23 thoughts on “Hawaii Social Media Post Backfires Big Time”

  1. The address of this guy’s local accommodations should be part of his Safe Travels profile. I wonder if the police will pay him a visit (assuming he didn’t list a fictitious address).

  2. It isn’t worth the trouble, because you probably couldn’t make it stick, especially after a jury gets a look at this guy and decides he’s just incredibly stupid, not malicious, but could there be a case made for terroristic threatening the people of Hawaii? I’m not a lawyer so I don’t know. I couldn’t think of anything else off the top of my head that might apply. This sort of thing, at this point, should be dealt with harshly. I also think people that cause a ruckus on flights should be banned from all air travel for 5 years, minimum. Nothing else seems to get the point across to some people so maybe a metaphorical punch in the face will. If you go into someone’s home and tell them you are going to burn it down, there will be consequences, including not being allowed to come back. Gentle persuasion and public ridicule have not been able to change some of this asinine behavior, so maybe civil or criminal penalties will.

  3. You wonder why people from Hawaii don’t like tourist visiting the islands especially now that the Delta Variant is out of control . Reckless immature selfish people like you deserve to be punished to the maximum !!! I’ve had friends and family that got sick and some passed away from Covid !! I’m won’t be sorry for whatever bad comes your way .

  4. The guy comes off as an irresponsible,immature,jerk. Even if it is not true he is undermining the sense of security that proof of vaccine/pre testing gives travelers. There should be some punishment for this fraud.

  5. The guy is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. He has brought an investigation down on himself, and I’m sure the airlines are taking notice of a passenger who may have deliberately exposed their personnel and other passengers. There will always be bad actors but sometimes with social media they out themselves.

  6. Sad that this would even be considered a joke. That someone would think it is ok to knowingly expose a plane full of people, islands with limited resources and likely cause deaths and think it’s a funny joke is selfish, and consciously unaware, all under the guise of “it’s a free country” and I want to criticize governments. And his comment “If I offended anybody of course I apologize.” “If”? Alex is not only an artist… he’s an idiot.

  7. Mahalo Rob & Jeff!
    As always, thank you for keeping this wonderful newsletter going 🙂

    This sounds like a drugged-up rant–much of it sounds incoherent and is indecipherable.
    The pandemic has made visible both the most despicable of humanity, and the most admirable.
    I try to focus on the positive qualities we humans can exhibit, although, it is very disturbing & distressing
    to see this. I think I’ve said this before: we all need to keep Hawai’i safe and preserve it’s history, culture
    and beauty at all cost.

    1. I’ve got often thought that the strength of The First Amendment is that it encourages people with abhorrent ideas to self-expose themselves so we can be aware of the danger they pose to others.

  8. Aloha! I just believe this shows the mentality of some people. I hope he enjoyed his posts! What are we teaching our kids? What some people won’t do to bring attention to themselves. WHY? Seems it’s impossible now to just think about other people and what you say or do may affect others. I’m sorry anyone had to see this and hope he is punished for his stupidity. Don’t say or do things to hurt others or to make yourself look important! Respect others!

  9. Yes he is in a free country and can say what he wants, even if what he was saying is incorrect and hurting people. However, people have a right to say what they think of him for saying incorrect thinks.

    He should be ashamed of himself.

  10. If this was a joke, it’s not funny. I hope he does have to pay a large fine or some jail time for this immature move.

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