State Unveils Details Of New Hawaii Travel Rules Starting July 8

Those vaccinated have new guidelines to follow for travel to Hawaii starting July 8. This news you will like.

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127 thoughts on “State Unveils Details Of New Hawaii Travel Rules Starting July 8”

  1. Crazy. There seems to be a large amount of people on here that will accept any type of restrictions to visit Hawaii, including a police state of affairs.

    Some people on here have stated Hawaii can do what it wants. Well, if people are willing to accept it, then the danger is that will become normal. Also crazy.

    I do not support Hawaii any longer because it is clearly going in the wrong direction.

    I support vacation destinations and states that are less discriminatory towards visitors and more welcoming and kind to all. Hawaii has become a hostile and almost 3rd world style state. It has a banana republic style do nothing government. The people should be outraged, but many seem complacent with the sad state of affairs.

    1. Crazy seems it’s not really that big of a deal. We went had a blast amd the process was 100% smooth and east. Stay in Florida

  2. Very welcome news. Hopefully Hawaii and the remaining US holdouts will get vaccinated before winter arrives. Don’t want/need another resurgence.

  3. Heads up to parents of children under 5 traveling on Southwest from mainland to Hawaii. Verified everywhere that no test is required for under 5 to travel, and the rest of us were tested and docs uploaded for Pre-Clear. Arrive at LAX and were told “sorry”, even though children under 5 don’t “need” a test, they can’t Pre-Clear on mainland unless they have a test, and no one else registered with them can get Pre-Cleared on mainland either (ie the other minors and an adult on the main account). Have to go through the regular process, waiting in line with everyone else in Hawaii after landing. Escalated to supervisors. No dice. Other parents on flight had the same issue. Total nightmare and waste of time and resources trying to comply.

  4. I’m sorry but I do not see the answer to my question. We will travel to Hawaii the middle of August. We have uploaded our vaccination cards to Hawaii Safe Travel web site but I still do not understand if we are still required to complete the health questionnaire to complete our exemption. Do we? Thank you so much for you informative and enjoyable web site.

    1. Hi Jean.

      Yes you will still be complying with the state’s Safe Travels requirements that include the health questionnaire.


  5. I am a Canadian citizen and was fully vaccinated in Honolulu in February and March of 2021. Will I be able to return to Hawaii with no further testing? I’m awaiting your reply. Thank you so much. The Beat of Hawaii is very informative keep up the good work.

    1. Hi Marion.

      Given that you were vaccinated fully in Hawaii, you should be good. To get the correct answer, however, you should contact the state. The Safe Travels help desk is at 855-599-0888.


  6. Aloha,

    I was going to download my vax card into the safe travels program for my trip in September. However, where you go download your card its still saying, “Fully vaccinated travelers who received their vaccine in Hawaii may be eligible to travel to Hawaii from the continental US or from a US territory without having to pre-test or self-quarantine.” Do you if Hawaii or those in charge of the program will change the wording. That it does not confuse people when the download there Vax Card. Also, even though it does say that can I still my Vax Card for my Sept. trip to Maui. Also, what is the status of the AlohaSafe app. Is that still a requirement for Maui?


    1. Hi Michael.

      The state said they would have that corrected yesterday. Regarding the Aloha Safe app, it is still indicated on the Maui County website, although others have reported here that it has not been required of them.


  7. Thanks for the great news! I created a profile, trip, and requested an exemption because I am vax’d. However, the text still reads that it’s only for people who were vax’d in Hawaii. Should I have waited until July 8 or will they accept my request even though I was vax’d in CA? I plan to check my request again on July 8 and enter the data for my wife too.

    1. Hi David.

      As we just mentioned in responding to another comment, the state was to have had that straightened out yesterday, as per the Governor’s announcement. Ugg.


  8. In the past the rules for the state of Hawaii were not the same in Kauai. My question is;
    The rules that are effective on July 8th applies for Kauai as well? Very important to know.

  9. We are flying into Kona on July 5. If by some chance our test results are held up because of the July 4th holiday and we go into quarantine,
    will our quarantine end when our test results come through?
    We have arrangements made to fly to Oahu on the 8th of July.
    Thank you

    1. Hi Kathleen.

      Should that happen, and we certainly hope that it doesn’t, no you would not be able to exit quarantine until the 10 days are up or until you leave the state. That is how the rules are set up.


  10. What about the naturally vaccinated? So ridiculous that is not being accepted. It is prejudicial and bias and not based on science

  11. So I understand correctly, I will be required to upload my vaccination card to Safe Travels prior to my flight AND still bring the actual physical card with me so that staff can compare the 2 when I land in HI? Thank you

    1. Hi Kym.

      That is correct. Please take it quite literally as that will be required and you don’t want to encounter any issues.


  12. I posted a similar question earlier today. Somehow it seems to have disappeared. I’ll try again.

    I am a solo traveller who will be flying to Maui in September. I have a vaccination card, but not a smart phone to display the Smart Travels info. Will a hard copy of the Smart Travels verification be sufficient? Or, does a traveller now need to own a smart phone to travel to Hawaii? Have any readers here dealt with this same situation?

  13. If you have been vaccinated and have registered on the Hawaii Safe Travel web site, are you given any confirmation that can be printed out and do you also have to complete a health form to travel?

  14. I had uploaded vaccinations on Safe Travels.
    Getting a COVID test tomorrow for Tuesday July 6 Kauai arrival. Do I just need results in writing when I arrive?? Or upload it also??

    1. Hi Pam.

      Vaccination will do no good for a July 6 arrival as that exemption starts on July 8. You just need to comply with the Safe Travels testing requirements.


  15. I am going to be travelling from Canada over the Christmas 2021 holiday to Maui.
    We are all fully vaccinated in Canada with either the Pfizer, Moderna, or Astra Zenica Vaccine. We are also be travelling with 2 children. One is 3 years old and the Other is an infant and willbe 8 months old.
    What will be required of us to come to Maui?

  16. I guess HI really still doesn’t want tourists. These requirements are so far above overkill combined with the unbelievable high taxes and fees on rental cars and lodging surprised anyone would want to go. We were hoping by now HI would realize this and get real .
    We won’t be traveling to HI anytime soon. So much for our plans to visit after the 1st of the year.

  17. Aloha
    Thanks again for always keeping us informed. Looking forward to visiting my happy place in July.

  18. What do solo travellers without smart phones do? I have a vaccination card, but I’m unable to display a Safe Travels verification on a mobile device. Will a printout suffice?

  19. What if the original vaccine card was washed in the laundry and no physical copy. We have a photo but not the actual original hard copy ?

    1. Original is required, no exceptions … unfortunately you will need to take a covid test 72hrs ahead of time

  20. For those of us not getting the VAX can we still test for the virus (with negative result) prior to going to any Hawaiian islands? Not ready for a VAX that hasn’t gotten approval — it’s still ‘experimental’.

  21. Hello
    Can you please tell me if fully vaccinated Canadians can travel to Hawaii under the same rules as US citizens?


  22. Thank you SO MUCH for the update and clarification. We fly on July 10th and that’s exactly what I need to go upload our vaccine card now. So glad we don’t have to do the Covid test on the 7th, even tho it’s already paid for and I know we won’t get our money back, being one of the Pfizer trial participants, I’ve had enough of that test! 🙂

    Appreciate all the time you spend on these updates, it helps!

    1. I actually did get a refund from Workplace Solutions, the Hawaiian Airlines partner. It was much appreciated!

    2. If it’s paid for, take the test! It could very well end up being your back up should any issues arise with your vaccination card!

  23. Any information as to how long the documentation is good for? We have 2 trips booked – 1 in September and 1 in February. Just curious as to whether or not we will have to do it again in February or can we upload the documentation now and be good for September and February?


    1. Hi Ed.

      That’s a good point. We have not seen anything thus far about that but will be on the lookout and then report. Thanks for asking.


  24. Are you able to provide any information on requirements from e (fully vaccinated) international travellers? I am from Canada and am planning a trip in September. Thanks!!!

    1. Hi Ardys.

      Testing is the only option at this time. If course that could change, but we have not heard anything.


  25. Good Morning
    Just wondering if there has been any indication on when tis will happen for Canadian travelers?

    1. Probably the negative covid tests within 72hrs and 10 day monitored quarantine, as per the safe travels pg.

      I’d either reconsider a vaccine or go now before you inevitably catch the Delta Variant- that one isn’t going to leave many survivors.

    1. Aloha! Re Safe Travels program:
      Will it be possible to use only one cellphone (with 2 different email addresses) for both my husband & I? He’s disabled & no longer owns a cellphone.
      Mahalo BOH! I’ve enjoyed reading your articles this past year, as well as the reader’s comments. You certainly can’t get this in depth information from the news!

      1. Hi Louse.

        Thank you! We believe that as long as one of you has a smartphone you’ll be all set.


    1. I’m not sure what you mean by your comment. But aren’t Hawaiians also Americans? Hi, for one, am happy to see that the islands will be easier to visit. We love the Hawaiian land, her people, and the culture that we have learned about. We continue to learn each time we visit.

      1. Ritad see fredericks comment. Discrimination and govt restrictions arnt ok. Especially for something like covid. Its nothing like Spanish flu, which killed around a fifth of earth’s population at the time. About 40 times as deadly as covid.

        But guess what life went on. In hawaii its lets obsess over it and be a bannana republic and monarchy and the strictest restrictions in usa for as long as possible. Strangle tourism who cares! Amazing how when Hawaii gets back to normal itll be talk and do nothing. Make sure the rail and homeless problem is never solved.

        Wait until tomorrow. Many people are fed up with that and left Hawaii. Anyone not asian or native Hawaiian isnt really ever accepted on the island, and if they are it’s because they worked really hard to kiss butt

  26. This is evil and pure discrimination towards people who CHOSE not to vaccinate. The final batch of people who did not vaccinate are either naturally immune (t-cell immunity, google it) or already had the virus and are therefor immune.

    In Florida vaccine passports are prohibited by law, with a $5,000 fine for any government agency or company asking for it. Why is Hawaii doing this?

    1. Good thing you live in Florida then. States’ rights and all that. Hawaii can do what’s best for its citizens also.

    2. Nah. Protects those who can’t choose due to age or legit medical conditions.

      2. Because Hawai’i is an island, unlike Florida! But if you like Florida’s rules better…enjoy their sunshine and beaches instead 🙂

    3. Hawaii dances to thier own tune. Its been an ongoing problem for mainlanders that have tried to make Hawaii thier home. Florida keys are just as nice and usvi. Id recommend people to boycott Hawaii and go there.

  27. Excellent news! I am planning another trip to Oahu in September after just being there in June! Going to buy me a condo!

  28. Be aware that the signature required is an actual signature, so you will need to complete the application with some device with a touchscreen. I had to use my phone. Also be aware that one of the forms of proof can be a photo, so I just took a picture of my vaccination card with my phone and used that.

  29. Thank you as always for your timely and detailed updates. Do you know if the Governor’s office will consider Canadian travellers who have proof of the Pfizer vaccine as well. If you have any insight as to who we could contact to inquire with, it would be greatly appreciated. Mahalo, Mike & Rachel S.

    1. Hi Mike.

      It started clearly that it is only for those fully vaccinated in the US. We hope that will change soon and many Canadians are asking the same thing. You can of course contact Gov Ige’s office.


  30. Aloha!!!

    I went on the Safe Travels website but it still says those fully vaccinated that received they vaccine in Hawaii. Are they going to change that wording or can I go ahead and download my card for sept.? Also, what is the status for the AlohaSafe app for Maui? Is that still required to be downloaded?


    1. Hi Michael.

      It looks like you asked twice, and we did answer the other comment already. Please let us know if anything else.


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