Hawaii Weddings Hit The Skids

Hawaii Weddings Hit The Skids

Hawaii weddings, like the rest of the state, have decidedly collapsed. And what should have been an epic year, is turning out to be the most dismal in decades. This is impacting wedding planners, photographers, officiants, accommodations, air travel, and the myriad of other related industries that overlap.

It has even been felt by Beat of Hawaii co-owner Rabbi Rob Kvidt (kauairabbi.com), who performs Jewish weddings and other ceremonies. “All of my wedding couples changed their plans and were married elsewhere. The last wedding I performed was at the Princeville Resort Kauai right before this all hit. We had no idea whatsoever just how much everything was about to change.”

Frieda Gayle (kauaiweddingofficiant.com) said “The wedding industry has been severely impacted, to put it mildly. Couples are anxiously awaiting news if they can come. On the bright side, Kauai, and Hawaii, in general, is worth the wait. It is a premier destination location for a beautiful and very memorable wedding and as soon as it is allowed, I’m sure our couples will come back. We so look forward to that day. I miss them and the friendships that are formed with my couples.”

Hawaii beach wedding sallied over virus concerns.

As if it couldn’t get worse for Hawaii weddings, a woman at Waimanalo Beach appears to have just bushwacked a Hawaii beach wedding due to Covid regulations currently in effect on Oahu.

In the tragic and avoidable video at the bottom, a woman interrupted the small wedding, starting with a rather insincere “Aloha,” to tell participants that “This is the beach and the beach is closed.” The officiant can be seen rushing the group away from the beach, back towards a large house several yards away. An altercation ensues related to the beach and nearby house while someone else says simply that “These people don’t know that’s the property line.”

Current status of getting married in Hawaii.

All visitors must quarantine 14-days prior to the ceremony. That excludes many from getting married in Hawaii.

Beach wedding permits on the island of Oahu are invalid until at least September 4, according to the state’s Department of Land and Natural Resources. While swimming, surfing and other beach activities are permitted, social gatherings at the beach are not allowed.

Wiki Permits will continue to be issued in other counties (islands) subject to COVID-19 restrictions: (a) no group shall exceed 10 persons; (b) group members who are not part of the same household shall comply with social distancing requirements; and (c) use of beach limited to 1/2 hour before sunrise to 1/2 hour after sunset.

Questions remain as to what will be left of the wedding business after this all shakes out. Did you cancel your wedding plans for Hawaii or are you planning to get married here in the future?

Twitter video contains strong language.

Photo © Beat of Hawaii from an earlier beach wedding at Ala Moana Beach Park, Oahu.

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41 thoughts on “Hawaii Weddings Hit The Skids”

  1. Maybe this will be a small step toward making weddings about commitment, instead of about exotic photo ops and ‘look what we did’.

  2. Aloha! It’s sad to see ‘aloha Karen’ disrupting a ceremony. Not cool. They weren’t bothering anybody. If I didn’t know better I’d think she was disrupting them because they’re people of color because that’s what it looks like from my perspective.

    1. Read up on the context. The woman was sick of multiple violations occurring from the illegal (due to C19) short term rental. Getting married is not a license to break the rules.

  3. One of my favorite things to do when in Poipu,is, to sit in a beach chair reading a book on the grass in front of the beach house, over looking Lawai beach. Many young couples get married there and it’s a very precious thing to watch. Some of the ceremonies are extravagant and some more minimal, all are unique. It’s start into a lifetime and brings back found memories.
    Rob, you have a wonderful profession. Mahalo.

  4. Aloha everyone
    Such fond memories for the wife and me of our wedding.
    Many years ago we were married on the beach in front of Lahaina Shores on Maui. We stood in the water and threw the leis out into the water at the end of the ceremony. Our wedding person did the ceremony half in Hawaiian and half in English, It was great.
    We can hardly wait to return and enjoy the islands and their culture.
    A Hui Hou

    1. Exactly. Karma. Can anyone explain the NEED to be mean, hateful, unkind and downright awful to one another as WE ARE ALL HURTING so much as it is. Why put out even MORE hate, unkindness and negativity? Ah, because those who do this, are filled inside with all that they put out. Karma is already in action. But, still innocent people pay the price for other’s hatred. Sigh! I remember a world with more love than hate. Long ago. …. or so it seems. Aloha everyone. Love vs. hate!! Namaste’

  5. I am so sad to see this! Definitely not the aloha spirit I have so loved from our many visits.
    While it may not have been right, this couple was not hurting anyone. This local just ruined what would have been an incredibly happy and blessed day.

    I would also like to mention that if the beach was closed why she didn’t say anything to what appeared to be 2 people on the sand at the start of they video.

    Just sad…

  6. Wow! this makes you want to visit Hawaii and experience Aloha! Nothing like turning people against each other – just another fall out of the cure is worse than the virus. As if Hawaii didn’t need another reason for sane people to bail on it…Holy cow! this beautiful family looked like they were all O’hana and for all we know were renewing their vows- how does the Karen know they were getting married vs. just reaffirming their love? If Hawaii has 14 day quarantine and travel is down to a trickle how come Covid cases are rising? Oh, that’s right, man cannot control tons of viruses and like Sweden needs to let it run it’s course. Don’t take my word on Sweden already coming to the other side of this virus, do your own research (as I see I cannot attach a link here:). Prayers for peace in Hawaii!

    1. I agree with the comments here. I have been reading BOH since the Covid mess started but held my comments until seeing this ruined wedding celebration. This “supposed” local spewing her botched “Aloha” spirit was abusive, unnecessary and cruel. Sadly, she seemed to enjoy being so hateful. Just what I feared would start happening in Hawaii. The us (locals) vs them (visitors) mentality fueled by exacerbated information, partial truths and the refusal to face facts. Our Kauai house hunting trip was cancelled 3 times. Given the undercurrent of latent hatred seen here, I’m not sure I want to visit let alone retire there. Since my first visit in 1970, Hawaiians always seemed better than this.I understand that Hawaiians are frustrated and uncertain of their future. I pray that this woman is not the future of Hawaii. Thank you, BOH for being the voice of sanity amid the craziness.

    2. Sweden: 575 deaths per million – the worst in Scandinavia (even worse than the US).
      Herd immunity: a fantasy until there is an effective vaccine. Historical example: smallpox killed about 400,000 people per year in Europe alone (with a much smaller population than today) until a vaccine was developed. Deaths included heads of state.
      The term herd immunity was coined in relation to vaccinated populations; it has nothing to do with simply letting diseases run wild.

  7. Such stupidity. Who were they bothering? Only one local with anger issues and a bee up her bonnet.

    What should have been one of the best days of their lives was ruined because of idiotic lock down laws and one tita who gotta be right.

    My apologies for that ugly confrontation that should not have happened.

  8. That lady that disrupted the small wedding is exactly what the crazy’s want. Wanting regular people to turn on each other. What has the world come to. Mussels, isolation and fear !!!!
    My favorite place in the world has been Kauai . Looks like Aloha and Ohana has turned into arresting people over a celebration of Love. So sad but remember what you do to others will be done to you. 🙏

  9. I’m struggling to see her side of this; I’m really trying to understand. It looks like a family and it was a small gathering. If they’re staying quarantined at that house, and the wedding was happening there under the trees, then it sure seems to comply with safety guidelines. I mean, if their ceremony took place in the living room of that house, would that be an illegal gathering? Doubtful.
    She could have reported it to the police and leave it to them to decide if it truly was “illegal” or not. No need to be a vigilante and harass people over such a dubious transgression. Sure- report those that are truly violating the rules, but then leave it at that.

    I too live in a tourist supported state (NV) so I know – life is uneasy everywhere. The woman must be awfully stressed to lash out in such a way and I feel sorry for her in that regard. I
    hope she soon remembers that being kind and considerate to one another will help us all so much more.
    ~ Aloha

  10. Shame on the woman who filmed that, ruined a wedding and used vulgar, hateful language.
    Shame on BOH for replaying this.
    I feel very sorry for the wedding couple.

  11. Wow!! What has this world come to that people are so angry. This looked like a small family wedding. Would it have really killed that rude woman to just go on her way and let them have their moment??

    Sad times we are in that people can no longer mind their own business when no harm is being done and then feel justified in their actions.

    Some say Covid and the lock down have made people mean and rude. I say they’ve always been mean and rude people.

    Thanks again BOH you guys do a great job keeping us informed. Even though the more I read the more I feel it’s going to be a long time before I return 😥

  12. This country needs more Governors like South Dakota’s Gov, Kristi Noem. I feel for everyone who’s lively hoods have been put in limbo or are gone forever. The reaction to this virus is just gross.

  13. Oh my gosh! Who does this “Crazy” woman think she is? Those people weren’t hurting anyone. I’m sure they were all staying together in the house. I’ll bet the people in the wedding party will never return to Hawaii? The crazy local woman certainly ruined their day and gave them negative memories of their wedding day. The worse part is that I’m sure the local enjoyed every minute of her harassment.

    This is exactly what visitors are afraid of if/when we return to Hawaii. Little does this crazy woman know, but as this video goes viral, it will further harm the islands return of visitors.

    If you ask me, it’s the local woman that should have gone to jail for harassment.

    If by chance any of the wedding party reads this, I’d like to say that I’m so sorry this happened to you.

    Mahalo & Aloha

  14. Yes. We were to marry on 9/24 on Maui. We’ve cancelled. Our planner has been super helpful and accommodating, but We’re worried if they’ll be around next year? We’d love to plan a year later in 2021, but honestly we’re crushed and feel so empty and limited in what we can plan for. Heart breaking with one direction or end in sight.

  15. Not just rude..totally obnoxious! First they weren’t on the “beach” but in the area above it. Even if the protester was correct, she just ruined a very special day for this couple…a memory that can never be erased. All of those people will forever remember her attitude and will probably never return.

    She said she didn’t want to be rude but that’s what she was!

  16. I feel sorry for the bride & groom, and the kids who look stunned…..”the cops are coming”…wow. Wife & I were married in Maui 6 years ago on the grounds of the property where we were staying (with permission). Took photos there and across the street @ Kamaole 1. We have returned annually, except for this year….

  17. It is so sad to see one of the prettiest states, if not the most beautiful state in the country on the brink of disaster. It appears the suffering economy will give way to the fear of the health of the people. I just hope the gov doesn’t wait too long which will cause irreparable damage. Come on, let’s get things opened back up again. I think there can be a solid compromise with safety and reopening. Good luck to our island friends.

  18. My husband and I got married last June at Olowalu Plantation House in Maui. We have always felt extremely fortunate to have been married in such a beautiful place, but I would say our level of thanks has quadrupled since the pandemic. No one could have guessed that in less than a year it would be impossible to have the same picturesque wedding surrounded by 50 loved ones.

    I pray for everyone affected by this virus, but especially for those whose source of livelihood has been uprooted.

  19. We are to be married in Maui 1/21/21, our guests are dropping like flies but we are still hopeful. My heart hurts for couples who cancelled and vendors alike. Couples looking for refunds remember to be kind the vendors have lost all of their business and money just like the rest of us. I will not cancel but postpone. Be safe and my prayers are with you Hawaii and my fellow travelers.

    1. Do the native Hawaiians really hate their guests this much? That bitch needs to get a life! Do something worthwhile for your community. Make some masks for your friends. Anything. That was nothing more than a hateful person trying to intimidate folks who were minding their own business. Enjoy a lifetime of welfare – that’s your future.

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