100 thoughts on “Arriving Hawaii Visitors Can Expect These Changes Ahead”

  1. Temperature checks are of very little value. The vast majority of people who are shedding virus do not have fevers. We do it at many institutions including my hospital, but again very little value.

  2. Wow,Safe Travels sure sounds like Big Brother type tracking to me.
    The wife and I don’t own a smart phone for them to transmit a Q code to. How will children be dealt with, will every individual have to have a phone to get their Q code for entry?
    How is the facial recognition going to work with everyone wearing masks and face coverings?
    Wow, what a world we are heading towards.

  3. How about this as a revised protocol? Antigen test results 72 hours or earlier before flight. Note: this could be done day-of, but advance test allows a positive to call air and accommodations. Upon arrival antigen test provided by airline In flight and submitted upon deplaning. After four days, a final antigen test submitted, as in French Polynesia. A positive would require quarantine.

    Though local community spread is the current culprit, this would answer the question of importing the virus through travel.

  4. Does anyone expect a government who has been spying on us in every way possible won’t use this opportunity to add new big brother monitoring into our lives?

    I don’t believe they won’t use that info to profile people and keep tabs on everyone. And taxpayers will pay for it 😊
    They already legalized selling and trading our personal data in all forms. And fraud went crazy.
    Hopefully Hawaii will be decently accessible in 2021 but I wouldn’t want to give up future rights for everyone just to enjoy my vacation during a pandemic 🤦🏽‍♂️

    But that’s just my view on it.

  5. I have two weeks scheduled for April at ko olina but I am not reserving a car or buying a plane ticket yet…not looking good on the mainland. Kids going back to school could make bad things happen this fall and winter.

  6. Wow..the best Governor Ige can do? I applaud those working to remove a leader with no plan to save a state or its economy. Next step…oh increase taxes, for all that own or want to travel to the state because a Governor stopped and killed the economy.

    1. From other articles I’ve read about this new website/app – Yes, the 14 day quarantine is still in place for all visitors. This is just a way for them to streamline the current paperwork. Eventually it appears the goal is to try and use this app as a location GPS tracker for the government to monitor your location during the required quarantine. Not impressed personally.

    2. I’m not even considering going until June 2021 — it’s just too disappointing to keep getting my hopes up *shrug*

    1. I agree completely. Additionally, I have two friends who tested positive for Covid and had symptoms, however, neither of them had a temperature over 98 degrees.

    2. Agreed, Chris.

      That’s the great part about being a consumer, we actually get to vote with our dollars. Hopefully, the World will find its way back from our current fate, soon!

    3. I agree with Chris M…will just wait this out…I love Hawaii and miss going to visit for a week or two each year. But I feel it is safer for me and for Hawaii that I pause for a year or two, hopefully this will be better for all in 2021 or 2022. Aloha to all.

    1. Officially, yes.

      At the same time, our Covid number and hospitalization situation is rapidly deterioriating, with numbers spiking in both Oahu and now also here on Hawai’i Island. (A record of 38 cases on the Big Island alone today.) As such, I believe that all bets on reopening tourism are purely speculative.

    2. This was in place for my Aug 2020 trip and all went smooth. What this does not address is the outer islands require a seperate form and do not except the online form. They want it filled out manually. The only island I had issues with was Kauai. They are in their own world and only except Kauai County forms.

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