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24 thoughts on “Hawaiian Airlines Moves Aircraft Maintenance To Philippines”

  1. When will Hawaiian Airlines fly from HNL to CRK non stop as opposed to MNL? I mean most Filipinos in Hawaii are from the Northern part of the Philippines. Anything to bypass MNL is always a plus. Clark airport (CRK) is the clear answer here. I hope the Philippine Consul General in Hawaii is working this. Clark is far better than NAIA. Mahalo.

  2. I would feel safer on an Airbus plane manufactured in Europe and maintained in the Philippines than a Dreamliner built in North Carolina and maintained in the US. Boeing has shown that American companies compromise safety over shareholder returns. Considering the standards of the Singapore government vs the US, this decision by Hawaiian may be in our best interest.

  3. Based on the article and comments there is clear lack of understanding on the practices that exist in the entire airline industry. First, the A321s in question were manufactured overseas and still had to get FAA airworthiness. They are N-registered US aircraft with FAA airworthiness certifications and are still have the Same FAA oversight as they would have if the work was done anywhere else. The same FAA qualifications for signoffs required, etc. Zero difference. Most airlines outsource much of their D-level work. Thinking the FAA has the highest standards is also not correct. Singapore is the 5th safest airline in the world above All US carriers, the top 7 are not US airlines, Alaska and Hawaiian are the top US airlines for safety.

    1. Agreed.
      SIA Engineering company has Singapore & Philippine bases, with capability on current and new generation of Airbus, Boeing and Embraer aircrafts. Singapore Airlines themselves, are rated No. 1 & 2 worldwide. Love to fly both SQ and Hawaiian! I think some of the readers are not well informed….

  4. Outsourcing aircraft maintenece? Hawaiian Airlines upgraded software system is like a snowball of “glitches” hitting consumers all at once. We are it seems here in Hawaii unable to voice our discontent with delays and policies that are not consumer friendly. My unused tickets are disappearing from HA’s data base due most recently to their software upgrade. Your recourse to use unexpired tickets is in a written request to their consumer affairs department who can verify unused tickets? I really don’t buy that. HA’s Phillipine based outsourced reservation agents are mostly unable to find unused tickets for rebooking. I can’t see this revenue not being returned to passengers and going to an airlines profit margin.

  5. I am A&P licensed aircraft technician but retired for 40 years at Northrop Grumman. Thank you. I speak tagalog.

  6. Hawaiian Airlines, in my observations and this article, is shifting more and more to foreign countries to provide them with Cheap Labor. What about Hawaii? So much for HAL commitment to the Hawaiian Islands and People! Without FAA Oversight how soon will Severe, and Minor, Problems Occur? Trading Dollars for Safety and Lives Doesn’t Make Sense!

    1. The trouble is available labor in HI (big issue) and competition, Hawaiian Airlines is the 8th largest employer in the state. Folks want the lowest prices and with competition they have to find ways to keep ticket prices reasonable. They 100% still have to comply with all FAA requirements, the planes are FAA registered (N- registration on the aircraft) and will always be under FAA oversight as long as they are a US registered, FAA is not the most strict in the world, but is pretty strict. Remember, the A321 they are discussing was built in Europe (more strict), that doesn’t mean it is shoddy or it doesn’t have to meet FAA standards, so maintaining an airplane overseas that was built overseas shouldn’t be any news at all.

  7. It’s too bad Hawaiian Air does not support aircraft workers in Hawai’i by having airframe maintenance done locally.

  8. So. Airbus is a European company, Embraer is Brazilian, Rolls Royce is British and even the US engine manufacturer Pratt and Whitney has a lot manufactured abroad. Having travelled and lived all the world I can say it is delusional to think American labor is best. Not only is it more expensive (=higher ticket costs) it is not the best in quality by a long shot. That mindset is misguided American “triumphalist” mentality and partially why the US is losing its competitive footing.

  9. Surprised that the airline unions haven’t pushed hardtop get maintenance done in the USA. SWA just built a hanger at the Denver Airpot. UAL and Frontier also have hangers in Denver. At one time Denver was in the running for a major maintenance for UAL some time ago. But because the Denver city council voted not to give UAL and tax incentives SFO won the bid. 3 million sq feet under roof and 127 acres. If UAL can do it all the other can do the same. Check out the YouTube video of the UAL maintenance facility. American Airlines has facility in Tulsa OK. with 3 millon sq under roof too.


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