133 thoughts on “Hawaii Travel During Pandemic Spurs Extreme Opinions”

  1. I may never come to HI again. There is much to love, but I’m not a herd animal. Nor do I subscribe to false fears. Viruses are real. Illness is real. Both have been with us forever. Government overreach is out of control. It’s very disappointing. I can’t patronize that position.

    1. Sad, Bill C. More U.S. deaths this year mark the largest single-year percentage leap since 1918, when tens of thousands of U.S. soldiers died in World War I and hundreds of thousands of Americans died in a flu pandemic.

      Overall deaths in the United States this year are more than 85% higher than in places such as Germany, Israel and Denmark after adjusting for population size.

      Your attitude is exactly the reason that Hawaii requires testing, re-testing at random, and contact tracing. Through “government over reach”, Hawaii has managed the pandemic. Thank you for deciding not to visit.

  2. I am a new resident. Just moved over from Sacramento, California. People fight wearing the mask. They will come into small spaces and say, “oops. Forgot my mask. I will only be a minute.” This happened in some way or another every day for the eight days I was there. 1 out of 2 people wear the mask under their nose. California has over 1 million cases. Wonder why? Oh yeah, no Kuleana. I decided to quarantine, again. This is the only way I can 100% keep my community safe. I do this for them because they wear a mask for me. This pandemic is not forever but a mask is for everyone.
    Please be kind. Please be safe. Let’s stop fighting each other and start fighting for each other.

  3. Perhaps it wouldnt spread so much if there were bathrooms in restaurants in which you could wash your hands. Ive never been to a state in which you can get food and not have facilities to wash prior to eating. This state is ill prepared for so many reasons I can understand their over compensating and making people stay at home like hermits.

  4. Let’s keep this simple
    If you don’t want to follow our laws or rules then just stay put and please don’t endanger us as you endanger yourself or your lived ones.

  5. Please wear a mask. It is simple and temporary. I worked in Cardiac Surgery for 34 years. If you don’t think they work maybe I won’t need a mask during your surgery. We are not in the 18th century where doctors refused to wear masks and gloves because they thought it didn’t help.

  6. We are trying to get to Honolulu this weekend to visit our son. We are scheduled for the < 72 hour testing requirement at the only Trusted Partner in our area but have our doubts on whether the results will arrive before we have to board for Hawaii.

    Does anyone know if the rapid test facility at the Oakland airport takes walk-ins? Their website seems to indicate no appointments available until January.

    Also, if we arrive in Honolulu still awaiting our results where do we have to quarantine?

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