21 thoughts on “NCL Jewel Disembarking in Hawaii – Here’s Why. 9 Charter Flights.”

  1. Hawaii doesn’t even shut down their island. Are bars, hotels, closed like some other states?? Yet they let anyone fly in still.
    No Aloha spirit anymore.

  2. As passengers on one of the ships, we’re appalled by the lack of aloha spirit. We’ve effectively been quar antined and there are NO cases on our ship. As 40+ year visitors to Hawaii, we’ll keep your response in mind for future travels. We really don’t want to be exposed in Hawaii, but have no choice.

    1. You obviously have no idea how dangerous it is for those of us living on a small island in the Pacific! Aloha 🌺

  3. I see no reason given the circumstances for those two ships to even go to Hawaii. Divert here to the mainland.
    I mean what’s the point if all the passengers are going to be herded to the airport. If there are no cases onboard I’m not frightened if they unload here. Stay safe everyone but don’t be so quick to discard your humanity.

  4. Now is not the time to panic. I have always admired the Aloha Spirt of Hawaii and would hope that is this time of need that it will continue. Remember we are all Americans and we will get through this crisis together not separately! Let us help each other in this time of need.
    Aloha and Mahalo.

  5. If you are going to publish an article with a title starting, “Two Cruises From Hell Bound For Hawaii?” I think you should use a picture of one of the cruise ships you are talking about in your article. The two ships are the NCL Jewel and the HAL MS Maasdam, yet you show a picture of RCL Majesty of the Seas. That is bad publicity for Royal Caribbean by placing a picture of their ship with this article. Royal Caribbean’s Majesty of the Seas is currently in the Gulf of Mexico.

  6. Joan C.
    Please stop advertising reduced fares attracting tourists to Hawaii. I have worked at Maui’s hospital for 30 years and adding more tourists to our island is not prudent considering the situation.
    If the cruise ship needs to dock so that passengers can transfer to the Honolulu Airport, then do this with no travel on our island. Take them directly to the airport with strict precautions. No contact with other airport passengers.
    Protect our residents and healthcare systems. This travel is so unnecessary at this time.

    1. BoH provides information. If Maui, HI, the US, or the airlines want to prohibit entry into Maui, they can do that. I appreciate knowing what is happening to pricing during this time.

  7. It is likely many of these passengers are Americans, and all are human beings. We wouldn’t want to be stuck on a ship without a reason, so we should let them arrive but test passengers thoroughly before they fly, so they don’t spread the virus to HI and the rest of the country via airline flights. Let’s remember the Golden Rule and treat them as we would want to be treated.

  8. This isn’t the time to let cruise ships disembark passengers on any of our islands. We have such limited supplies for our residents as it is. Passengers picking up “just a few supplies” at our stores prevents locals from buying needed items for their families. Then there’s the possibility of contagion. Not a wise move.

  9. Why do they let flights land where people have only been on hours vs days with testing on the ship? Hawaiians want open borders. But not for THEIR borders.

  10. “As of this morning, that ship is located near Kiribati, about halfway between Polynesia and Hawaii.” Wait, what?? They’re both *in* Polynesia…

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