66 thoughts on “Hawaii Hurricane Douglas Approaching Us Here Today”

  1. I wish to thank you so much for all the time and effort spent and all the great information you all put out. I watch your updates as soon as they come out and they have been very instrumental in trying trying to make plans to come back. I lived in Hawaii while in the military back in 2008 and I had planned to visit end of April and first of May 2021. I am unsure now if it will be better by then and I don’t want to visit Hawaii with a lot of restrictions. Thanks again for this site and the information you put out. Please be safe during this time with the hurricane and Covid-19.

    1. Hi Debbie.

      Thank you. Yes, the world seems so unsure, and Hawaii is just one aspect of that. We see the same thing in Europe too. Open one day and closed the next.


  2. be safe! We are all here rooting for you! Please let us know if there is anyway we can help!

  3. Much safety and Aloha to all residents there. Haven’t heard back from my friend in Kailua, O’ahu, but hoping all is looking better.
    Looking forward to returning to Paradise when the green light is shining for all who love the islands.

  4. Aloha Jeff and Rob…
    If it’s not one thing, it’s another. Pandemic and Hurricane! The world is in a bit of chaos. So sad that things haven’t changed to allow visit to the lovely Islands, but now the fear of what nature unleashed can bring.
    I hope you and everyone keep safe and that ‘Douglas’ does not reek too much havoc…
    All prayerful good wishes.

  5. Stay safe, Guys!

    Hoping you can ride this out with minimal issues. As if Hawaii hasn’t had enough crap to deal with this year, eh?

    Thanks for the update, and take care!

    1. Hi Jim.

      Thanks. The latest reports and conditions on the ground are encouraging.


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