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Hawaii Travel Upended By Concerns And Cancellations Amid Latest COVID Surge

Hawaii vacation demand is strong. Yet big concerns remain about rules, health, safety, and lost travel dollars.

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144 thoughts on “Hawaii Travel Upended By Concerns And Cancellations Amid Latest COVID Surge”

  1. Well, I can’t say about future plans, but we did just return from a vacation to the Big Island last week. I can tell you that we came very close to postponing the trip since we were concerned about bringing home COVIDS to my 90 year old mother who’s staying with us right now. We decided to go anyway, the draw to Hawaii was just too great. :-). However, we were VERY careful, kept our “typical tourist” activities to a minimum (sorry, no booze cruise this time), and we fastidious about mask wearing, hand washing, etc. Once we returned we quarantined away from Mom, and after 5 days got tested just to be sure even though we were feeling fine up to that point. My wife made the comment “wow, glad we went when we did, because the way things are going with the spread of COVID and the hospitals in Hawaii right now, we would probably postpose if it were now.”

    1. Dear Joerg, Right now I just don’t feel comfortable traveling anywhere cases are high so I’ve decided to postpone until 2023. I figure Hawaii isn’t going anywhere, so I can wait. I’m looking forward to the day when I’m sitting on the 🛩 traveling to Hawaii🌍🏖🏝🌈🌞🌊🍍🥥🐢🐠🌺🕶👙🛍🩴👒📅

  2. We canceled our oct-nov trip as we are worried about losing deposits and vacation time as well as the safety of the people on Hawaii. Just can’t take a chance. It’s sad because we like to help the locals when we are there and try our best to use local businesses whenever we can. Well maybe another time when this gets under control

  3. This is actually one of the best times to travel to hawaii. Planes are half empty so it’s easy to get a whole row to yourself. Also no more long lines for car rentals and prices dropping. Beaches are no longer overcrowded and parking is easy. Finally airline ticket prices are coming back down and no change charges are back again making it easy to reschedule. Got to love the pink bracelets for pre clearance at the airports as well.

  4. We, unfortunately, canceled our forthcoming trip to Kauai given the uncertain COVID concerns. Even though we are fully vaccinated, the risk, at this time, outweighs the reward. Hopefully we will be able to come when this pandemic loosens its hold on our country.

  5. We have reservations for late November, and still plan to come, assuming COVID doesn’t get worse, and boosters are available if needed. We have family there, and we’re all very careful, so hopefully our November trip will happen.

    Thanks for keeping us informed BOH.

  6. I will not be traveling to Hawaii until the vaccination passport mandates have been lifted. This isn’t going to help the economy and it surely isn’t going to help with the spread of covid on the islands. Vaxxed are getting and spreading covid. Plain and simple.

    1. Aloha Erica, Your choice – stay home. But I’m fully vaxed and have no problem demonstrating that by showing my vax card if it makes other people more comfrotable — like small businesses who want to protect their employees and, hence, their business.

      Stay well.

    2. That’s because the vaccines do not protect you from the Delta variant, or any other variant for that matter. They were designed for the original spike protein virus, which has pretty much run its course. Even a “booster” will not protect you because the booster is the very same vaccine as was given against the spike protein virus. And those fully vaccinated can get the COVID variants, including the DELTA variant, carry them, and spread them to others, even others who are fully vaccinated. For those of you who think I have smoked too much Maui Wowie, do some research, talk with your doctor, which I did just this morning in fact, who concurred completely.

      1. Rob, you have been misinformed. Take a look at the CDC website here for correct information:

        If you do you will find that 1. Delta is the same virus (i.e. spike protein) as the original (alpha) virus. It’s just mutated a bit. 2. the vaccine is still effective at preventing severe illness from the Delta variant. That’s the reason the CDCd wants people to get vaccinated. What we are seeing right now bears all this out with hospitals in Hawaii and elsewhere filling up with unvaccinated people who have Delta.

      2. Regular people don’t do “research” they look stuff up on the internet that supports their pre-conceived beliefs.
        They are not researchers.
        Your doctor is probably an excellent physician but most likely not an epidemiologist or a infectious disease specialist nor are you. Everybody these days thinks they are an expert on viruses and, in reality, they are not. Not even close.
        Misinformation kills.

  7. We have cancelled our trip to Kauai for this month and are not scheduling future travel to Hawaii at this time. We are both fully vaccinated, but we are also older adults, and concerned about availability of healthcare should either of us get sick while on the island and do not want to overburden the Kauai health systems. We wish everyone who still travels there to stay safe, and respectful of the residents and have a great time on a wonderful, very special place. Mahalo

  8. We planned and booked a four week visit to Kauai in 7.2022. Our first trip back since 2019. I have no idea what tomorrow holds for Hawaii travel let alone 9 or 10 months from now. We will have to re-evaluate the trip in Spring 2022 and go from there. Bottom-line, confidence in Hawaii travel is not good and prospects will likely continue to be murky at best. Good luck to all. Aloha.

  9. I will be getting my booster shot about 3 weeks before I come to keep myself safe and others.

    I cannot cancel as I would be losing a lot of money. I feel that we will be safe and I have no need to eat in a restaurant. i can do take out, make at our villa or just eat off of the great food trucks.

  10. We have plans for Maui in October and are fully vaccinated and still plan to go. Of course we will follow any new guidelines that may or may not pop up in-between.


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