108 thoughts on “Hawaii Travel Might Resume in July | Does Hawaiian Know Something?”
Michelle B
My family has also had to cancel plans and would like to rebook. Testing seems to be a reasonable alternative, BUT, there are most definitely issues with it. Some states are not allowing tests if you don’t have symptoms, and the 72 hour window may be too tight. My state allows non-symptomatic testing but has a 3-5 day turnaround, being outside of the 72 hour window. We do not have rapid testing here. Would a person take a chance and step onto an airplane without results? What if you receive results a day or 2 after you get to Hawaii? Do you have to leave immediately? What happens to all that money spent? Will it be refunded? I wonder if these things are being considered?
I have been hoping mainland travel from Hawaii would open up soon. I have a new grandbaby due on July 2 and I was supposed to be there for the birth, but it doesn’t look promising. Keep us updated! Thanks!
How can we resume travel when the virus is NOT contained and cases in the mainland IS increasing through most every state? We STILL do not have a cure and safety is the best course to take. Is it better to risk lives our island lives than to open for economy’s sake? I think lives are more important than risking a known for a fact of a certain increase of the virus. Money IS the root of all evils!
Kudos to Governor Ige to stand up for safety’s sake. He IS responsible for this and our state’s lives. I think Josh Greene is overstepping his bounds in this case.
exactly. So many believe this is all a hoax. ITS NOT I have personal people in my life close to me who have gotten ill and died. Yes this is PROOF that money is the root of all evil.
I’m not in the airline business, but I suspect it takes an airline a couple weeks to ramp up and ensure all logistical and personnel requirements are met and sustainable before full service can begin. Two weeks seems about right. Hawaiian may fly with near empty planes for a couple weeks, but they will have ensured that ground crews, flight crews, FAA coordinations, etc are ready to go.
Thanks for your great info! We are still locked down in Lake Toba Sumatra, a tourist-based industry like our home in Hawaii. This poor developing country will provide FREE quick tests when leaving the island (where there have been NO cases!) and the current status is below. Maybe figure out what to do from other places with success.
Thanks for your good updates. People need to start questioning what is happening. This isn’t political – this is our freedom at stake. The WHO stated that asymptomatic carriers rarely transfer the virus. Then rescinded it of course. Google for more information on the original press release. This is major.
Thank you for this useful article! Please keep us updated. We have a new home in Lahaina and are looking forward to visiting as soon as the quar antine is lifted. We are happy to be tested and testing is available to asymptomatic folks in our area; they are enlightened enough to want to understand the amount of spread in the community.
I am living in Tokyo. I had to cancel my trip to Oahu in April, and have been waiting for reopening, but Governor seems so cautious, which is understandable to protect the state, yet it may be the time now to reopen tourism while securing safety.
In Japan, we are not allowed to take a C0VID test unless we have symptoms like fever etc. So I will be happy to cooperate to take a test upon arrival and self-quarantine until negative result is available even at my own expense.
Hi we have made reservations a year in advance of our timeshare in June we had to cancel we screwed rescheduled for July 20 we’re still hoping that Maui and Kawai will be open and our resort will be open so we could travel at this time do you think there is a possibility that this will happen
It was in the morning news that LG Josh Green was attending meetings today centered around reopening and testing.
Hawai’i is one of the safest places on the planet right now, obviously the intent is to keep It as safe as is reasonable while bringing back tourism.
A good testing program would surely help keep it that way and combined with people wearing masks when appropriate and social distancing practices could make Hawai’i an incredibly desirable place to visit. Safe to say there will be window of time that Hawai’i will be uncrowded, open for business and returning tourists will be very much appreciated….good deals will abound. I’m guessing it will be a very special time that people will reminisce about someday.
It’s never been a bad place, but the reopening will be something else again.
Everyone stay safe, take care of one another and start working on your Aloha.
It’s already too late. Most if not all tourist depend businesses in Hawaii that aren’t major / national / global brands will almost certainly fail and never recover in the next few months. Not to mention the state and county government coffers that have been decimated by their bungling of this event. (I saw an old, scraggly looking women out in a county-owed truck spraying the traffic signal buttons at a crosswalk at a long-since closed school campus on Sunday… despite the fact that (1) not one person on the entire island actually HAS this, (2) it has been medically established that it is exceedlingly rare that you can actually catch it from TOUCHING things, (3) directly sunlight kills it on surfaces in about 10 minutes and (4) the county had well over $500,000,000 in debt–even BEFORe the virs.) The dominoes are already staring to fall. Revenues have collapsed–and since state and county governments refuse to cut spending or cut jobs, their only options will be sharp increases in taxes rates–and more debt–to add to the $5 BILLION + the state already owes creditors–largely thanks to the boondoggle rail project on Oahu.
Of course, as always, the taxing authorities will try to shift as much of the burden for local taxes on to non-residents as possible. They’ve already laid the groundwork for raising taxes on second homes owned by mainland residents–who are already forced to pay an inordinate amount of tax. But… that’s the way Hawaii government always works… rob from the “rich” and give the “poor”. So that’s nothing new. However, when the mainlanders continue off-loading their properties at an even higher rate–and the local real estate markets collapse even further–already a trend after their mis-handling of the STVR situation–that will simply create even larger revenue shortfalls for the counties–and shift more of the tax burden back onto the locals.
Mrs. Menor-McNamara statement that “every day we inch closer to an economic cliff that will close businesses permanently and destroy our local business community beyond repair if tourism does not reopen” is actually a huge under-statement. The governor and the mayors have already drive the car over the cliff with all of us in it. The only real question is who will actually survive he impact.
If they want to TEST, I have no problem taking a test. We’re due to travel on August 1st. The problem is, we have NO PLACE in Oregon or Washington that will give us a C0VID test without symptoms! Is this going to be addressed? Is Hawaii talking with Oregon and Washington about allowing/arranging TRAVEL C0VID tests? So far, we keep seeing.. ‘We will require testing,” but we need a place to take the test!
It’s been mentioned… Who is going to travel to Hawaii from Portland if they have to go through a 14 day quarantine? I think the answer is…. VERY FEW.
We’ve rescheduled a week long trip to Kauai. Absolutely, NO WAY we will travel to sit in a room for 7 days and go home… Let alone figure out how to eat and the like.
So, yes…. Does Hawaiian Air know something we don’t?
Maybe they plan to force the issue? Hmmmm?
Allow my family to take a test and we’ll be there…. 😉
And what happens when you get a false positive? For a family of 4 it’s about a 1 in 5 chance one of you will test positive (falsely). Are you willing to gamble all the reservation money for a 80% chance you can go?
I’m not. If clear plans aren’t laid out by June 30th we will cancel our August 1st trip while the reservations are all still fully refundable.
Please consider that perhaps the HI governor puts the lives of the citizens (and kūpuna) of equal importance to your “economic and psych suicide”.
Understand no one is working in bad faith. The fact is that there are very few critical medical facilities available on islands like Maui and if the virus were to blow up there hundreds of people would not receive the care needed.
Thanks for the info! We’ve probably canceled/reschedule our flight from Maui to Seattle four or five times, since March. Hawaiian seems to change their schedule almost daily. We booked for July 7, they had a direct Maui to Seattle flight. Two days later they canceled it and have us flying through Honolulu. We thought we might change our flight to July 15, for the direct flight, but we think they’ll change it soon. It’s understandable, but kind of crazy! Our daughter is developmentally disabled, layovers are difficult during normal times.
I’m curious if you know anything more about plans regarding facial recognition? During the press conferences last week surrounding the extension of the quar antine orders, the Governor and Lt. Governor mentioned that thermal cameras would be up and running for arriving gates soon, and that they would be adding facial recognition capabilities in the near future. Some of the remarks seemed to indicate that this would be a temporary use of the technology and it would only be in use in the airports. But that doesn’t make any sense.
Matt, I heard that also but it doesn’t make any sense. A reporter asked the question ” why do you need facial recognition and will it be used out side of the airport” The answer was, ” we want to be sure we can identify people with potential C0vid symptoms and talk to them about treatment” Also,” No we will only be using this inside the airport” So my question is: If they have the thermal imaging equipment that scans you at TSA for body heat, They will know right then who it is. So Why facial recognition ? You wont be allowed to go any further if the Thermal scan works. I don’t think they are being honest with us regarding the Facial Recognition.
Thank you so much for this information. We had flights and hotel booked for July 17 through the 27th. The flight was with Hawaiian airlines. We have canceled both. Do you think we should be calling Hawaiian Airlines and our hotel to get our reservations booked again?
Of course none of us possess the much desired “crystal ball” and are all hoping for the best, whatever form that may come in. My own crystal ball-ish estimate is that I do believe Governor Ige is a good man, trying to do what he feels is in the best interest of the Hawaii residents and visitors. And I’m not just saying that as a feel good statement. Here the “but” part..
BUT, if I had to guess- I would guess that Governor Ige’s work and personal experience comes from operating with an extremely high degree of accuracy and detail. I don’t imagine he is one known for “just go for it.” And that scrutinizing for accuracy if true, has likely served him very well.
How to proceed under uncertain times however, does take gathering knowledge of risks and consequences and then saying “let’s try this!” In this regard, I’m guessing the Lt. Governor who’s familiar with risk as a physician will need to push a little to help his boss go forward despite risks.
And this I feel is what we need. We need to make a preliminary plan for “Stage 1 reopening” with Stage 2 and 3 mapped out. And we need a plan to freeze and step back just in case unexpected risk happens. But we HAVE to take that step. Or we KNOW what will inevitably happen if we stay still forever.
Peace, respect and Aloha to all who contribute to this wonderful site, and Admin.
Would not those businesses who might have a larger operation than some of their competitors, and/or better off financially than those same competitors, benefit greatly if all or some of their competitors had to close? After all, this is a “dog eat dog” world we live in at the moment with so many greedy people out there. Its the age old story, the Governor and most of the other politicians at federal, state and county level [edited] they don’t have a clue as to what they are doing!!
So if I am in the mainland in central part of the USA and have to change planes on the west coast if I am tested x number of days before my flight is that good to enter Hawaii with. Me and 12 others are supposed to come to the big island 3rd week of September this yr.Thanks and mahal
My opinion is that the airline needs an influx of revenue even though they most likely will cancel these flights do to the quar antine still being in effect. Note that you can change your dates at no charge but won’t get a refund. So I don’t think it’s a matter of anything else but bringing in the $$’s to keep everyone a float.
If your flight is cancelled, most airlines will rebook you for free on their next flight to your destination as long as the flight has available seats.
If your flight is cancelled and you choose to cancel your trip as a result, you are entitled to a refund for the unused transportation – even for non-refundable tickets. You are also entitled to a refund for any bag fee that you paid, and any extras you may have purchased, such as a seat assignment.
If the airline offers you a voucher for future travel instead of a refund, you should ask the airline about any restrictions that may apply, such as blackout and expiration dates, advanced booking requirements, and limits on number of seats.
If my flight is cancelled, can my airline put me on another airline’s flight?
Yes. While airlines are not required to put you on another airline’s flight, they can and sometimes do, so it does not hurt to politely ask your airline if it will transfer your ticket to another airline that has a flight with available seats.
Ask the airline or check online to see if another carrier has open seats and then ask if the first airline will transfer your ticket to that carrier. Remember, however, that airlines are not required to do this. Also, be aware that finding available seats on another airline’s flight may be difficult, especially during holidays and other peak travel times.
I posted on an earlier article the difficulty we have had getting our Delta plane tickets, rental car and marriott refunded. I had no choice but to re-book for August 15. I am hoping the c0vid test plan pans out. I just hope my doctor will allow it for travel. fingers crossed
I have a lot of concerns about C0vid testing as it is not the most accurate in the world and you could test negative yesterday and test positive today, so what good is a negative test 3 days ago? I think the main use of the testing is to track where it is coming from and not preventing some from getting it. And not only that, but so many are symptom free that they don’t know they have it. I’m not convinced that travel is safe for anyone yet, and may not be for quite some time, so I’m not sure that Hawaiians are safe any time soon as are those from the mail land. Just my thoughts! The main land is still having spikes because so few are following guidelines that the CDC has set forth. That and the riots, protests and packed beaches, sports venues, and so many other areas. Outside may be safer than inside, but in my opinion it’s all a risk! Test or no tests! Just my opinion!!!!
More testing = more spikes. But it’s the amount of hospitalizations that count. Like most illnesses, many get sick but most are not hospitalized.
As long as people aren’t sick enough to be hospitalized or worse … dying, then it’s an illness … period.
How exciting!!! Gosh I hope this happens! It sounds very logical to me. My only concern is being able to get the test, especially since our trip is scheduled for suoer early Saturday morning after Thanksgiving. I’m hoping a test on Wednesday before Thanksgiving would work OR that I’ll be able to get one on black Friday.
Thank you for the uplifting news!!! I will keep praying for a miracle that we can come to your beautiful island in August. I am already looking into testing for myself, my husband and girls!!!! I do have to say The Beat of Hawaii has been a beacon of light for us thanks for all the info!!!
Thanks again and ALOHA!!!
Ige doesn’t care as his second and final term is up end of 2022. He sure is doing a great job in permanently closing many small businesses, all while he and all those government officials are getting their full salaries, while everyone else is suffering. But he says “we are all in this together!”…..yeah, right.
My daughter and her fiance will be glad to get a test prior to flying if it means no quar antine! They fly on 8-1 and marry on 8-4 (after having to cancel in May). Seems like a totally reasonable solution to me.
This sounds like a tourism/economic COUP against our NON-LEADER Gov. Ige?!?!? LT Gov. Green appears to have a functioning brain & is using it to prevent our State from COMPLETELY IMPLODING upon itself economically! Kudos to LT Gov. Green as we all hope & pray for the best possible outcome!
Exactly! Facts/Fear with reasonable easily implemented guidelines. Finally a leader emerges with the ability to LEAD-imagine that!…I think Hawaii has already jumped the shark! The cure will now have more devastating consequences than the disease:(…yes, “cases” are increasing as testing is increasing. The facts still show it is similar to a very bad flu season- so, isolate the vulnerable (& in Hawaii which has a HUGE prevalence of Diabetes that may be a lot of it’s citizens), and let the healthy use common sense and take the risks we all do just by walking out front door each day.
So your lieutenant governor and the chamber of commerce are working separately from the governor himself? Seems odd. I dont trust the chamber because they care more about money than lives. Open safely. We are booked for September after our may trip fell thru.
Hawaiian airlines canceled our flights to Kona for July and we then canceled our tours, rental car and time share accommodations for the 2 weeks. Sadly, we won’t be rebooking for this year, perhaps 2021. We sincerely hope your islands survive your government’s decision making process.
Thank you Beat of Hawaii… aloha
We have flights scheduled for July 3rd with Hawaiian. Ours haven’t been canceled yet. I’m wondering why. If they’ve canceled others shouldn’t they have canceled ours as well? That way maybe I can get my money back. Unless it’s about not wanting to give a refund. The girl I talked to said I would get a voucher if I canceled and pay a difference next year if the price is higher. But why should I pay more next year if I have a voucher for tickets I’ve already paid for. Thank you, Monique M.
As I understand testing in Las Vegas – it takes between 4 and 7 days to receive results. This will not comply with the three-day testing requirement. It sure makes it tough to plan.
Exactly. In Phoenix, it has taken even longer than 7 days in some cases. How are we supposed to get tested 72 hours before travel AND have the results?
Wait and see, but sounds hopeful. I still won’t be putting any money on the line until I know for certain that it’s a go. Burned once already with the closedown, I won’t try it again until it’s a sure thing!
What happens if you test the required three day before departure and your tests results have not been mailed to you before the three days are up? What if your departure flight is scheduled for a weekend on Sunday, you are tested on the required three day before on Friday….most agencies close for the weekend.
What is also being asked for by the chamber is “clear, consistent direction and reopening guidelines that are delivered through one government voice, and a straightforward communications plan.”
Thank you Paul! This shouldn’t be political it should be about being smart and safe. I know Kauai only has 38 ventilators for example. They can’t handle an out of control pandemic in the 2 hospitals on the Island. I’m sad I had to cancel our trip for April and May.
It’s all about being smart and safe for the greater good!
Good question, If a citizen ever tested positive with or without symptoms, they will always test positive for antibodies. Does that mean Hawaii is out of their life forever or until the gov. comes up with a solution. We still do not know if a person can be re-infected symptoms or not?
My family has also had to cancel plans and would like to rebook. Testing seems to be a reasonable alternative, BUT, there are most definitely issues with it. Some states are not allowing tests if you don’t have symptoms, and the 72 hour window may be too tight. My state allows non-symptomatic testing but has a 3-5 day turnaround, being outside of the 72 hour window. We do not have rapid testing here. Would a person take a chance and step onto an airplane without results? What if you receive results a day or 2 after you get to Hawaii? Do you have to leave immediately? What happens to all that money spent? Will it be refunded? I wonder if these things are being considered?
Keep me updated if Hawaii will be open in late July or August
For September 29
Hi Greg.
We will let you know as soon as we have more information. Thanks for your comments.
I have been hoping mainland travel from Hawaii would open up soon. I have a new grandbaby due on July 2 and I was supposed to be there for the birth, but it doesn’t look promising. Keep us updated! Thanks!
Hi Chanelle.
Will do.
How do we sign the pitition to ReOpen Hawaii, also how can we give our support in getting others to sign pitition?
How can we resume travel when the virus is NOT contained and cases in the mainland IS increasing through most every state? We STILL do not have a cure and safety is the best course to take. Is it better to risk lives our island lives than to open for economy’s sake? I think lives are more important than risking a known for a fact of a certain increase of the virus. Money IS the root of all evils!
Kudos to Governor Ige to stand up for safety’s sake. He IS responsible for this and our state’s lives. I think Josh Greene is overstepping his bounds in this case.
exactly. So many believe this is all a hoax. ITS NOT I have personal people in my life close to me who have gotten ill and died. Yes this is PROOF that money is the root of all evil.
We need to get back to work! Figure it out political leaders, thats what you get paid to do! No is not an acceptable answer!
I’m not in the airline business, but I suspect it takes an airline a couple weeks to ramp up and ensure all logistical and personnel requirements are met and sustainable before full service can begin. Two weeks seems about right. Hawaiian may fly with near empty planes for a couple weeks, but they will have ensured that ground crews, flight crews, FAA coordinations, etc are ready to go.
Thanks Jeff and Rob for keeping us informed.
Hi Bob.
Thanks for your many comments.
Thanks for your great info! We are still locked down in Lake Toba Sumatra, a tourist-based industry like our home in Hawaii. This poor developing country will provide FREE quick tests when leaving the island (where there have been NO cases!) and the current status is below. Maybe figure out what to do from other places with success.
Thanks for your good updates. People need to start questioning what is happening. This isn’t political – this is our freedom at stake. The WHO stated that asymptomatic carriers rarely transfer the virus. Then rescinded it of course. Google for more information on the original press release. This is major.
Hi Nancy.
Thank you for this useful article! Please keep us updated. We have a new home in Lahaina and are looking forward to visiting as soon as the quar antine is lifted. We are happy to be tested and testing is available to asymptomatic folks in our area; they are enlightened enough to want to understand the amount of spread in the community.
Hi Kevin.
I am living in Tokyo. I had to cancel my trip to Oahu in April, and have been waiting for reopening, but Governor seems so cautious, which is understandable to protect the state, yet it may be the time now to reopen tourism while securing safety.
In Japan, we are not allowed to take a C0VID test unless we have symptoms like fever etc. So I will be happy to cooperate to take a test upon arrival and self-quarantine until negative result is available even at my own expense.
Hi we have made reservations a year in advance of our timeshare in June we had to cancel we screwed rescheduled for July 20 we’re still hoping that Maui and Kawai will be open and our resort will be open so we could travel at this time do you think there is a possibility that this will happen
It was in the morning news that LG Josh Green was attending meetings today centered around reopening and testing.
Hawai’i is one of the safest places on the planet right now, obviously the intent is to keep It as safe as is reasonable while bringing back tourism.
A good testing program would surely help keep it that way and combined with people wearing masks when appropriate and social distancing practices could make Hawai’i an incredibly desirable place to visit. Safe to say there will be window of time that Hawai’i will be uncrowded, open for business and returning tourists will be very much appreciated….good deals will abound. I’m guessing it will be a very special time that people will reminisce about someday.
It’s never been a bad place, but the reopening will be something else again.
Everyone stay safe, take care of one another and start working on your Aloha.
It’s already too late. Most if not all tourist depend businesses in Hawaii that aren’t major / national / global brands will almost certainly fail and never recover in the next few months. Not to mention the state and county government coffers that have been decimated by their bungling of this event. (I saw an old, scraggly looking women out in a county-owed truck spraying the traffic signal buttons at a crosswalk at a long-since closed school campus on Sunday… despite the fact that (1) not one person on the entire island actually HAS this, (2) it has been medically established that it is exceedlingly rare that you can actually catch it from TOUCHING things, (3) directly sunlight kills it on surfaces in about 10 minutes and (4) the county had well over $500,000,000 in debt–even BEFORe the virs.) The dominoes are already staring to fall. Revenues have collapsed–and since state and county governments refuse to cut spending or cut jobs, their only options will be sharp increases in taxes rates–and more debt–to add to the $5 BILLION + the state already owes creditors–largely thanks to the boondoggle rail project on Oahu.
Of course, as always, the taxing authorities will try to shift as much of the burden for local taxes on to non-residents as possible. They’ve already laid the groundwork for raising taxes on second homes owned by mainland residents–who are already forced to pay an inordinate amount of tax. But… that’s the way Hawaii government always works… rob from the “rich” and give the “poor”. So that’s nothing new. However, when the mainlanders continue off-loading their properties at an even higher rate–and the local real estate markets collapse even further–already a trend after their mis-handling of the STVR situation–that will simply create even larger revenue shortfalls for the counties–and shift more of the tax burden back onto the locals.
Mrs. Menor-McNamara statement that “every day we inch closer to an economic cliff that will close businesses permanently and destroy our local business community beyond repair if tourism does not reopen” is actually a huge under-statement. The governor and the mayors have already drive the car over the cliff with all of us in it. The only real question is who will actually survive he impact.
I don’t get it either….
If they want to TEST, I have no problem taking a test. We’re due to travel on August 1st. The problem is, we have NO PLACE in Oregon or Washington that will give us a C0VID test without symptoms! Is this going to be addressed? Is Hawaii talking with Oregon and Washington about allowing/arranging TRAVEL C0VID tests? So far, we keep seeing.. ‘We will require testing,” but we need a place to take the test!
It’s been mentioned… Who is going to travel to Hawaii from Portland if they have to go through a 14 day quarantine? I think the answer is…. VERY FEW.
We’ve rescheduled a week long trip to Kauai. Absolutely, NO WAY we will travel to sit in a room for 7 days and go home… Let alone figure out how to eat and the like.
So, yes…. Does Hawaiian Air know something we don’t?
Maybe they plan to force the issue? Hmmmm?
Allow my family to take a test and we’ll be there…. 😉
And what happens when you get a false positive? For a family of 4 it’s about a 1 in 5 chance one of you will test positive (falsely). Are you willing to gamble all the reservation money for a 80% chance you can go?
I’m not. If clear plans aren’t laid out by June 30th we will cancel our August 1st trip while the reservations are all still fully refundable.
Stunning that HA guv willing to proceed with economic and psych suicide of his ppl. Simply stunning.
Please consider that perhaps the HI governor puts the lives of the citizens (and kūpuna) of equal importance to your “economic and psych suicide”.
Understand no one is working in bad faith. The fact is that there are very few critical medical facilities available on islands like Maui and if the virus were to blow up there hundreds of people would not receive the care needed.
Thanks for the info! We’ve probably canceled/reschedule our flight from Maui to Seattle four or five times, since March. Hawaiian seems to change their schedule almost daily. We booked for July 7, they had a direct Maui to Seattle flight. Two days later they canceled it and have us flying through Honolulu. We thought we might change our flight to July 15, for the direct flight, but we think they’ll change it soon. It’s understandable, but kind of crazy! Our daughter is developmentally disabled, layovers are difficult during normal times.
Thanks again for all the news.
Hi Lanell.
Thank you.
I’m curious if you know anything more about plans regarding facial recognition? During the press conferences last week surrounding the extension of the quar antine orders, the Governor and Lt. Governor mentioned that thermal cameras would be up and running for arriving gates soon, and that they would be adding facial recognition capabilities in the near future. Some of the remarks seemed to indicate that this would be a temporary use of the technology and it would only be in use in the airports. But that doesn’t make any sense.
What have you heard?
Matt, I heard that also but it doesn’t make any sense. A reporter asked the question ” why do you need facial recognition and will it be used out side of the airport” The answer was, ” we want to be sure we can identify people with potential C0vid symptoms and talk to them about treatment” Also,” No we will only be using this inside the airport” So my question is: If they have the thermal imaging equipment that scans you at TSA for body heat, They will know right then who it is. So Why facial recognition ? You wont be allowed to go any further if the Thermal scan works. I don’t think they are being honest with us regarding the Facial Recognition.
Thank you so much for this information. We had flights and hotel booked for July 17 through the 27th. The flight was with Hawaiian airlines. We have canceled both. Do you think we should be calling Hawaiian Airlines and our hotel to get our reservations booked again?
Hi Shelly.
We’ll update this as soon as we have more info. Hopefully later this week.
Aloha, Where is the link to sign the petition? Mahalo!
Hi JaRule.
We don’t have it. Perhaps someone else will give us a hand.
Here is a link to Chamber of Commerce Hawaii’s petition to Save Hawaii’s Local Businesses:
Mahalo for all your work keeping us up to date on reopening and travel information, it is always appreciated.
Hi Elizabeth.
Of course none of us possess the much desired “crystal ball” and are all hoping for the best, whatever form that may come in. My own crystal ball-ish estimate is that I do believe Governor Ige is a good man, trying to do what he feels is in the best interest of the Hawaii residents and visitors. And I’m not just saying that as a feel good statement. Here the “but” part..
BUT, if I had to guess- I would guess that Governor Ige’s work and personal experience comes from operating with an extremely high degree of accuracy and detail. I don’t imagine he is one known for “just go for it.” And that scrutinizing for accuracy if true, has likely served him very well.
How to proceed under uncertain times however, does take gathering knowledge of risks and consequences and then saying “let’s try this!” In this regard, I’m guessing the Lt. Governor who’s familiar with risk as a physician will need to push a little to help his boss go forward despite risks.
And this I feel is what we need. We need to make a preliminary plan for “Stage 1 reopening” with Stage 2 and 3 mapped out. And we need a plan to freeze and step back just in case unexpected risk happens. But we HAVE to take that step. Or we KNOW what will inevitably happen if we stay still forever.
Peace, respect and Aloha to all who contribute to this wonderful site, and Admin.
Hi Rick.
Thanks very much.
Would not those businesses who might have a larger operation than some of their competitors, and/or better off financially than those same competitors, benefit greatly if all or some of their competitors had to close? After all, this is a “dog eat dog” world we live in at the moment with so many greedy people out there. Its the age old story, the Governor and most of the other politicians at federal, state and county level [edited] they don’t have a clue as to what they are doing!!
So if I am in the mainland in central part of the USA and have to change planes on the west coast if I am tested x number of days before my flight is that good to enter Hawaii with. Me and 12 others are supposed to come to the big island 3rd week of September this yr.Thanks and mahal
Hi Larry.
We’ll be updating as soon as we learn more so stay tuned
My opinion is that the airline needs an influx of revenue even though they most likely will cancel these flights do to the quar antine still being in effect. Note that you can change your dates at no charge but won’t get a refund. So I don’t think it’s a matter of anything else but bringing in the $$’s to keep everyone a float.
Flight Cancellations
What happens when my flight is cancelled?
If your flight is cancelled, most airlines will rebook you for free on their next flight to your destination as long as the flight has available seats.
If your flight is cancelled and you choose to cancel your trip as a result, you are entitled to a refund for the unused transportation – even for non-refundable tickets. You are also entitled to a refund for any bag fee that you paid, and any extras you may have purchased, such as a seat assignment.
If the airline offers you a voucher for future travel instead of a refund, you should ask the airline about any restrictions that may apply, such as blackout and expiration dates, advanced booking requirements, and limits on number of seats.
If my flight is cancelled, can my airline put me on another airline’s flight?
Yes. While airlines are not required to put you on another airline’s flight, they can and sometimes do, so it does not hurt to politely ask your airline if it will transfer your ticket to another airline that has a flight with available seats.
Ask the airline or check online to see if another carrier has open seats and then ask if the first airline will transfer your ticket to that carrier. Remember, however, that airlines are not required to do this. Also, be aware that finding available seats on another airline’s flight may be difficult, especially during holidays and other peak travel times.
I posted on an earlier article the difficulty we have had getting our Delta plane tickets, rental car and marriott refunded. I had no choice but to re-book for August 15. I am hoping the c0vid test plan pans out. I just hope my doctor will allow it for travel. fingers crossed
I have a lot of concerns about C0vid testing as it is not the most accurate in the world and you could test negative yesterday and test positive today, so what good is a negative test 3 days ago? I think the main use of the testing is to track where it is coming from and not preventing some from getting it. And not only that, but so many are symptom free that they don’t know they have it. I’m not convinced that travel is safe for anyone yet, and may not be for quite some time, so I’m not sure that Hawaiians are safe any time soon as are those from the mail land. Just my thoughts! The main land is still having spikes because so few are following guidelines that the CDC has set forth. That and the riots, protests and packed beaches, sports venues, and so many other areas. Outside may be safer than inside, but in my opinion it’s all a risk! Test or no tests! Just my opinion!!!!
Aloha Pam,
More testing = more spikes. But it’s the amount of hospitalizations that count. Like most illnesses, many get sick but most are not hospitalized.
As long as people aren’t sick enough to be hospitalized or worse … dying, then it’s an illness … period.
How exciting!!! Gosh I hope this happens! It sounds very logical to me. My only concern is being able to get the test, especially since our trip is scheduled for suoer early Saturday morning after Thanksgiving. I’m hoping a test on Wednesday before Thanksgiving would work OR that I’ll be able to get one on black Friday.
Thank you for the uplifting news!!! I will keep praying for a miracle that we can come to your beautiful island in August. I am already looking into testing for myself, my husband and girls!!!! I do have to say The Beat of Hawaii has been a beacon of light for us thanks for all the info!!!
Thanks again and ALOHA!!!
Hi Pam.
Thank you for making our day!
Will be interesting to see the fate of Gov. Ige at the next election…..
Aloha Bob,
Thankfully, this is Ige’s last term. Can we impeach him prior to him running out his last 2.5 yrs? One would hope so!
Um hello…when IGE’s term is up… he can’t stay as governor anymore…
Ige doesn’t care as his second and final term is up end of 2022. He sure is doing a great job in permanently closing many small businesses, all while he and all those government officials are getting their full salaries, while everyone else is suffering. But he says “we are all in this together!”…..yeah, right.
My daughter and her fiance will be glad to get a test prior to flying if it means no quar antine! They fly on 8-1 and marry on 8-4 (after having to cancel in May). Seems like a totally reasonable solution to me.
This sounds like a tourism/economic COUP against our NON-LEADER Gov. Ige?!?!? LT Gov. Green appears to have a functioning brain & is using it to prevent our State from COMPLETELY IMPLODING upon itself economically! Kudos to LT Gov. Green as we all hope & pray for the best possible outcome!
Exactly! Facts/Fear with reasonable easily implemented guidelines. Finally a leader emerges with the ability to LEAD-imagine that!…I think Hawaii has already jumped the shark! The cure will now have more devastating consequences than the disease:(…yes, “cases” are increasing as testing is increasing. The facts still show it is similar to a very bad flu season- so, isolate the vulnerable (& in Hawaii which has a HUGE prevalence of Diabetes that may be a lot of it’s citizens), and let the healthy use common sense and take the risks we all do just by walking out front door each day.
So your lieutenant governor and the chamber of commerce are working separately from the governor himself? Seems odd. I dont trust the chamber because they care more about money than lives. Open safely. We are booked for September after our may trip fell thru.
I would not travel to Hawaii if there’s a 14 day quar antine. I wouldn’t go if there were just a 2 day one.
I wouldn’t travel there if there was even a one day quar antine. This is America also and the rest of America is open.
Hawaiian airlines canceled our flights to Kona for July and we then canceled our tours, rental car and time share accommodations for the 2 weeks. Sadly, we won’t be rebooking for this year, perhaps 2021. We sincerely hope your islands survive your government’s decision making process.
Thank you Beat of Hawaii… aloha
Hi Jan.
Thank you.
We have flights scheduled for July 3rd with Hawaiian. Ours haven’t been canceled yet. I’m wondering why. If they’ve canceled others shouldn’t they have canceled ours as well? That way maybe I can get my money back. Unless it’s about not wanting to give a refund. The girl I talked to said I would get a voucher if I canceled and pay a difference next year if the price is higher. But why should I pay more next year if I have a voucher for tickets I’ve already paid for. Thank you, Monique M.
Hi Monique.
Yes, we would think your flights should be canceled. As others have suggested, try reaching out to HA via direct messaging in social media.
As I understand testing in Las Vegas – it takes between 4 and 7 days to receive results. This will not comply with the three-day testing requirement. It sure makes it tough to plan.
Exactly. In Phoenix, it has taken even longer than 7 days in some cases. How are we supposed to get tested 72 hours before travel AND have the results?
Wait and see, but sounds hopeful. I still won’t be putting any money on the line until I know for certain that it’s a go. Burned once already with the closedown, I won’t try it again until it’s a sure thing!
What happens if you test the required three day before departure and your tests results have not been mailed to you before the three days are up? What if your departure flight is scheduled for a weekend on Sunday, you are tested on the required three day before on Friday….most agencies close for the weekend.
I just got back Saturday.
Please let me know how Jeff got tested?
Thank you
Hi Anthony.
Jeff was tested at Hawaii Pacific Health’s Wilcox hospital test facility.
What is also being asked for by the chamber is “clear, consistent direction and reopening guidelines that are delivered through one government voice, and a straightforward communications plan.”
Why do you have to make this political?
Because it is political.
Thank you Paul! This shouldn’t be political it should be about being smart and safe. I know Kauai only has 38 ventilators for example. They can’t handle an out of control pandemic in the 2 hospitals on the Island. I’m sad I had to cancel our trip for April and May.
It’s all about being smart and safe for the greater good!
If we have already had C0vid and have flights for July 8 would it be possible to come?
Afraid not. The Hawaiians are still terrified of you and all other mainlanders.
Good question, If a citizen ever tested positive with or without symptoms, they will always test positive for antibodies. Does that mean Hawaii is out of their life forever or until the gov. comes up with a solution. We still do not know if a person can be re-infected symptoms or not?
Looks like if they follow this plan, you’d still have to be tested and show negative.
It’s all still guesswork.