65 thoughts on “Hawaii Vacation Demand Exceeds Capacity | What You Need To Do”

  1. Anyone going interisland should not, repeat NOT, use Vault Health for their covid test. Supposed to be a two-day turn around on a zoom call saliva test. Forget it – 6 days later I had to go with an in-person test. Cost $119 and I feel ripped off as they won’t refund even though package unopened. Hawaiian Airlines should take them off their site.

  2. If the state of Hawaii insists on a Vaccination Passport in order to enter their state I will be more than happy to join a Class Action Lawsuit opposing this. Hawaii isn’t a separate country, they are PART of the United States of America, whether they like it or not. No other state in the union is requiring a vaccination passport. There are lots of people that can’t take vaccines. This COVID vaccine is still listed as “experimental” by the FDA and CDC. It doesn’t STOP or KILL the virus. It’s only effective for 90 days and it’s only 90%-95% effective. I’ll take my chances with my own immune system, no vaccine, to protect me against a virus that has a 99.5% SURVIVAL RATE!

    By the way, I own property in Hawaii and haven’t been able to visit it for more than a year because of Hawaii’s BS lockdowns, quarantines, and mandates.

  3. We just got back from Maui and aside from the cooler than “normal” weather we had a blast! A little shocked to find we had to make reservations at many restaurants (usually only do that for Mama’s!). We managed to get in some places as walk-ins or get takeout. The big shocker was showing up at the black sand beach on the road to Hana and told we needed a reservation and they were booked up. That’s ok, still hiked the bamboo forest to the falls. We noticed the car rental was much higher than normal and our condo wasn’t doing housekeeping but overall it’s still a little piece of heaven on earth and we are already planning our next trip back. Thanks for all your info!

  4. Aloha BOH,
    We are excited about returning to beautiful Kauai in May for a belated 70th BD celebration with our family .. have a question for your readers – our checkout from rental home is 10am; flight departs at 10pm..Other than hanging out on beach? We are old so would prefer having a room to hang out in.. should we look into a hotel room?
    Mahalo for any suggestions

    1. Hi Cheryl.

      Congratulations. Wishing you a great time on Kauai. Not sure what choices you are looking for regarding either spending the day out and about or at a hotel nearby the airport.


    2. Often you can you can get a what is called a day room at hotels. Call a few hotels and see if you can find one that suits your needs.

    3. Sorry to bother you and many thanks for quick reply – hoping for a hotel suggestion that may let us buy a day pass? Or any other suggestions on where to hang out till the evening?
      Again, Mahalo and cannot wait to be back ..

      1. Hi Cheryl.

        Maybe someone else can help. We aren’t of any hotels that rent by the hour.


    4. We have always paid for an extra night at our accommodation because most flights back to the mainland are red-eye, leaving well into the evening. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find any “day rooms” to use.

      It would be a great business idea to offer luggage storage and shower access to travelers who need this near the airports. I’d gladly pay up to the half the cost of another night at my condo.

  5. We are expecting to visit Maui in April. And I just wanted to say THANK YOU B.O.H. VERY MUCH FOR ALL OF THE INFORMATION. Every day I look forward to seeing your posts. Thanks again, Bob D.

  6. As a homeowner who does rentals in Ko Olina, I would agree with what the author is saying. We went from almost completely empty to almost fully booked in the span of a month or so. Never seen anything like this past year.

  7. After reading the warning regarding car rental prices, I quickly booked a 6-day minivan rental for Maui (7/25-7/30) thru Costco for $1253. Ouch! The savings I gained from my Dec airfare booking has gone towards the vehicle rental.

    1. Check Wisecars.com best prices of anyone and they do flash sales. Booked a minivan for Maui 7/7-721 for $853 and it’s from thrifty.

  8. When you come please drive with aloha. I have seen a massive increase in rental cars over the past few weeks and most people are driving like they’re still on the mainland, speeding through school zones, cutting people off. Also check the weather before you venture out, so many rescues and sadly many tourists who have perished in the mountains and sea recently. Make sure when you venture somewhere off the beaten path that it is not private property and that you are physically fit enough to traverse it. Have fun, be kind & patient, stay safe♡

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