183 thoughts on “Hawaii Further Delays Reopening. Is October Even Possible?”

  1. I agree. If the liberal dems get their way, it will be like there was never had a pandemic. If they don’t get their way, they’ll want to close entire US economy down until we’re in a depression. Pathetic

  2. I have a week in Kauai starting 9/16 and they have not canceled on me yet but I had a reservation for a few nights afterwards at the Hilton Hawaiian Village in Oahu and they just sent me an email yesterday that they canceled my reservation because they are temporarily suspending operations. The airlines (Alaska and Southwest) have both modified my flights multiple times.

    This morning I rescheduled both my hotels for March 2021…will wait to change my airfare until just before my scheduled flights.

  3. It will take the need to remove politics, selfishness, ignorance, and denial out of the Covid 19 pandemic in order to survive not only as a state but as a nation.

  4. This is a total joke. The endless excuses Hawaii gives for not reopening are pathetic, when even third world countries can manage immediate testing at airports. They should have reopened months ago and provided the necessary tests at the airports upon arrival. But they were either too cheap, too stupid, or incompetent to come up with a plan. They rely on federal bailouts and loans when they should not be given one red cent from the federal government. I would feel sorry for their residents, but they are the fools who put these idiots into office in the first place.

    1. amen! california,new york and new jersey have to be asking themselves the same thing!!

      so sad hawaii. not necessary to do this to your state!

  5. How will they handle layover or stop overs? Are travelers allowed to fly to Hawaii to catch connecting flights to another destination? Are they required to stay in the airport or a certain area of the airport? Our flight arrives at 5 am and doesn’t leave again until 11:30 am.

  6. I understand the predicament Hawaii finds itself in. However, the Gov needs to make up his mind which way he is going to go. Either way, some segment of Hawaiian society is going to be upset – either those who would hope for a safer opening, or those who are hurting more financially.

    On the mainlain, tourists are looking for somewhere to go. We want to get away from stress, from politics, and from all the bad stuff that 2020 has brought. Hawaii is paradise to us. We’d love to come back. However, we can’t make last minute changes, or be expected to change vacation dates with employers at the last minute. We have to know more than a few days in advance that you’re bumping the quarantine out again. Personally, I’m not due to come out till November, but in order to get a refund for my lodging, I have to let them know by September, so I’m not holding my breath on that. I’m hoping my flight gets cancelled so I get my money back on that, too. Otherwise it’ll be a looooonnng time before I come back.

  7. Testing in CA is going along pretty well. I had a test today and will get the results back tomorrow (free). My son was tested and waited in the car and got the results back in 15 mins. ($225) In LA they have improved test times and turnaround time is 48 hours.

  8. Just got my email from Hawaiian airlines last night. Flights are cancelled, and we were to fly September 2nd thru the 13th with hop to Maui and back to Oahu! Maybe I’ll be back, maybe not! Florida, here come!!!

  9. A family member is vacationing in Kauai in October – telling me they only need a 72 hr negative Covid test? Any thoughts? Thank you

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