Allegiant Hawaii Expands Again With Some Surprises

Allegiant Air’s summer schedule has just been released and there’s some good news for Hawaii vacation planners. The airline is still looking to see if it can find its place in Hawaii travel. As you recall, after an exciting widespread initial launch replete with $99 Hawaii airfares, the company curtailed most services, then later decided to add Los Angeles. Now they’re bringing back Hawaii flights to Honolulu for summer 2014 (from June 4 to August 12) from the following mainland departure cities:

  • Eugene $253+ each way
  • Fresno $258+ each way
  • Las Vegas $293+ each way
  • Los Angeles $274+ each way
  • Phoenix $253+ each way

Allegiant Hawaii flights not operating next summer include:

  • Bellingham
  • Boise
  • Spokane

Beat of Hawaii take on Allegiant Hawaii

If you’re looking for Hawaii deals, you will have to wait and see how this shakes out. Allegiant has priced all of these cities at a premium. Since the fares were first published on their website, however, we note that some have already been cut by about $50 each way.

Allegiant may decide to further discount these fares as needed to fill planes. On the other hand, they might cancel flights if their desired price point does not sell Hawaii flights to capacity.

We do not see Allegiant as being committed to Hawaii service, unless it finds a sustainable long-term model. The company already determined that it cannot maintain year round Hawaii service successfully, except for Las Vegas. Those flights serve primarily gaming-bound Hawaii travelers for whom low price is often paramount.

The strategy here appears to be to stay away from other carriers whenever possible, which is part of Allegiant’s overall non competitive model. Eugene and Fresno are locations offering no no other Hawaii flights. From Las Vegas, Los Angeles and Phoenix, on the other hand, Allegiant faces direct competition from bellwether Hawaiian Airlines and others. Hawaii visitors from those cities will only use Allegiant when other choices are significantly more costly. Allegiant’s no frills and extra costs model doesn’t compare favorably with Hawaiian Airlines, for example, which offers a high level of customer service including free meals and beverages, seats that recline, and no charge for overhead carry-on luggage.

Stay tuned.

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6 thoughts on “Allegiant Hawaii Expands Again With Some Surprises”

    1. Hi Vincent,

      There are very few deals from Philadelphia to Hawaii and that is not likely to change. We report the deals, we don’t create them.


  1. I am not a fan of Allegiant. Their fares aren’t that much better than the other carriers and I don’t have to pay $30 for a carry on. They nickel and dime customers worse than any other carrier I have flown.

  2. While I am happy to see that the flights to/from Fresno will resume, at that price, I hope the luggage restrictions and fees will be addressed. If not, it is not very attractive and I think will be a hard sell. Almost like it’s designed to fail.

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