Testing Visitors to Hawaii

Testing Visitors to Hawaii: Will It Work, When Will it Happen?

Hawaii official suggests visitors to Hawaii be tested 3 days before arriving. Many questions remain.

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97 thoughts on “Testing Visitors to Hawaii: Will It Work, When Will it Happen?”

  1. One way to stop the lawsuits and encourage cooperation is to make pretesting voluntary… But if you don’t pretest, then you have two weeks quar antine…

    Everyone will pretest. 🙂

  2. To avid travelers coming to Hawaii, for a temporary solution, until the Vi rus issue is controlled, the Airline to increase the price of the tickets, How, the State of Hawaii should increase the landing fees, Ten times more or even twenty times more, the airline will charge the customers this landing fees, I’m pretty sure the Airlines will not want to pay for it alone.

  3. I’ll do a test to visit if every resident does a test the day before I arrive as well to ensure locals don’t give it to me.

  4. I am in complete agreement with the suggested 3 day testing along with any other requirements put in place for those on the islands. This is NOT the time to look only at our rights but the rights of our community population as a whole.

  5. The more difficult the government makes it for visitors, more and more will choose somewhere else to vacation.

    1. If I know that a destination – like Hawaii – has “difficult” or strict measures in place to help control vi rus infection and spread, I am even more likely to travel to that destination. I love Hawaii and this newsletter!

    2. I agree. We are already beginning to research other vacation options. Hassle is NOT what I want on vacation. Testing, masks, no food – nope. Never thought we would ever consider NOT visiting Hawaii. But…… enough is enough. Viruses will always be with us. I think there is something else feeding this frenzy that trying to save lives.

    3. We’re about to get a real-world (U.S.) test on whether making it easier to travel, shop, mingle with few restrictions results in what Fauci described today in the Senate hearing or what Rand Paul hopes. So, yes, restrictions might reduce the numbers of travelers, but they and the islands would undoubtedly be safer. It’s a personal decision for you. If you are willing to take the risk and another state or country has no problem, then by all means…

  6. In California we are in our 9th week of SIP. If we had the vi rus, even asymptomatic, it would be gone by now. You currently cannot get a test unless you have symptoms or you are a first responder. Even if we could get the test , if taken 3 days prior to boarding a plane you could still be exposed between the testing time and the flight time.

    If Hawaii wants to require tests then they need to come up with a way to test everyone before boarding the plane and it can not be an additional cost to the traveler. Why can’t airlines/airports use the Abbott test that has results in 13 minutes or less?

    1. Do you seriously expect 200 passengers (guess-timate) to take a 13 minute test before boarding a plane for Hawaii? Let’s do the math.

      200 flyers x 15 min per test = 3,000 min… 1 tester no break, two min between passengers.

      3,000 min / 60 min = 50 hours

      How early do you want to get to the airport?

      Does not pass the logic test

  7. How the travel industry reacts and implements health-focused measures will be THE most direct effect as to how quickly the Hawaii economy begins its slow but gradual climb back to economic health.

  8. I would absolutely never allow myself to be tested at an airport other than having my temperature taken. Personally I don’t think it’s going to do any good because you could still be contagious without showing any sort of symptoms. As for air travel, I cannot imagine wearing a mask for a five or six hour flight. It drives me crazy just have to deal with it in the store.

    1. Randy. Hawaii is an Island, they cannot risk people coming from everywhere bringing the vi rus into the sate. When will people realize this not just about you, it’s about you unknowingly spreading the virus to other people. How can people not possibly care about that, just so you can have a vacation? No one will ever wake up until they are staring down at a loved one’s tumb stone. That’s how it always happens unfortunately.

    2. We agree. Nope. Nada. We are planning a nice road trip to the mountains or the Gulf of Mexico.

  9. While testing three days may be one step, it still will not prevent this from entering the islands. Multiple testing times – before flying, upon arrival, several days after arriving will only identify those that have it and then the tracing begins. Poor Hawaii just does not have the resources to even test all their own residences, alone adding thousands of daily visitors and then follow-up again if they are positive for tracing.

    1. Hawaii has Great Resources for establishing self immunity.

      Sunshine, Vitamin D, fresh air.

      The immune compromised, elderly, etc. are always at higher risk for ANYTHING – including the annual flu. 20,000 – 50,000 die in the USA EACH YEAR from it. No one panics. Everyone else recovers. Personal Immunity is the answer to all this and that comes from exposure – not hiding.

  10. I have reservations for June 13th, flying in from California, rural area with few cases. I would be glad to cancel my trip if the condo would refund me my money, but they won’t! Purchased travel insurance, but doesn’t cover pan demic. The test only means you do not have it at that time. I don’t think this is a good idea.

    1. You should post the name of the condo so we can all ‘skip them’ if we ever visit Hawaii again. I know they are desperate, but the least they could do is let you reschedule.

    2. Hi
      Wondering why the people won’t refund your money on the condo? Did you rent through a company like VRBO, AirBnb?
      They have been really understanding about taking care of cancellations during this awful time.
      I’d also suggest you call your credit card company.

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