Beat of Hawaii | Cheap Flights to Hawaii

Cheap Flights to Hawaii From Dallas, Detroit and Minneapolis $454+ RT

More deals on cheap flights to Hawaii from distant cities today. There are flights to all islands included in this brief turf skirmish. Of course these could end at any time as they are not published sales. Don’t delay if they work for you. Details follow.

Availability varies by route but is spotty for travel from now through early March. Use flexible date search to find deals on airline websites or try an online travel agency like Orbitz for multi-airline itineraries. These fares are available either starting on the mainland or in Hawaii.

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Cheap Flights to Hawaii From Dallas, Detroit and Minneapolis $454+ RT



  • Honolulu $513 – Alaska (long layover)
  • Maui $490 – Alaska (long layover)


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20 thoughts on “Cheap Flights to Hawaii From Dallas, Detroit and Minneapolis $454+ RT”

  1. Do you have any advice for booking a vacation to Aulani June 8th – June 14th (3 adults, one child age 6)? Is there a way to find cheaper prices? When should I book the flight?

    1. Hi Traci,

      Sorry we don’t have any suggestions on Aulani and haven’t seen any deals on that for some time. As for flights – it is tough because you departure is low season but return is high season. A gut call is to wait on airfare until spring deals may lower one segment.


  2. Just flew from Hilo to jfk on Hawaiian and had an amazing flight,layover in Honolulu then direct to jfk.when would be the best time to book another flight to Jfl for April?We got two great meals,and watch really good movies all the way.wonderful service on such a long flight.

    1. Hi Diane,

      Yes we use that flight as well and it is very convenient and comfortable. Nothing helps that extreme east/west jet lag however.


    1. Hi Bethany,

      Departures available include January 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 28, 29 and February 18, 19, 20. Depending on departures returns might include January 19, 22, 26, 27. 28, 29, and February 5, 8 and 9.

      Will be gone shortly.


  3. I was excited to finally see a decent fare out of Detroit. But the the flight connections are not good. I can deal with a four or five hour layover if necessary, but 15+ is terrible. Alaska Air has but one flight out of Detroit that obviously does not provide a very good connection. For me it is worth it to spend a bit more and get there as quickly as possible, rather than arrive all worn out. Come on Alaska Air, one lonely flight out of Detroit!

    1. Hi Joe,

      Concur completely. We hope to see Alaska change this long connection issue not only from Detroit but other east coast cities as well.


      1. In my little rant about the lead times from Detroit, I neglected to say thank you to “The Beat of Hawaii” for letting me and all subscribers know about fare news and other interesting reports about Hawaii. I am grateful for this wonderful website!

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