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ABC News Gets Things To Do In Kauai All Wrong

ABC News published their guide to things to do in Kauai*, and it was at best laughable. At worst, it sends visitors off in strange directions. In their article entitled “What to see and what to skip in Kauai” the obviously unaware, largely uninformed and Hawaii-disconnected news venue suggests what you should and should not do. Read on and you’ll see what we mean.

Their Kauai advice apparently emanated in part from a Travelzoo writer. They would have done better advice checking with the definitive guide to Kauai, Andrew Doughty’s acclaimed online and print book Kauai Revealed. Or maybe our recent post entitled Our Favorite Things to Do on Kauai (and oh by the way, we all live here).

ABC News: “Skip Waimea Canyon, Hike the Giant.”

Beat of Hawaii: There is simply no comparison between world-famous for a reason Waimea Canyon and quaint Sleeping Giant in Kapaa. Waimea Canyon, our Grand Canyon of the Pacific is simply not to be missed. Whether on foot via hikes that vary from beginner to advanced (our preference), to car and air visits, Waimea Canyon is at the top of our list of favorites. The on the ground experience with beyond majestic views both into the brightly colored canyon and over the cliffs into the Pacific is a quintessential Kauai experience in our opinion. We enjoy Sleeping Giant too and its distant east Kauai vistas, but enough said. BTW, Sleeping Giant is a favorite for exercise by Kauai locals.

ABC News: “Skip the Hike, Take an Air Tour.”

Beat of Hawaii: We’ll take nothing away from a quick and dramatic overview of the island by air. It’s most spectacular and can serve to quickly put Kauai into a beautiful perspective. That having been said, Kauai is a special place, best experienced whenever possible with your feet on the red earth. We don’t particularly suggest air tours, and recommend you take the time to experience the island personally, without the noise and technology. You will be greatly rewarded!

ABC News: “Skip Waimea, Visit Hanapepe.”

Beat of Hawaii: Both of these sleepy south and west side towns are sweet and interesting. And Friday’s Hanapepe Art Night is certainly a highlight. Otherwise, both towns make for an okay stop when nearby, and perhaps not much else. Beyond the Art Night, these just do not make our favorite things to do on Kauai list.

ABC News: “Skip the Beach, Visit a Museum.”

Beat of Hawaii: Could you go more wrong than that suggestion? As many of you know, Kauai beaches are world famous and for good reason. With a long list of our favorites running from Kee Beach at the north end of the island to the opposite end at Polihale State Park, you’re in for memories of a lifetime at Kauai’s iconic beaches. If you do have extra time for the Kauai museum, that’s great and check their event calendar during your stay.

ABC News: “Skip the Swim, Kayak.”

Beat of Hawaii: Getting into the water on Kauai is among our top suggestions. As with walking on the land and feeling the “Aina,” nothing will put you in touch with the island more quickly. If you have time to kayak, go for that later.

ABC News: “Skip the Mai Tai, Drink the Coffee.”

Beat of Hawaii: Yes, Kauai has the largest coffee plantation in the US, Kauai Coffee. So if you want to see coffee growing on Kauai, you might want to make a quick pit stop en route to the south or west sides. Keep in mind that Kauai Coffee is anything but 3rd wave gourmet coffee. Owned by the parent company of Hills Bros., it is a large, chemically intensive, commercial operation. If you’re a true coffee aficionado, we’ll be writing more soon about great coffees of Hawaii we’ve been experiencing, so stay tuned for that.

ABC News: “Skip the Ocean View Room, Hit the Lighthouse.”

Beat of Hawaii: A matter of comparing apples and oranges. Or even worse. An ocean view room on Kauai is a fabulous idea. If that’s in your budget you’ll have no regrets, we can promise you. That is an experience as great as any – to be sitting on your Kauai vacation rental or Kauai hotel lanai taking in the magical air, listening to the sounds of the Pacific Ocean and experiencing the relaxing negative ions from the water. The lighthouse at Kilauea is surely great too – like we said, apples and oranges.

Title Note: We know the right way is to say, things to do “on Kauai. With that being said, most people search using the words, “in Kauai.” So this article will be seen by the majority, we have used their preferred search term.

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10 thoughts on “ABC News Gets Things To Do In Kauai All Wrong”

  1. I am traveling to Maui in January for the second time. We are also staying 4 nights in Kauai. Hawaiian Airlines has round trip flights for approximately $200.00. Would you please let me know whether you think this is a good price? Thanks so much!

  2. What a wonderful rebuttal to a terrible article by ABC. Thank you. Their article shows very clearly that the author has never been there and is working from bad hearsay opinion. If ABC does all of its research so slovenly, I am glad there are many other options for accuracy.
    Everything they put down are on my favourites list and I’ll have more exploring to do when I make my next/fourth trip to Kauai.

    1. Hi Michele.

      Thank you! We had the same sense that the author was likely never here. Not sure about the Travelzoo person they referred to either.


  3. Years ago when we had our first visit to Kauai we realized we could not do everything we wanted to do because of either time or money. We picked a few things to do and really enjoyed them, including taking the time to just relax on a beautiful beach or two. Then, when we were fortunate to return again and again, each visit brought new delights. Now, there is hardly anything we have not experienced on the island but it is still more wonderful every time we visit.

  4. Not go to a beach on Kauai? That is blasphemy!I think the ABC reporter needs a review of his or her “fun guidelines” The beaches are an integral part of the Kauai experience. By all means “do the beaches”!

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