Delta Airlines

Hawaii Tourism Strained As 5 Airlines Add Japan Flights

Lack of international tourists offered some elasticity in Hawaii’s challenging travel environment.

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16 thoughts on “Hawaii Tourism Strained As 5 Airlines Add Japan Flights”

  1. No, say it isnt so. For many reasons. Maui overcrowded now. Japan has their nerve. and as much as I hate that all countries including usa should go to screening visitors and reasons for being there, I think it is time. I am tired of foreigners ruining our country.

  2. Aloha BoH I read the whole article. But I was wondering when there was going to be Japan flights to and from Kahului airport because it would bring more tourism to Maui and it would be a great first step for Japan route nonstop to Maui instead of Honolulu or Kona.

  3. I noticed an increase of Japanese and other foreign visitors on my trip about a week ago as compared to my trip in March.

  4. Aloha BOH Folks,

    In reading this article (and many like it these days it seems), one question I have not seen addressed (or I may have just missed it) is this: airlines can’t just unilaterally add flights to an airport without some sort of approval from some sort of oversight body (be it an airport agency, commission, or some entity like this). Some body has to ensure that all resources are in place for a likely successful outcome as a result of adding flights to an airport. Who is responsible for this in Hawaii and did that body issue any sort of statement with respect to these additional flights?


    1. Hi Warren.

      From our limited understanding of that, it is complicated. The USDOT and the FAA are in charge, but the state DOT is the administrator of the airports. We’d love to hear from others who know more.


      1. Each airport has there own set of rules. So some have slot restrictions where gates are designated to specific airlines through contract agreements and bidding wars if others are interested. Other airports are open as a free for all first come first serve basis.

        When flying from country to country, let’s say US and JPN. If there are open skies agreements, then any airline between the two are able to do as much flying between the two countries as they wish, as long as that airport they’re trying to land in has the room and or slots available based on that specific airports rules. If no open skies agreement is in place, then every individual flight coming in and out of that country must be studied and approved by each individual country.

  5. Many native born Japanese who had work status in Hawaii returned to Japan when Covid started, and many who wanted to remain tried to do so but couldn’t as their jobs evaporated.

  6. But Where did all those workers go? There wasn’t a labor issue before the pandemic was there? People living off the gov’t? Left Hawaii?
    Where did they go?

    1. Surely you realize the Mainland is also struggling in the service sector?? The Great Resignation isn’t unique to Hawaii, but as with all areas that rely on tourism, the lack of returning workers to hotel, retail, restaurant, and travel jobs is causing greater issues. These were jobs that typically offered few, if any, benefits and Covid hit them the hardest. Most of those workers took the opportunity to find better, more secure work and as an added bonus, not deal with nasty and demanding customers any more.

      1. I echo that. My daughter was in the restaurant industry. Covid made her reevaluate her career. She is happy in a totally different field.

    2. Many returned to their home countries. Living here is expensive, impossible when your employer closes for months. Hawaii had the lowest Covid numbers but it came at a cost.

    3. That’s been my question ever since the worker shortage. I am baffled. How are previous service workers now supporting themselves? Left Hawaii is my guess. Maybe our BOH friends can shed some light.

      1. Hi Bette.

        The most likely thing we’ve heard is that hospitality workers went into other fields as they were dissatisfied with that industry.


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