Beach House Restaurant Kauai

Can Merrimans Save The Beach House Restaurant Kauai

Welcome news that Merrimans is among two recent buyers of the iconic Poipu Beach establishment. Known for a drop dead oceanfront location, The Beach House in our opinion has excelled in apathetic treatment of guests while serving mediocre food at top prices.

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15 thoughts on “Can Merrimans Save The Beach House Restaurant Kauai”

  1. I have been going to the Beach House for years and found the food to be good. I have always enjoyed the service provided. While I will agree it is expensive it is a better value than what you get from Merriman’s.

    Merriman’s offers small portions and the most expensive on the island. I think the Beach House is in trouble if they end up like Merriman’s.

  2. Kind of having a mild panic attack right now. While the service at the Beach House was not five star, I will say, I was a huge fan of the macadamia nut carrot cake for dessert. Could never finish it…but the few bites I had were always tasty. We are headed to Poipu in two weeks and I think I have mentioned this dessert to my family…say 50 times in the past 18 months.. that I am going to “eat the whole thing.” Dear Lord…or in this case, Dear Beat of Hawaii…where am I going to find a comparable piece!? HELP! Mahalo!

  3. Been going to Kauai every year now for twenty one years. The Beach House the worst tourist trap of all, but Merrimans not much better. Poipu tends to attract the LA crowd with California suburban overkill , bad taste and and/or excessive expense account excess which all foster nada bargains for the $$. North of the island is dominated by Princeville with nearly equal overpriced
    environs, but at least far better views; sorry better sunsets than Beach House with Na pali in background-if only ther were some restaurants other than the stuffy hotel.
    I hate to give away the true gems of the island , the “kick back” real Hawaii places, but Kintaro with real Japanese-Hawaiian faily run great food-and the best sushi is an annual must for us. Same chef and waiters,etc there every year, and real local patrons not just tourists. Many little Thai and other ethic and island food places are the real gems. Hell’s bells , we don;t go to Kauai to eat overpriced hotel or pompous Italian restaurants-kauai is not the Jersey shore!

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