Updated: Governor Asks That Visitors “Stop Hawaii Travel” For Now

Ige: Visitors… will not have the typical kind of (Hawaii) holiday they expect.” Important Hawaii travel news.

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177 thoughts on “Updated: Governor Asks That Visitors “Stop Hawaii Travel” For Now”

  1. We are supposed to fly from Seattle to Oahu on Wednesday the 1st of Sept. What are the hotel resorts looking like, pools beaches restaurants, luau’s? Hawaiian airlines working with people to reschedule? 🤦🏼‍♀️😢 😫

  2. I’m already scheduled to fly on Sept 12 on Hawaiian Airlines. I’ve purchased my air b&b and have a car reserved.

    My party of three are all vaccinated. We believe in wearing our masks. We believe in social distancing.

    Barring a state-imposed shutdown, I will visit as planned. I will be as respectful as I have been since I first started coming to Hawaii 24 years ago.

    The Governor really ought to focus on the heart of the problem: community spread. If 2% of the cases are from visitors, then Hawai’i really needs to take a long look in the mirror. Scape-goating the tourists won’t solve the problem and neither will harming small businesses whose livelihoods depend on tourism dollars.

    I cannot wait until this awful pandemic is over. Vax, mask and social distance, good people!


    1. Mahalo for respecting the practice of wearing your mask (my mask protects you – your mask protects me) and 6 ft. social distancing. You are the visitors that are appreciated when they come to the islands. Mahalo for spreading aloha.

    2. Totally agree with you! Its the locals that the governor is speaking about. 2% of COVID is visitors, not a lot to ask us not to travel.

      I waited 25 years to come back and will do what is required (I am vaccinated, wear my mask, try to stay social distancing when possible) I will test before I leave and when I return.

      I’m praying for all the healthcare and front line workers since they are dealing with a lot.

      Please everyone stay safe!!!


  3. Please understand hawaii’s medical facilities and residents are stress. Visiting now would not be a vacation.

  4. I am in shock right now! We had to cancel our Aulani trip last September. Then rescheduled this past June, because things were getting back to normal. Now this? We have reservations at Aulani for Sept. 30 thru Oct. 5, and I can’t believe we are faced with possible cancellation again!!!! What do I do?

  5. We have a trip already scheduled to visit three islands in two weeks from today. I looked at what the same trip would cost in October or November or further down the road and it is several thousand dollars more expensive. Not sure what I should do at this point. This trip was a reschedule from last year’s lockdown.

    1. I had to fly interisland for surgery. I was very uncomfortable with the long TSA lines, being required to check in,3 hours ahead and being by,chef together in the tea line ups with No Social Distancing Allowed.
      Not the timetotravelto Hawaii at any savings.

  6. This article saddens me. It is no person’s fault. It is the fault of the disease. In June 2020 I had to cancel my visit to Oahu – I was going to visit my Aunty and celebrate her 100th birthday. I promised I would be there to celebrate 101. I had to break that promise too. I would like to visit her sooner than later but I won’t take the chance and jeopardize her or my family on Oahu by potentially carrying the disease to the island. I wish others would do the same. I wish Hawaiians would remain in Hawaii so as not to perhaps bring the disease back when they return. But all traveling would be safe if everyone would get vaccinated. Mahalo for letting me vent.

    1. Well said Sue…it’s the individual stories that have come out of this Pandemic
      that sadden me the most, and now the people that were excited about coming to Hawaii after a rough year and have had that dashed is terrible. The kids that are having so much of their youth compromised, and the so many people who have died or had some close to them die. Sad situation all around.
      Best to all and this will pass at some point…..

    2. Whether you’re vaccinated or not, the virus can still infect you and you can be asymptomatic and spread it to people without even knowing it. That’s why it’s so important to limit your travel, unless it’s absolutely necessary. Anyone willing to travel during the pandemic assumes the risk that your travel plans may change and be derailed. I don’t feel bad that people’s travel plans are impacted. I feel bad that people don’t realize that there’s something more important happening around them and that they should be helping to stop the spread of the virus by not traveling.

  7. The Governor thinks, the Governor “asks”.
    That’s a first.
    In my humble opinion a slow down is a good idea, but not slamming the brakes on.
    Covid variant Delta is crazy on fire everywhere.
    We cannot return to the way things were in the first Covid lockdown.
    It’s proven that the vaccines and distancing work.
    If anything, distancing should be first, before rolling back the numbers of people gathering together.
    Having Ohana on the BI right now, the locals and visitors are all masking and distancing. Not everyone is reckless.
    Please be safe and stay blessed.
    Most of all be kind to others.
    Mahalo Beat of Hawaii. You guys are incredible and we’re thankful for you and all you do for others.

    1. Hi Pam.

      Thanks. We appreciate you hanging in there with us through all of this and your thoughts on today’s announcement.


  8. Maybe the Gov should ask residents to stop gathering at back yard parties and entertaining family in thought quarters as well.

  9. Thank you for the excellent job of keeping us informed, we are scheduled to fly to Maui on Sept 21. Can you tell us if Hawaiian Airlines is going to loosen their policy regarding changes, I know United has done so and Southwest never had such restrictions. Any info would be helpful, Mahalo

    1. Hi Rich.

      Thanks. That’s a good question and one we’ve wondered about in terms of all the airlines that aren’t allowing changes. Not sure if anything will change now with that or not.


  10. So please explain why it makes sense to ask visitors that are vaccinated to stay home instead of making residents traveling home to the islands to be vaccinated. All non residents traveling into Hawaii have to show proof of vaccination. Why don’t residents traveling into the islands have to show proof of vaccination to travel into the state?

    1. Margaret,
      Returning adult residents have to show proof of vaccination and children under 12 have to have a recent negative COVID test before they can fly home, at a cost of $165.

        1. Jon D,
          Yes, children under 12 DO have to have a negative COVID test within 72 hours before they can fly from the mainland back to Hawai’i. It cost $165 for each child two weeks ago. QuarantIning doesn’t have anything to do with it.

          Thank you for all you do in keeping us informed. You are the best!

      1. Nancy M – What you said is patently untrue. No one has to be vaccinated or show a negative test to fly home to Hawaii. Returning residents merely have to “say” they will quarantine for 10 days after returning home in order to not test. I seriously doubt many do, or else the cases in Hawaii would not be exploding as they are now.

        1. Ed C,
          Two weeks ago our daughter and her family returned from Portland to Maui on Hawaiian. The adults had to show proof of vaccination and the kids had to be tested within 72 hours.

          1. Nancy M – You misunderstand. The only reason you have to be vaccinated or show a negative test is to avoid quarantine. You do not need either one to travel to Hawaii if you are planning on “quarantining”.

            I suggest you go to hawaiicovid19.com/travel/getting-to-hawaii so you can read it for yourself. Scroll down to the “Quarantine Guidelines” section.

            I will say it again. The ONLY reason you have to be vaccinated or show a negative test result is to avoid going into quarantine for 10 days when you arrive in Hawaii.

    2. because vaccination does nothing to stop infection and spread. If youre not testing before travel you are part of the problem

  11. Mahalo for this detailed news. What a racket this must be for travel insurance companies. I’m finding vacation rental companies are selling and pushing travel insurance. I don’t think most travel insurance covers you except in somewhat extreme circumstances, which I believe this announcement should count as such, yet it won’t because it is only a request. Wasn’t it just a request visitors cancel or leave in March 2020 too though? I got refunded everything then. Near-term visitors sure seem stuck between a rock and a hard place if they can’t move their travel plans. This variant is a major problem. We need more to get vaccinated and we need to approve it for children under 12 to alleviate the healthcare system.

  12. My husband and I have plans to visit November 10-23. He is adamant that we go, but I am very hesitant. He is in his early 70’s I am in my late 60’s, both fully vaccinated and awaiting a booster.

    Any suggestions?

    1. We have a trip planned for Oct 16 to 29 to main island. I want to respect the governor’s guidance but still hope 6 weeks from now it will be better. Thoughts?

  13. I have a question BOH:
    I know for a fact that a vaccinated friend and her husband who are traveling to the islands in the next couple of days went ahead and took a 72 hour pretest to cover themselves. Well, the husband tested negative and the wife positive for Covid-19. She stated to me that she already put in their vax card info to the Safe Travels site and will be flying there anyway. How is this fair? She tested positive, is vaccinated yet she can still travel to Hawaii?

      1. its not crazy at all

        its yet another example of how selfish people will exploit a broken system. you should report them if you care about saving lives.

        I felt safe travelling to hawaii on long flights earlier this year when i knew that everyone was tested. Now its a total crap shoot that youre not in a middle seat with superspreaders on both sides

    1. This is terrible! She will be on a plane contaminating other passengers! Is there any way you can report this to the airline anonymously fir the sake of others?

    2. This I’m sure would be a more common occurrence if people tested. As I mentioned in a prior post. The data started showing a spike in cases 7/12. 7/7 was the last day to be tested. Coincidence? Umm no. Israel data shows in June that vaccines where off radpidly month over month. We were fed a line that people wanted to hear and they were more than happy to go along with it.

      1. I don’t think the major contributor was the change in testing requirements. The biggest changes in July were an increase in passenger count (more than 2x the passengers that arrived in May) and the Delta virus becoming more prevalent.

        Keeping the testing requirements in place may have helped to some degree but with this many visitors and residents returning from the mainland, many passengers will arrive with COVID and not be detected because it takes 3 to 5 days for folks with COVID to shed the virus.

        1. The reason people started showing up was because there were no testing requirements. More people bigger crowds more spread. People relaxed I’m vaccinated no problem.

    3. When I had Covid (last winter) the city health department was calling me within a day of my positive test. I assume it does get reported and hopefully this woman either gets caught or decides to do the right thing!

    4. I’m afraid that there’s the possibility that any of us who are vaxxed could test positive–breakthrough cases of Delta.

  14. Aloha BOH Bro’s

    You are on the ground on Hawaii what are your feelings on this matter?

    By the way I’m sitting in a restaurant in Monterey over looking the bay. It’s packed….

    1. Hi Richard.

      We’re frustrated that more wasn’t done sooner since this has obviously been escalating for months. We wonder how tied the state’s hands are now in terms of doing much. Curfew, sure, limiting gather size, yes, but stopping flights, not likely. When the quarantine stopped being supervised at all (and frankly it wasn’t good even when it was quasi-supervised), that seems to have been among critical failures in all this too. Anyway, it’s easy to second guess it all, but it is frustrating and concerning all the way around at so many levels.


  15. It may be helpful to some of you watch the Governor’s press conference. He is requesting that people not travel to Hawaii and for residents not to travel unless it is essential because there are no ICU beds . There is no option for setting up an additional overflow area because that requires federal money and every state is facing the same . Airline tickets do not have change fees . Car rentals from reputable companies do not have penalties. Hotels and condos may allow you to reschedule since Governor Ige has made this request. Ask yourself if a vacation is worth coming to Hawaii if you end up laying in a hallway and there is no ICU bed available for you, your child , or your loved one. That is the reason he made the request . If your answer is you are okay with that , then come on over and be as safe as possible . Make sure you buy travel insurance . If you do not think tourist have come here and died of covid , do some research . An 11 year old boy died of covid after traveling to Hawaii back in the spring . It was reported in the national news . Both parents were vaccinated .

    USA Today

    The Hawaii Department of Health said Tuesday that the boy is under 11 and had known underlying conditions.

    “While we mourn all victims of COVID-19, today’s announcement of the death of a child from this virus is especially heartbreaking,” Gov. David Ige said in a statement. “Dawn and I express our deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of this child.”

    It was the first coronavirus-related death of a child in that age range in Hawaii.

  16. I just returned from the islands in July. We had a wonderful vacation. I’ve been to Hawaii several times and other than putting on a mask to shop and to get inside a restaurant it was really no different on Oahu. Big Island was a little more strict, but not aggressively so. Because my sister lived there for a number of years, I know many of the locals. All most all of them are sick of masks and have had it with mandates. As a regular visitor to Hawaii, I am very grateful that I made it during the time where mask requirements were dropped for outside and some of the precautions were not as intense. My vacation was cancelled last year and this was a makeup trip because I could not get all of my money returned (airlines mostly). Therefore, I understand people who can’t get a refund. However, I am honestly telling you that if you have insurance and you can get a refund then, DO NOT GO TO HAWAII!!! They do not want visitors there. Hawaii is not what you think it will be. This is by design of the governor. Honestly, I was treated nicely by the majority, but the really ugly mean and nasty people were the VISITORS themselves! Be careful getting on the elevator! Elevators seem to be a haven for rudeness and I can see how it could turn very ugly quickly as I was often scared. Having said all of this, I love Hawaii, but it just isn’t worth it right now. I truly believe if there really is a major Covid outbreak in Hawaii it is because the locals are going to Vegas. Not to be rude to the locals, but Vegas is all they talk about and I don’t hear Ige addressing that at all! I also believe that they are scaring people to death so that they get the vaccine. I am vaccinated because I wanted to be. If you don’t want to be then it is your choice and our government needs to stop with the scare tactics. Ige is ruining peoples lives in Hawaii. There are not enough workers now to handle the tourism and that’s another reason why they don’t want visitors there!

    1. Amy, as a Big Island local I really like your post. You describe the situation really well — the problems with Vegas, rude and entitled visitors. There is one more area I’d like to add: I think all of us locals had been very very tired of excessive tourism before Covid even started. Yes, tourism is our economic engine, sure, but look at the changes it brought to our island even before Covid even started? No offense intended, but our Kailua Kona area, for example, used to be “Country” and now it is American suburbia, a jungle of highways, homelessness, generic shops & gas stations, Big Box stores, parking lots, constant noise. We can all remember how it looked like just a few years ago, when it truly was a paradise on earth and luminaries like Steve Jobs would think it low key enough to vacation here. Those days are gone! Tourism and part time residents bying real estate away from locals had been increasingly impacting our lifestyles for a long time, altering it to become nearly unrecognizable. Many of us are very frustrated because our local government has often been part of the problem by allowing this to happen, even encouraging it. Vegas is for many of us the only escape from a terrible situation where life has been upended by large scale industrialized tourism.

      1. Leilani,
        Thanks for your kind response. I can see why the locals would be upset. You have a beautiful island….its my personal favorite. I’ve tried to convince my sister many times to move there, but she likes Oahu and has said she would only consider moving if it were to Maui, otherwise she is happy. I suppose that is what makes people different. I would hate to see Big Island get any more commercialized. I blame a lot of this on the airlines, but you have made some excellent points that I agree with. Take care and stay safe. BTW- I am drinking coffee that I got from one of my favorite little coffee farms there…. 🙂

    2. I’m a local and I don’t know a single person going to or obsessed with going to Vegas. Perhaps your sister’s crowd, but it is NOT EVERY LOCAL.

      1. Diana J,
        I apologize. I didn’t mean to offend and you are correct, it is NOT every single local obsessed with Vegas. The point I am trying to make is that things have changed in Hawaii. It is wall to wall people and it has an air of rudeness that is coming from the visitors. This last trip was the worst I have ever seen it. If visitors aren’t nice to other visitors then I can’t image how they are to locals who have to deal with it and can’t get away from it. There are more and more people coming to the islands perhaps because of the low airline prices and all of this is scary in a covid world. I accept that I am part of the problem and now that I don’t have to worry about losing money, I won’t return. I will live with my happy memories. Again, I apologize.

  17. I am wondering what will happen if there is a lockdown and visitors have accommodations
    reservations that are non-refundable ( ie VBRO). I am hoping to be on Oahu for the entire month of February to visit family. I have insurance but am still concerned about not being able to get my money back.

  18. Hi, we are planning a trip over Labor Day weekend. We already had to postpone our trip last September due to COVID. With the Governor’s request to stop pleasure travel at this time, do you think the airlines are willing to provide a travel credit again, for an extended time? I am a little nervous about traveling to Oahu at this time, but certainly don’t want to lose my airfare from Hawaiian Airlines. I would appreciate your thoughts on this. Thanks in advance for your response back.

  19. Thank You Beat of Hawaii for the updates, they have been very helpful. People need to realize that the vaccine is the way to keep yourself safe. Yes, you can still be infected with COVID, but chances of surviving is high when you are vaccinated. Hospitalizations will be lower and there will be ICU beds for those that cannot be vaccinated or have underlying conditions that put them at greater risk. These are the people that need the beds, not the people that are scared of a vaccine that is fully approved.
    Stop the tourists for less than 2%? People need their heads checked. Cannot keep paying people for staying at home. Get vaccinated and do your part to save yourself.

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