Hawaii Reopening Free Fall | You Can Now Call With Questions

Updated 1:45 pm. We sit just 10 days from Hawaii’s planned reopening of tourism with quarantine no longer required for those testing negative according to state specifications. But what is actually about to happen is anything but clear. The state is contemplating a second test after a three-day quarantine. There is supposed to be a press conference with answers to how this is going to work no later than tomorrow. As of this morning, there was no indication of when that might take place. Furthermore, with this much dissension so close to the planned reopening, we aren’t sure whether the state will even be ready to make an announcement.

On checking the state’s COVID 19 website today, there have been few changes since last week. There is, now, however, a notable change, which is a phone number you can call with your questions. The website says, “I’m having technical problems; can someone help me? Yes, contact the Safe Travels Service Desk (10 a.m. to 10 p.m. HST): 1-855-599-0888.” If you do call, please let us know how that goes. We have no idea what it means by “technical problems.” When we tried calling at 10:01 am, the only option offered was to leave a voice mail so we couldn’t find out anything further. The lieutenant governor said travelers would be able to call with questions, but did not specify what kinds of questions would be answered.

CVS says travel testing starts October 10, but more information isn’t available.

If you visit the CVS MinuteClinic website, they will begin offering tests for travel later this week. But it ends there, no details about which locations will offer them, what they will cost (we believe $139), and how to make appointments.

Beat of Hawaii: for Hawaii’s most long-touted premier partner to have so little information this close to reopening date is a failure.

It has been nearly three weeks since CVS said, “We are proud to be able to support the state of Hawaii as they reopen for recreational travel in October… Once the program begins, people requiring a COVID-19 test to enable them to travel to Hawaii will need to register online to schedule an appointment at a COVID-19 test site at select CVS Pharmacy drive-thru locations. Tests will cost $139 per test and we currently expect the majority of test results to be available within two to three days. It will be live in time to allow travelers to schedule a test in advance of their planned travel to the islands and within the time frame required by the state.”

We are also awaiting the list of approved testing partners from the state.

The state (via the lieutenant governor) has indicated it will only accept test results from its approved partners. As of today, the website says: “The state of Hawaii will accept test results from trusted testing partners: CVS Health and Kaiser Permanente (as of 9/30/20).”

So which is it: One pre-travel test with no quarantine or two tests and 3-day quarantine?

Well, it all depends on who you ask.

Three county mayors, a number of legislators, and others are calling for additional mandatory testing and quarantine (albeit briefer) on arrival. In a joint letter to the Governor, legislators said they “Are concerned that the 72-hr pre-test and on-arrival temperature screening will not provide adequate vetting of infected travelers and will catch less than 60% of travelers to our islands.”

On the other hand, Lt. Governor and emergency room physician Josh Green, who is the official in charge of the state’s testing program for travel has said that a second on-arrival test is not possible. Hawaii simply does not have the testing capacity. He believes the single pre-test will work. He has since said he is open to the second test of 10% of arrivals to confirm that the pre-travel tests are working as planned. With a second sampling, “We would see–is it two out of 100 that were positive four days in? Is it one? Maybe it’s a lot, if it’s a lot of people we’ll adjust the policy, that’s a way to do it.”

Green believes the risk of a negative pre-travel test later turning positive is about one in 1,000. “All this energy on a second test is a misdirection and fearmongering. Of course, the more tests the better, but only if we have them.”

Green has confirmed Hawaii has about 4,000 total tests available daily for all uses. “If they test positive on the fourth day, what happens? They have to stay here and quarantine for two weeks, with all of their family who are close contacts in a hotel at their own expense. Do you think that they’re going to agree to that?”

Green’s White House analogy.

Green said, “Those guys are getting tested every day. It’s because they didn’t wear masks. So, the real debate should be about masks. The mayors should enforce their mask-wearing policies that will be excellent.”

“If people want to not open Hawaii, if that’s what some of the mayors are saying, they should just say it and we’ll have that discussion… Then we’ll find out what we have to do to support people on very long-term unemployment… If we continue to remain shut, I think you’re going to see massive numbers of people finally saying I can’t even fathom listening to the rules that are out there. Then you’re going to have a lot of spread.” The bottom line according to Green is “It’s a fallacy that tourists are the biggest risk. The risk is not wearing masks and not adhering to social distancing.”

Just how many visitors will come to Hawaii starting October 15 anyway?

Instead of the more typical 30,000 daily arrivals, we believe less than 5,000 a day will come here in October and November. That is well below even what the state has indicated it expects.

Speaking to that point, the new head of Hawaii Tourism Authority John De Fries said, “October 15 is bringing with it a lot of expectations, but the truth is we are about to enter a new learning curve that is vertical — and every day we’ll have to make refinements… There’s a sense of fear. Unlike crises of the past, where we hit a floor, and we get out and climbed back up. We haven’t hit the floor yet. We are still in a free fall.”

Hawaii visitors, as demonstrated in scores of your comments here, are unsure about many aspects of returning to Hawaii and air travel at this time. It remains unclear what restrictions and closures of all types could negatively impact travel in the short term. Moreover, any kind of quarantine after testing negative is likely a complete deal-breaker for visitors.

103 thoughts on “Hawaii Reopening Free Fall | You Can Now Call With Questions”

  1. I refuse to pay $250 for a pre travel test at AFC clinic one of Hawaii’s trusted partners , can I choose to quarantine in Hawaii my next trip ?

  2. I paid $250 for each pre travel test the last 2 trips I came back to Hawaii at AFC one of Hawaii’s trusted partners . I am traveling again in the next week , what happens if I refuse to take a pre travel test but just take a regular Covid test that shows Negative ? Can I use that ? Why ? Because it’s free versus $250 .

  3. If you don’t have a plan, plan to fail. 7 months into this and it’s the same old wishy washy bureaucratic mess. My best to those who were planning a trip to Hawaii and have to watch this nightmare unfolding on a regular basis. Tahiti had a plan and stuck to it. About the same price as Hawaii and no idiocracy!

  4. We are planning to visit Honolulu in a December. There is no way we will do a second test after the first test being negative and having to quarantine for the next 3 days. That will be totally a dealbreaker to not visit Honolulu. There’s is a cure for coronavirus with a 99.8 recovery rate. The country should open for good.

  5. I just read where Mayor Kim on the Big Island is opting out of the pretesting. As I understand it. No matter what, you will have a 14 day quarantine when arriving on the Big Island even after Oct 15.

    1. And I just saw some information that Kauai is considering the same. Glad these decisions aren’t left to the last minute !

  6. We cancelled our trip due to the uncertainty of the testing. I will not risk having to spend my vacation in Quarantine.

  7. I see nothing on the official website that says we have to use CVS/ Kaiser. It says a CLIA
    approved lab. We have already booked our tests with one that fits the time line for our flight on the 16TH to Maui.

  8. They say any CLIA lab will be acceptable…but you keep printing only trusted partners. … Who about now are still identifying themselves.
    And then Oahu adds rapid testingbfor thise who come without a pre travel test as per mayor’s newsconference on Saturday. Enough to give you……
    I read the Honolulu Advertiser daily.
    Your newsletter is a great compliment!

  9. We’re planning to come Oct 17th for a week, assuming our 72-hour pre-tests are negative. Any kind of quarantine once we arrive would be a complete deal-breaker of course.

      1. John, since your so scared, just sit and obey. And wear your mask in your car alone and when walking in 89 degrees, by yourself.

      2. John
        Not all share your view. Do the math. I’ve lived on Kauai over 30 years. A lot of uneducated people here. Unfortunately, I predict Hawaii will be asking for a federal bailout for their terrible decisions. 1% of people with covid die in Hawaii. Do your research and see % who die from flu.

  10. Open Hawai’i! No quarantine! One test prior to travel is already asking a lot! That should be suffice!

  11. So $139 per test, two tests probably required, if I understand this correctly, these tests are in Hawaii. Plus at least on test at your starting point 72 hours before departure at who knows how much, is Hawaii going to recognize that testing agency? A couple of airlines say they’ll offer testing at $250? It’s going to cost as much for testing as an airline ticket.

  12. We called the help desk to ask how to fill out the form to get a QR code needed to enter the state. We were planning an extended stay and did not have a return flight, which was required data on the form. I left a message and received a return call about 10 minutes later. We were told to guess at a return date and find a flight that matched that date. This information could be changed when we had an actual return flight. It worked and we got the QR code, but there should be a one-way travel option.

  13. We are cancelling our trip to Maui for 10/18. We would never travel to the state if we had to take a 2nd Covid test. All the conflicting information from gov’t officials is frightening. Gov. Green is right on the money ~ Nobody is going to travel for 2 tests and 3 days of quarnatine. Get real! I don’t even like the idea of having to pay $139 per family member for one test to enter the state! That price point is too high.

  14. Oakland international airport is giving out free xovid tests for travelers.

    From KHON:
    The tests would satisfy the requirements set forth by the program for people flying to Hawaii who want to avoid the 14-day traveler quarantine.

    The airport is working with CityHealth Urgent Care to offer the tests at its North Field terminal complex. Testing will begin Oct. 6. Hawaii’s pre-travel testing plan begins Oct. 15, though specifics are still vague.

    The tests are being offered to OAK employees, airlines staff, ground handling companies and the general public at no out-of-pocket costs.

  15. I feel so sad for the people of Hawaii! They deserve so much more respect than this from their government representatives. It seems that if nothing else comes from this miserable lockdown the chance to vote these obviously incapable, inauthentic, lazy & ill educated leaders out for good. There seems to be a very deep swamp in our beloved islands & good men & women need to stand up & take responsibility to clean it out!!

    1. Well said. So draconian and absurd for hawaii to have such a lockdown. If you do the math, its a 1% death rate, if you get covid in Hawaii. Naturally, nearly every case had severe underlying issues. Tahiti is open! We are Kauai residents going to vacation there!

  16. We are planning a March trip to Hawaii. One week in Kauai and one week on he Big Island. Assuming we pass all covid 19 tests prior to departure is this multi Island trip permissible.

  17. I’m with the majority. My fight is 22 October and I’m willing to jump through hoops to get there but I will not take a second test and risk quarantining. I’m happy to wear my mask and socially distance. My concern is what will be open? It’s not worth going if the beach is closed to laying out and playing in the ocean. Also, I didn’t interpret CVS and Kaiser as being only acceptable options. The website mentions them as partners but doesn’t say they will only accept test from those companies.
    Ona mother note, here in Texas, CVS is now offering free drive through testing. We also have a mobile test company, Gogettested.com offering free nucleic testing. Not sure if that just Texas though.

  18. We plan to go to the Big Island at the end of February, having canceled twice for 2020 trips. We live in the Tampa area. Will there be testing in our area?

  19. Such 1st world problems. Oh boo-boo, the almighty tourists feel inconvenienced. Cry me a river. What about the inconveniences of trading lives for profits that we locals face? Most of us locals have had a glorious year without tourists around. Our waters are clear again, our wildlife are making comebacks, we can go to our own beaches without being elbow to elbow with tourists, and our roads are traffic free. By all means, cancel your trips and take your money elsewhere. We don’t need it as badly as you think we do and with the current state of affairs, you won’t find much Aloha for you here. The health of our kupuna and aina are more important to us than your almighty dollar. A’ole…Kapu.

    1. Hey Kane K,im sure the unemployed residents of hawaii that had to move back to the mainland due to the loss of tourism jobs could tell you to go jump off a cliff or something like that. Yeah the environment might be nicer but soon there will be rampant looting and drug cartels coming to the islands as people get dirt poor and desperate. Not a good tradeoff in my opinion but enjoy it while it lasts. I dont see any meaningful solutions in the Hawaiian dysfunctional dystopian government thus far. It sucks that locals and tourists have to suffer for many years due to incompetent leasership. Here in MA everyone has clear guidelines since april and plenty if tourism here and stuff has been relatively open.

      Using your local pidgin talk just makes you sound arrogant like your poop doesn’t stink. Oh and dont worry tourists wont be returning to the island state (that wants to become a 3rd world welfare state), after being insulted By you and other clueless ignorant local Hawaiians.

      I feel bad that local Hawaiians have to have a tarnished world image due to the bad apples. Get it through your head that hawaii has been a state since the late 1950s by choice and its way past time to accept that and accept the rules rights and responsibilities as an American, which you are.

      1. CF
        You are spot on. I’ve lived on Kauai over 30 years. A lot of uneducated people here. Unfortunately, I predict Hawaii will be asking for a federal bailout for their terrible decisions.

        1. No Bail out for Hawaii. SORRY!!!’ Ask the Governor who at this point should be donating his salary so with mayors and other public officials. Bail Outs dream on.

    2. CF
      You are spot on. I’ve lived on Kauai over 30 years. A lot of uneducated people here. Unfortunately, I predict Hawaii will be asking for a federal bailout for their terrible decisions.

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