Gilligans Island Hawaii Remake Coming To Netflix

Jane Mansfield was to have starred in the iconic Gilligan’s Island TV show widely associated with Hawaii and about to be reborn.

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58 thoughts on “Gilligans Island Hawaii Remake Coming To Netflix”

  1. She did not die of Covid

    Dawn Wells died on December 30, 2020, at the age of 82 in Los Angeles, due to causes related to COVID-19 during the COVID-19 pandemic in California.

    1. Uh, well yes she did… you said so yourself. If she did not get the covid, then she would not have died of covid caused complications. Well, then anyways, we all die sometime.

  2. Thank you so very much! What a treat! Reading your article, comments and watching the link.
    What a blessing! Thank you again!

  3. On every Holo Holo cruise we have done for the last17 years at some point they play the theme song to Gilligans Island and most everyone sings along.

  4. My wife and I went on a movie excursion tour in Kauai in Dec 2015, We visited the spot where they filmed the pilot. Trivia – the filming of the pilot started on November 22, 1963, however the film crew noticed a US Flag in the distance lowered to half staff. Once they heard about what happened in Dallas they halted production.

  5. Fun fact – Dawn Wells’ father owned a rock excavation company in Las Vegas Nevada, which supplied builders with crush stone and other stone products in order to build houses, commercial buildings and roads in LV for years. The name was Wells Cargo, look it up.

  6. I really enjoyed all the Gilligans Island trivia! I loved the show as a child. I haven’t seen the pilot and look forward to watching the link! Thanks for positing it!

  7. We spent many hours watching Gilligan’s Island, along with Hogan’s Hero’s. They brought so much fun into our lives.

    Thank you for remembering the Gilligan’s crew.

  8. Thank you – I never saw the pilot, and it was fun to see the similarities and differences from the show. I’ve been out to ‘Gilligan’s Island’ in Kaneohe Bay, and was told the show’s original scene (not the pilot) of the shipwrecked boat was filmed there, in a little bay near where you dock. I wonder if that’s true. Anyway, it was a fun tour of the marine research facility and history on the island.

      1. As I was growing up, I used to watch Gilligan’s Island with my brothers. I liked Mary Ann more than Ginger because Ginger was more sophisticated, sultry and worldly. It was intimidating; whereas, with Mary Ann, you could be normal and act like yourself! Just a goofy kid!

        I remember the radio; bicycle and other things that the professor made. How come they never thought about using the palm trees to patch the holes? And I’m sure that the SS Minnow had a compass and with checking the stars, the skipper should have been able to figure out where they were. Just thinking😅

  9. My mom cleaned Gilligan’s teeth, LOL. 😆 She worked as a dental hygienist in the LA area and periodically cleaned different famous peoples’ teeth, but Gillian is the only one I remember because I liked this show so much when it was in reruns. Interested to watch the pilot, thanks!

    1. Hi Kim.

      Thanks. That’s so funny. You’ll see in the comments other interesting relations to the show.


  10. Loved reading and going back in time to Gilligans island! The Opening song was fun! Can’t believe there is only one remaining from the show. Are we really that old?

  11. I used to love that show (old enough to see it first run). I laughed so loud when the aliens on Galaxy Quest were worried about those shipwrecked humans from the SS. Minnow.

  12. My daughter and I have gone to Coconut Island a couple of times for science field trips. It’s so beautiful there! Thanks for this article, and for including the clip from the beginning of the pilot episode. I’ve never seen that before, and I had no idea that originally, there was a totally different song than the iconic “Three-Hour Tour” one!

  13. I have enjoyed your Beat of Hawaii feeds for many years now… I live on Maui, but always learn from you guys. Yes I remember Gilligan‘s Island… My dad was the producer. His name was William Froug. I will wait for my husband to return from golf, and we will watch the pilot together. Thanks for sharing the trivia!

    1. Hi Suzy.

      Thanks for saying that and for being a long-time reader. We appreciate your comment and that’s so interesting about your dad being the producer.


  14. Finally something fun. Dawn Wells aka Mary Ann was the only actor in the show that had residuals written into her contract in case there were reruns of the show later in life. Smart woman and smart agent. Helped her have a comfortable life until she passed.

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