Hawaiian Faces Setback as United Plans To Make Headway

Hawaii’s Airlines Battle For Customers With Vaccination Mandates And Controversy

Issues include one major airline that continues to hold out in enforcing employee vaccination.

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86 thoughts on “Hawaii’s Airlines Battle For Customers With Vaccination Mandates And Controversy”

  1. Valerie F:
    How do you live with it around people like you if you have had 4 kidney transplants and a compromised immune system?

  2. NO to mandates—do your own risk assessment. If you have health issues, then do what you need to do. Flying is cleaner than it has ever been anyway and I feel safer now!!
    I have always wiped down my area before seating back when people would look at me like I am a germaphobe—
    this has gotten way out of hand. Time to move on and live with it.

  3. “No” to your question “Are you more inclined to fly an airline that requires all employees to be vaccinated?” Absolutely the opposite. I am about to book a flight from Kona to Oahu. I just checked to see who has mandates for employees. I see that Hawaiian does so I am booking with Southwest even though the hours less convenient. Our governments are not following the science. Thank you. Katherine R

  4. The problem here is that people think if all are vaccinated, somehow the virus magically disappears or prevents them (the vaccinated) from getting it. That’s just not the case. If you’re the one vaccinated the other people being vaccinated has nothing to do with you! It’s like a meme I saw…

    “I hate allergy season. I took my Claritin but no one else did so it’s not working…”

    Don’t force a mandate if you’re expecting to be safe. You do you and don’t worry about the others.

  5. No I am not inclined to fly on airlines requiring. I support you should have a choice to inject in your body or not…a few of my vaccinated friends getting Covid.

  6. There are now over 80 published scientific studies that show natural immunity is more robust than the vaccine. We are also seeing the vaccine effectiveness decreasing after 6 months. How long will the “fully vaccinated” be considered “fully vaccinated”? How many boosters will be mandating to be considered “fully vaccinated”? This nonsense has gone on long enough. If we want to continue hurting the economy, ruining our country, & destroying an a already short handed work force, keep the mandates.


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