most inexpensive way to get from Honolulu to Kona for a fishing trip and can you recomment the best place to stay overnight please.

    1. Hi Karianne.

      No recommendations on accommodations – that are so many choices. Flight prices depend on time of day and day of week.


  14. Traveling to Kauai Jan.19 next year. Any dates yet on when SW will start it’s flights to Hawaii? We’ll be flying out of Alb.,NM.
    Thanks for any help you can give.

  15. We are traveling to Maui in March- from Nashville TN….any advice as to best route to take and best fares? How long to wait out the “sales”..if any, before buying tickets? Thanks for help! Judy

    1. Hi Judy.

      Last part of March is spring break. About $700 on Delta via Seattle is a good price target (not available yet) and connection for early in month. Later in month expect to spend $1,000 to $1,200.


  16. What is the best (least expensive) flight sequences to Hawaii – Maui – Kauai in November 2018? We would fly out of San Diego.



      1. Hi,

        Could you confirm the RT? We’re also flying from SO Cal to Maui. Looking for a family of 3 to fly and seeing the average is about $2,000.00. Does that seem right?

  17. Hi,
    We plan to go to Maui in June 2018. How long do you suggest that we hold off to buy tickets? 2018 for sale- does that mean in January or much later? Thank you for your wonderful information that you share!

    1. Hi Diane.

      Don’t expect SWA by June 2018. There could be other significant fare sales due to Hawaiian’s new planes – that in fact is likely. Can’t say how long you may need to wait to get the best deals.


  18. Happy to see SWA coming to land of Aloha. Just hope they do reduce fairs and as in mainland “no baggage fees”. Maybe the will have to start assigning seats, who knows.

  19. Own MARRIOTT timeshares in Kauai and Maui, ha. We travel to and from Phoenix This is 2-4 times a year. We like Hawaii Airlines because as soon as you board the plane you feel HAWAII. It makes you feel good. So if you could add Hawaii personalization, would be wonderful. I am for trying Southwest as we are members of SWA but they have never gone to Hawaii. WOW great move, looking forward to when and where. THANK YOU

  20. It is my sincere hope that Southwest will find a lucrative market in competitive inter-island travel. The price gouging by the current airline entities has been a long-standing challenge for families living in Hawaii. It’s not just the tourist dollar that is appealing, but also understanding the needs of the people whose jobs are part of the giant machine that runs the tourist industry. If the cost of living becomes too high, the workforce can no longer afford to stay in the islands. Or, unions will continue to negotiate higher wages, which ultimately impacts the cost of a family vacation from the mainland. Residents must travel by inter-island air for health care, household needs, memorial services, weddings, team competitions, and many other essential events. Providing cost effective, dependable flights would provide a huge boost for everyone. Thank you for providing this forum to express another perspective.

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