44 thoughts on “Will Hawaii Health Dept. Official Be Fired: Recommended Horse Wormer for Covid?”

  1. I prefer the politicians not getting into my medicine chest. Let the medical doctors explore viable treatments as they are the ones who should be giving us options. Good doctors explore ALL methods of prevention and treatment. Politicians should stick to what they do worst. Attempting to govern. If the doctor has an opinion, we are all big boys and girls and should be able to hear it and research it and (OMG) make a decision for ourselves. Like in the good old days when personal responsibility was esteemed and not chastised.

  2. Why isn’t Dr. Pang fired immediately? Why is this tolerated without swift and decisive action by those in power in Maui?

  3. Wow BOH! Well let me tell you my personal experience with HCQ. Both my husband and I were prescribed HCQ after testing positive with Covid. We are extremely grateful to have had a doctor prescribe HCQ to us which has been around for years. We both recovered within 2 weeks. We did not need to be hospitalized but could recover from home. Currently we have several friends taking either Ivermectin or HCQ for either prophylactic reasons or for treating Covid. Believe it or not, there are physicians all over the country prescribing either Ivermectin or HCQ as treatment for Covid with positive results and are being threatened and silenced over a treatment that is making people recover. This whole scenario you wrote about screams politics.

    1. I became skeptical of politicians and media as soon as they went against Hydroxychloroquine.

      So the head of Maui Department of Health, with a long list of credentials far exceeding Green or Baker, offers more than just ” get vaxed or else” and he gets calls for his job.

      Remember when getting 2nd opinions was considered a good thing? Not anymore. It’s all settled science..except.. get your booster at months now.

      (Edited – warning on not adhering to https://beatofhawaii.com/comment-policy/)

  4. Directly from the CDC website….” ivermectin should be administered together with a topical agent. Oral ivermectin (200µg/kg/dose) should be taken with food. Depending on infection severity, ivermectin should be taken in three doses (approximately days 1, 2, and 8), five doses (approximately days 1, 2, 8, 9, and 15), or seven doses (approximately days 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 22, and 29).”

    This is a protocol for scabies. It Iis NOT harmful to humans in the right dose. If it helps with COVID (many studies have proven that) I say go for it! Big Pharm want’s to cash in folks. Ivermectin is relatively inexpensive and has been around for ages. The CDC even has protocols for it even though the FDA says stay away from it. Explain that! PS…I have been vaccinated and I will take Ivermectin to keep COVID away as the efficacy wears off, and if I get Covid, to minimize symptoms. It’s a choice folks. Choose to, or choose not to. I support your decision.

    1. Ummm…did you know that Ivermectin is produced by the Big Pharma company, Merck? Did you also know that Merck has come out with their own officially statement saying that their drug, Ivermectin, has NOT been proven to help treat COVID? Taken directly from their statement:

      “It is important to note that, to-date, our analysis has identified:
      -No scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against COVID-19 from pre-clinical studies;

      -No meaningful evidence for clinical activity or clinical efficacy in patients with COVID-19 disease, and;

      -A concerning lack of safety data in the majority of studies.”


  5. That’s funny, the fda tests on rats and other animals. I worked at Genentech and was in one of the testing buildings before. It’s horrific. You can hear animals scream sometimes and the smell is a punch in the face before even opening a door.
    The fda itself is not moral or compassionate. Nor does it have integrity or sensibility. This must be understood.

    There are many ways to skin a cat but most people are like the stereos echoing what is said into the mic (cdc/media/gov).

    I’m not saying the vaccine is necessarily bad just very new and to jump on it with reckless abandon just shows people’s true colors of fear, need for control and desire for pleasure.
    Their compassion disappears for the unvaccinated regardless of reasons.

    It’s not something you can force upon another. Just the attempt shows the violent nature of people. That force has alienated a part of society and now we are in a bad situation.

    Responsibility is how one responds not react. Don’t be a slave to your mind and make the right choice for yourself.

    I will still be going to Hawaii early to mid October since prices dropped and got some sweet deals but if things look rough I don’t mind staying home either.

  6. Regardless of dosage or past usage, Covid is not a parasite, it is a virus. Seems as though this not an appropriate recommendation from a public health person and they should be relieved of their job.

    1. Many drugs are found to have applications not originally planned or researched for!
      Rograine. Developed for high blood pressure and now used for hair loss
      AZT. Developed for Leukemia and now treats AIDS
      Tamoxifen. developed for anti fertility and now used for breast cancer
      Iproniazidn. Developed for tuberculosis and found it effective for treating depression.
      Cisplatin. Developed for E. coli now used for testicular and bladder cancer

      The fact that it was not made as a “anti-viral” drug has no bearing on what it can possibly do.

      1. There are many drugs that are may be classified for unlabeled uses but considered effective. I am a nurse and am well aware of this

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