68 thoughts on “Bucketlist Best Beaches in Hawaii 2022 | Experts Disagree”

  1. Since all “best” beaches is a subjective opinion, I’ll summarize my opinion based on the comments:
    1. The list is mostly the best “tourist” beaches.
    2. Best beaches tend to be on the more touristy islands (Maui/Oahu)
    3. Does anyone know Molokai? It has the longest white sand beach in Hawaii.
    4. If you haven’t experienced the water clarity of the Big Island, compared to all the other islands, you haven’t seen crystal water. We only have one river on Hilo side.

    More…but reached the BOH limit

    1. Hey. Keep the Moloka’i stuff to yourself. We’re trying to keep it more on the unknown side so it does not get ruined. 😉

  2. We have so many beautiful beaches here on Kauai. The most obvious is Hanalei. The rest I will keep to myself.

  3. The first time I visited Donkey beach on Kauai my jaw would not close. It is not a swimmable beach, but oh my, what a beauty!! I just could not believe how awe-inspiring it was! There I immediately I felt connected to the spirit of Kauai (can’t say the same about Poipu, unfortunately). Picture perfect, and I saw 2-3 people tops during several hours there.

    1. I had the same reaction as I came through the foliage tunnel ! Unbelievable. Here was Kauai’s beach.All of those years of visiting Kauai and I hadn’t found this place.

  4. 36 degrees at my house. Right now I’d be happy with a Honolulu mall parking lot with an obstructed view of the water!

    Patiently awaiting our next visit.Hopefully better days are coming. Thanks so much for your work.

  5. Hanalei Bay beach. Fine white sand, trade-winds, beautiful surf in select locations, multiple turtles to be seen in the water, iconic pier, Puff the Magic Dragon on the shoreline.

  6. We just returned from Hapuna Beach and Dr. Beach has it right. A really fantastic beach.
    Sorry to see Anini Beach on Kauai didn’t make the list.

  7. It’s very hard to beat Maui for the many beatiful beaches that are there, you can walk for miles. But for snorkeling we prefer Kauai.
    Aloha Guys

  8. Sometimes I wonder whether the best beaches lists are designed to distract people away from the “real” best beaches. Mine are not on the list, and I’m not telling. 🙂

  9. I always had a great day on Kapalua Beach in Maui, but alas, I’ve heard that they are doing construction there and there’s no place to park. I’ve been to Napili (Gazebo’s for breakfast) so now, I’ll have to check out the beaches there. Since our timeshare is in Kahana, we almost never drive down to Wailea or Kihei. Yes, Kaanapali Beach is the best! Of course, we spend most of our evenings in Kaanapali and Lahaina.

    1. Waikiki Beach was on the list. However, it shouldnt have been. The beach has always been too narrow and surrounded by skyscrapers. btw…it’s also called Kuhio Beach.

  10. THANK YOU again BOH for all you do to keep us ‘wanna be’ visitors informed. We really appreciate it.

    It is our opinion that Trip Advisor included one beach that is well below about a dozen that they did not include in their top 25. That’s Kaanapali Beach at Lahaina. Very narrow, as the picture above shows it to be. We’ve stayed in Kaanapali twice in the last 30+ years, last time was about 15 years ago, and we wouldn’t book that area again.

    I agree with previous comment about Tunnels. Actually, for tremendous visual scenery and beauty, my wife and I think Ke’e Beach at the end of the road on Kauai’s north shore can’t be beat – fairly wide, beautiful view of the Napali coast mountains, and good snorkeling. And the tree roots that are still supporting trees, even though the trunks are now 10-15 feet above the sand are just amazing. And the drive to and from is beautiful as well. The new parking lot and need for reservations have improved it as well.

    We too are among the ‘greys’ coming to Hawaii. We’ve had to cancel 4 reservations on Kauai over the past 8 months, and after cancelling the last one scheduled for 3 weeks in April, we decided to book the Big Island instead. Haven’t been there in nearly 15 years, as we’ve spent our 3-4 weeks on Kauai. STILL hoping to enjoy the 3 weeks we have reserved on Kauai starting late August. First inoculation received, next one within 2 weeks, so we’ll be very safe by early April.

    1. Hi Gary.

      Thanks for all of your comments. Glad you can get over to the Big Island followed by Kauai this year. Enjoy.


  11. Keamano Beach. If you have been there, you know why. If you have not been there, it probably sounds foreign or you have never heard of it.

    1. I stand by this choice. Might be the best beach in the world. Again, if you have been there you know why. If you have not been there, well, you should learn why.

  12. We all have our own favs. I find Lanakai sad, crowded and depleted. Kailua beach park inherited its sand over the years,and is more relaxing. It still has a great view of the Moks. My military family lived nearby in the 1950’s. The old pics are amazing. Before the sea walls and plantings it was a long, glorious stretch of white sand… dreamy and amazing.

  13. It’s hard to believe that Polihale Stae park and Beach is not one of the top beaches of Hawaii. Located on the western end of Kauai and ending at the Napali Coast, it’s truly amazing!!!!

    1. Polihale is a beautiful beach, but for all the driving over the pot holes in the cane road and the inability to swim there, for many, it is not worth going. I used to like sitting on that beach and watching the sunset. Most western on Kauai.

  14. Oh don’t we love lists? So much subjectivity. How does a beach change significantly from just one year previously? List try to make the creator of them relevant by changing things up but couldn’t be more inaccurate in many cases other than listing some of the usual suspects. For instance I would take Kauai tunnels Beach any day over Wailea beach in Oahu!! Same problem goes for TripAdvisor. I can assure you they are not the be-all end-all for opinions on anything regarding travel


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