Southwest Hawaii Flights

Impact Of Hawaii’s SWA CEO Testing Positive After Negating Masks As Island Cases Skyrocket

Will bizarre coincidences impact Southwest Hawaii’s winning streak as island Covid cases skyrocket?

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61 thoughts on “Impact Of Hawaii’s SWA CEO Testing Positive After Negating Masks As Island Cases Skyrocket”

  1. I respect this CEO for coming out against the ridiculous mask mandates! People need to wake up, fully vaxxed forever maskers are getting covid. Do you really want to live the rest of your life in all this fear? You can not run from covid. I just pray my new years plans are not ruined by all this. I seriously regret not going to florida.

    1. So much negativity in these conversations.
      Everybody is so focused on being right and the ego.
      Its sad.
      Be nice everyone, be kind, it goes a long ways.


    1. I am at my limit with people who won’t even try to educate themselves about how vaccines work. I’m not talking about the Covid vaccine, but any vaccines. Vaccines do not prevent anyone from having a virus enter their system and testing positive for the presence of that virus in their bodies.

      The antibodies & immune responses that vaccines enable the body to produce are TRIGGERED by the presence of the virus. This is the way that vaccines enable us to escape hospitalization and death. Sheesh.

      1. It’s amazing after 2 years that anybody does not understand this.I suppose if you get all your information from anti-social media then that might explain it. I feel your frustration.

    2. Nobody has ever said the vaccination totally prevents getting Covid, but it is very effective at preventing serious illness and death as is the case here….I would say Gary feels the vaccine is working very well indeed. No doubt he’s very happy he had it.

  2. I have a problem with the SWA crews that fly in , spend the night and do an inter island leg, then go home. Their pilots sued to avoid the vaccination mandate, clearly they don’t respect us enough to at least offer the courtesy of being vaccinated when in our state. SWA reflects the Texas approach to dealing with Covid and Hawaii has a very different approach.

  3. It won’t and shouldn’t have any effect on the flying public. Everyone wears a mask on a plane. There is no telling where or when we he contracted it. If he has no comorbidities statistics say he will be fine, as will more than 99% of people who get Covid-19 and are double vaccinated.

    My daughter, who is a RN, is double vaccinated and boosted and still came down with it. It was little more than a bad cold. But, she is otherwise healthy and not overweight.

    Time to get on with our lives.

    1. Yeah Edc!!. I’m coming back from 5 days of Colorado skiing. Love keeping my life going strong at 70 years old. I’ll continue to take care of myself and not be afraid to thank my freedom as an American.

    2. Time to move on? Tell that to the families of > 800,000 people who have died so far with no end in site — because people don’t want to be inconvenienced by wearing masks AND getting fully vaccinated.

      1. Annette C – I never said move on from Covid-19. I said it’s time to get on with life. According to the CDC (you can look it up) “COVID-19 was reported as the underlying cause of death or a contributing cause of death for an estimated 377,883” in the United States in 2020. So, more people have died since the vaccine has been available than before it was available.

        We have never stopped traveling since the start of the pandemic. We have lost family members and friends close friends.

      2. One of those people who died was my dad! And yes, it’s time to move on, even he would say so! Fear is the most powerful control any government entity can exert over you. If we cave, we are no longer free. I’m positive my dad would not want that for his children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren!!!!

        1. Good Day MARY S

          Those who have suffered a loss understand, and we extend our hands.

          You write of things that we all should consider.

          It is difficult to want to understand that there are those among us that would expound fear rather than assurance and positive expectations. Those that would impede rather than progress. But the answer may be simple.

          “Fearlessness in those without power is maddening to those who have it.”
          ― Tobias Wolff, This Boy’s Life

          1. Just to show you how easily different perspectives can be used Heyward ….my take is the people spreading all the rampant anti vax misinformation are using fear to counter the simple reporting of facts about the number of deaths and the relation to that among the unvaxxed vs the vaxxed.. The Jabs are saving lives and are very safe….now start the personal choice side of the debate with that fact established…….

          2. Good Day JOHNW

            I realize you are a strong proponent of vaccines and the vaccination programs. I applaud your stand.

            Arguably “Jabs” are safe and saving lives. Arguably they are not. Evidence of both is plentiful. As yet, I remain convinced of neither.

            But as with most things that are unclear, I think it is the honest disagreements, rather than the unquestioned agreement, that will ultimately lead us to the truth.

          3. Heyward, On one hand you have the simple fact that the vaccines have been scrutinized and tested extensively and the vast majority of apolitical experts in the field have reams of Data proving how safe and effect the vaccination is versus some very politically focused “Doctors” who clearly are factoring their political views over just plain what’s best for the patient. Many making money selling “alternatives. Not to mention the crazy conspiracy theories. Seems like an ez judgement call to me.

  4. I’m sure he’s been wearing a mask per the guidance, got his vax, and he’s following all the rules, right? So, he’s right – masks make no difference. He just proved his own point.

    1. There is no logic to your statement. Maybe 30 other people on the plane didn’t contract the disease because they were wearing a mask.Its an upper respitory illness if you keep the droplets down by wearing a mask then you and others around you will have less chance of inhaling from others or exhaling on others. Logic.

  5. “he has been fully vaccinated and received the booster earlier this year.”
    The masks don’t work and neither do the vaccines. See the Truth.
    And let’s return our freedoms for all.

    1. What “freedoms” would those be then? How is wearing a mask a loss of freedom. Is wearing clothes on a plane a loss of freedom? Is wearing a seat belt? How about having to have a boarding pass or sitting down at take off? Think people use your brains. It’s just common sense.

          1. I’m just not quite convinced of this.

            A choice imposed by another that presents itself holding out suffering for the decider as one the alternatives may indeed not be a choice at all. At some point such changes from choice to coercion.

            A choice arises from strength and confidence and with respect for either outcome. Coercion stems from fear and weakness.

    2. Jennifer, had he not been vaccinated he would have had a much higher chance of needing hospitalization or even dying.
      That truth has been proven over and over again.

    3. I’m fascinated that people are believing the misinformation about vaccines being spread. There is no denying that the vast majority of Covid deaths are unvaccinated. No credible Doctor would say the vaccines “don’t work”. . I do get the personal decision argument and understand that, but to try and alter someone else’s personal decision with misinformation and lies is disingenuous to say the least. You are culpable in people dying from Covid when you spread misinformation.

      1. Lots of credible doctors are questioning this vaccine, I can provide you with a very long list of them, including a head cardiologist at Baylor university, Dr Peter McCullough. My dad died of covid in June 2021, so I know a little about loss from it. I also know that he would not want the USA to be heading down the path that we are on, he would fear for his children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. So many people are being controlled by fear. There are lots of problems with this vaccine.

        1. Truly sorry about your Father Mary Kay. While I agree with you that we should be avoiding living in fear, (especially of the vaccines that have been proven to save so many lives) You might consider you Father’s life could have been saved by being vaccinated. Let’s learn from what’s going on and stop the anti vax misinformation that is spreading fear and making this so much worse.
          The jab should be a personal choice, based on facts, not fear.

          1. Her father would still be alive if he had the jab. Unless he were one of the unlucky rare few, statistically, who dies regardedless of vaccination status.

            Still, her father would still be alive if he had the jab.

          2. MARY KAY S’s shares with us that her father has departed this life. I suggest this is the issue that we who post here should be concerned with.

            I don’t think it is of benefit to opine what might have been. And I strongly don’t believe any among us possesses the requisite clairvoyance for that determination.

            I think all are best served to leave the forensics and discussions of the relevance of vaccinations to his passing to other places.

        2. Btw Mary, I quick google check and Dr “Doctor” McCullough pretty much proves his credibility is very doubtful.
          Unless you think the vast majority of medical professionals are wrong and this guy was fired because he is unique and knows more then everyone else in the medical field and his penchant for putting politics over saving lives is not an issue.

  6. PCR tests are well known for gross inaccuracies, & that they can’t differentiate SARS-Cov2 from any strain of flu. And it IS flu season. It was last year at this time as well though there was virtually NO mention of flu cases. Only Covid. Crazy.

    The man is fully “vaxxed”, including booster. These injections were created for the very first version of the SARS-Cov2 virus, not any of the subsequent variants, so little wonder we are seeing a pandemic of the vaccinated.

    1. Vaccines do not prevent infection. They reduce the consequences of the infection which is probably why this man is experiencing mild symptoms. Masks reduce the spread of airborne pathogens, flu included. And finally we are seeing a pandemic of the unvaccinated, they are the ones ending up in hospitals and icu’s preventing people from getting an icu bed to get surgery.

      1. Incorrect calling these injections vaccines as they are NOT attenuated or dead viruses as in true vax, but mRNA “messengers” developed for one sole spike protein out of about 25. They don’t offer protection against variants, well evidenced by Delta. Simply look at multiple studies out of Israel, who very early injected most of their populace, you will find their hospitals & ICU beds are at least 75% injected. Read studies not listen to media. Shalom.

  7. We flew from the mainland to Oahu on Hawaiian Airlines. Two sick coughing, crying kids under the vaccination age sat across the isle from us. I wore my N95 and “double masked” until the hours long crying and coughing stopped. My husband only wore a surgical mask and was more casual about removing the mask for his beverage. He now has tested positive covid that presented 5 days after the flight. We are both double vaccinated and boosted. Was it my mask that saved me? I don’t know, I think so.

    1. Catherine, you are absolutely right. In our hospital environments we find every day that medical grade N95 masks work if you have the discipline to keep wearing them consistently. (We also have ample evidence that vaccinines do work.) The proof is in our many nurses, who deal with severe Covid cases without getting sick. Covid has other means to enter the body, eyes for example, but that seems to happen only when “viral loads” are very high in a given environment.

  8. Aloha! So first we have no idea where he caught Covid. Second if he’s been flying he wears a mask so his comments about masks don’t make a big difference was validated. Third he’s vaccinated. Get used to vaccinated people testing positive. He’ll be 99% fine. It’s cold and flu season. Now a days if you have a sniffle you get a Covid test. Just do what you need to do to keep yourself healthy. I honestly think we all test positive one day and 99% will be just fine.

      1. I don’t think she is being heartless, she is being truthful. And my dad died, er was killed, in June, 2021, and he would agree with her.

        1. Hopefully you weren’t the cause of your father’s death. Wouldn’t want to live with that.Thats why I got vaccinated and wear a mask.


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