65 thoughts on “How Adaptable Are You? | Hawaii Vacations Before Tourism’s Lightning Return”

  1. I’m with Expedia, we go twice a year but are in No hurry to get there and have to wear a mask at the beach, pool, or just walking? Time will tell I suppose

  2. Appreciate all the up to date information. We have a vacation scheduled for March and are still on the fence about going. Wearing a mask on the beach is not our idea of a vacation. Question ~ what are the plans if a person has had the new vaccine? Still required to do all the covid testing? Will it help relieve some of the restrictions?

    1. Hi Joanne.

      It is far too early to know what the rules may be for March. We’ll let you know as we learn more.


    2. We have been on Maui for 2 weeks now and almost no one is wearing a mask at the beach. People are in their family clusters, 10 or 12 feet apart at least, and no one even walks within 6 feet of another person. With the ocean breezes, we feel safe.

  3. Thanks for this interesting article. We purchased a second home in Lahaina right before the pandemic. We waited and hoped for travel re-opening with pre-testing. Finally, we came over at the beginning of August and did our quarantine. We did get tested prior to travel just to be good citizens. We spent over three months and it was a very unique and ultimately worthwhile visit. The first two months we experienced Maui as we never had before. Yes, it was very sad to see the shops closed in town. But we did witness many businesses re-opening at the end of October and into November. We will return next month and look forward to a wonderful experience.

  4. Sadly, we decided to cancel our spring break 2021 plans to visit Kauai. Knowing that things can change at any time as far as travel restrictions made it so I don’t want to risk ending up with restricted timeshare points if we had to cancel last minute (like last year). Hawaii will be there for us when things are better. Sending Aloha!

  5. Aloha-
    As I stated on previous articles, the slow roll, quiet, masked up Kauai is ok for my family. We are adaptable. We may see if there are 1 or 2 paid activities we can safely do, but we are happy with just hiking and walking around the beauty and history of Kauai . We don’t need the tourist shops or dine-in experiences. But We are happy to help the economy and spend money if a shop is open.
    I did want to post here if there is anyone else from the CA Bay Area looking for Covid tests, that I called and talked to the OAK airport testing site because I was confused if they only offered the 48/72 hr test when articles stated they offered rapid. This was a growing concern to me if HI decided to not let passengers on the plane without result (which is how it should be). They said when I show up to my appointment I have the option for the free 48/72 test or to pay for the rapid 7-8hr test.

    1. Hi Lynde.

      Thanks. Just to re-state this. The state of Hawaii has no authority to require testing before a flight. That is solely within the purview of the federal government.


  6. Hello,
    We are trying to hold … but to be honest, the fact that an island can shutdown her door at anytime is a big risk.
    It means reschedule on site and lost a lot of money (hotel, Airbnb, flights…)
    It’s a dream to visit several island and that’s why we hold … but if we follow the put logic, we should postpone unfortunately…
    Let’s cross our fingers 1 more week !

  7. I have already cancelled two trips to Hawaii this year. The policies are too risky (for the traveler) and inconsistent. Your policymakers really need to get it together.

  8. We are rescheduled for Kauai in April. I hope (but am not counting on) their tiered system being a thing of the past. That would be an argument to go now before you can’t.

    I really, really hope I am wrong.

    Mahalo for all you do to keep us informed!

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