allegiant air hawaii

Allegiant Air – What Comes Next

We’re happy to see Allegiant Air coming to Hawaii at long last. Why? Competition in the economy-oriented market segment means more affordable airfares to the islands should be forthcoming.

Allegiant reported a 23% increase in revenue with a 27%  increase in earnings for the quarter ending March 31.

It took over two years for Allegiant to clear the hurdles of flag-carrier status and etops certification needed to permit trans-Pacific flights. Now they’re ready to fly and we’ll be seeing the first routes starting in June. Those are weekly from Fresno and three times a week from Las Vegas.

Allegiant is assembling a fleet of six Boeing 757’s acquired specifically with a focus on Hawaii travel. The currently announced routes are barely enough for one of those planes. With the remaining planes coming on board before year’s end it leaves the looming question of what might be next.

Here are the next cities we expect to see in Allegiant’s schedule:

  • Oregon – either Eugene or Medford.
  • Southern California: Santa Maria, Santa Barbara or San Luis Obisbo.

Beyond the obvious, the other possibilities I’m envisioning include Oakland, Ontario, Phoenix-Mesa and Bellingham.

PS: Mahalo to Terri Waros of Kalele Bookstore in Kaunakakai on Molokai. A fine morning spent in a beautiful store with a great friend, preparing today’s update.

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4 thoughts on “Allegiant Air – What Comes Next”

    1. Aloha Ane,

      Allegiant doesn’t partner, it isn’t their model. As far as I know they also don’t have a branded credit card.



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