66 thoughts on “Hawaii Hurricane Douglas Approaching Us Here Today”

  1. Stay safe Kauai! Our favorite island that we have been blessed to visit several times. Our prayers are with her people

  2. I traveled from San Diego to my Lana’i home on Thursday. The sirens sounded this morning (Sunday) and the alert was sent to my phone. So far it’s been quiet here. Fortunately for those of us on little Lana’i, Maui and Molokai have provided protection from Douglas as it tracks on the east side of the chain. May everyone on Oahu and Kauai stay healthy & safe! I’ll certainly be following the updates.

  3. Aloha Guys
    hope you stay safe. nothing much over here in Kihei. Like a typical rain/wind storm. at least this time we DID get some rain. usually nothing.
    All the best.
    Ane T.

  4. Sending you two and all the Kauai residents good thoughts and hoping for minimal effects from the hurricane.

    Take Care! 🌺

  5. Thinking of you and other friends on Kauai. Hoping things do not get too serious. Sounds like you are prepared. Mahalo for keeping us all posted.

  6. Aloha & many wishes for the safety of yourselves and all the Islands ohana- The Covid-19 non-economy can not be making this any easier! (Except for the lack of tourists to worry about, that probably helps :-/ )

    Best wishes for everyone-

  7. We have kids in Kaneohe, and cousins near Diamond Head. Hoping that all stay safe, and the damage is not significant.

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