Two Lawsuits, $1 Billion+ | Hawaii Travel Woes Escalate

Just the beginning. As one alleges infringing on the right to interstate travel, another hopes to reopen vacation rentals.

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115 thoughts on “Two Lawsuits, $1 Billion+ | Hawaii Travel Woes Escalate”

  1. I am so happy that my daughter who lives in Hawaii is safe. She can now do things in groups of 10 people or less. Businesses and restaurants are re-opening. Should she risk her life and lose her freedome for those who want to vacation there? I would disagree. I suggest Brazil as a vacation destination for those who can’t appreciate the need to keep people safe. Thank you Governor Ige for keeping Hawaiians healthy. Thank you that I can live each day knowing she is ok. By the way, mortality is not the main thing. This disease permanently damages many of the people who get it. I can wait, and I will be back, and I will spend even more money in the great state of Hawaii.

  2. I am not the other Nancy M, the woman who is angry about not being able to rent her Kihei condo.

    I’m sorry for the people who are upset about missing out on their vacations and those who are losing money from their vacation rentals, but there’s a bigger picture here. Hawai’i has very few cases of C0VID and they want to keep it that way. I commend Governor Ige for that. Of course, some businesses will suffer, just as businesses are suffering on the mainland. I don’t know how it is where the rest of you live, but here in Oregon cases are rising, as they are in Washington, California, and numerous other states. That was part of Governor Ige’s reasoning. Maybe it is due to increased testing, but we still have people dying here, as do other states.

    We had to cancel our all-family Kaua’i vacation this summer. We weren’t thrilled, but we accepted it and we respect the reason. Our daughter and her family live on a neighbor island and they respect the latest quar antine extension. There’s no way they would want to have their children or her wonderful in-laws be exposed to this. The kupuna especially need to be protected.

    The governor isn’t trying to harm people or their businesses. He’s walking a tightrope trying to manage priorities and has come down on the side of health and safety. Most governors are doing the same thing, aren’t they?

    Okay, I’m dragging my soapbox back to the corner now.
    Mahalo, BOH, for the information you share with us, and for giving us this forum.

    Malama pono.

    1. Very well put. If everyone were as mature and reasonable, we would have fewer problems. Aloha nui loa.

      1. Dave R,

        You and I seem to be on the same wavelength regarding these issues. I respect your views and your regard for the people of Hawai’i.

        Malama pono.

  3. By the way, I never meant to disrespect locals with my comments about enjoying no tourists. I just meant, it must be nice to enjoy their home again without extra people coming in every day. I truly wish everyone good health. I’m ok with postponing our trip till it’s safe for locals and for us.

  4. Residents dont really care if the island opens up or if there is discrimination. Clearly most of them just want the island to themselves until they run out of thier mainland tourist dollars, or the howle cash cow.

    I was right though, the private and federal lawsuits are coming due to the stupid and reckless approach Hawaii has implemented. And yet still no real date for reopening, the highlight of how things work in Hawaii. Disorder denial of the long term problems and kicking the can down the road is king.

    1. All this stuff happened in hawaii before the pan demic, but for some reason this has increased the bad behavior and put it under the spotlight.

    2. CF,

      I don’t understand how you think it’s “stupid and reckless” for the governor to put the health and safety of the people of Hawai’i first. It’s just the opposite.

      And the correct spelling of the nickname for Caucasian is “haole.”

    3. “still no real date for reopening” – How inconsiderate of the vi rus to not set a date for going away!

  5. I’m sure there’s plenty of Hawaii residents enjoying this time of quiet without tourists on the islands. I was really hoping to hang on to our September reservations we made for our anniversary trip but I’m going to have to start canceling soon. We look forward to hopefully visiting your islands when all this madness is over, but it’s painfully obvious tourists are not wanted at this time. Stay safe and healthy!

  6. The governor should be congratulated for eradicating the vi rus on the islands by his actions, therefore potentially saving many lives. If he suddenly opened up the numbers would spike, just like states we can watch on the news every day. Unlike those states, the Hawaiian Islands are a long way geographically to get additional help if the hospitals and other resources get overwhelmed.

    I do understand and commiserate that hospitality workers are suffering. Here in San Francisco many of us have seen our jobs disappear altogether as our industry goes through many changes.

    As for mainlanders whining about missing their vacations, please be respectful. If you believe your vacation is more important than putting the health of local people at risk then go somewhere that has more resources and where local people are happy to ignore the very real threat of this.

    1. I would love to see my family from the main land they cannot stay 14 days in my house. It’s just not vacation people. Also Kauai is slowly dying many shops just closed down and will not reopen.Testing is the way to go. If Alaska can do it so can we.

  7. Just wow. Our borders are STILL closed but yall want to force open Hawaii. I am betting most of the suits are being put on by non residents who own condos. There must be a reason IE properly staffed properly cleaning etc.
    I am hoping that Hawaii can open with a safe plan in place. NO politician is going to make everyone happy and just because this particular governor is not popular there does not mean he isnt trying to do the RIGHT thing. I for one will be patient. Even if I end up losing my vacation money so that Hawaiians can remain safe.

  8. I own a zoned “Condo-Hotel” in Kihei.
    I am not allowed to rent it short term.
    Then I shouldn’t have to pay the inflated property taxes as I have no income!!!
    This is just not right. I have lost thousands of dollars in bookings this year all while trying to upgrade my unit thinking that renting will resume soon – and keeping contractors employed.
    Now it looks like 2020 is turning into a gap year.

    1. Unfortunately, it’s turning into a gap year for many of us in different ways, but we still have to pay our taxes.

      Hawai’i has one of the lowest hospitalization and death rates in the country, and I hope they’re able to keep it that way so we all have a safe vacation spot to return to, or in your case, to rent to tourists. The recent spike in infections is troubling.

  9. What’s BOH’s best guess when Hawaii opens up again? Our pastor and his wife have plans to visit Maui in September, flying Southwest.

  10. It’s about time someone sue the worst Governor in the US for destroying so many lives over his irrational paranoia and fears not based in science . Maybe he can go live in a bubble and allow rational folks to enjoy Hawaii masked a d soc. distancing but without living in a locked cell. Recall IGE!

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