Omicron Variant’s Impact on Hawaii Travel | What To Expect

Updated 11/27/21. Just when things seemed to be getting back to normal, this has the potential to wreak havoc in Hawaii once again.

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25 thoughts on “Omicron Variant’s Impact on Hawaii Travel | What To Expect”

  1. 1st off with the trillions wasted on spending bills it would have been nice for the islands to have used some to build upgrade hospitals and staff these with those training in treating invectious viruses. Just saying every time there’s a spike the excuse for the ineffective measures is bc hospitals will get overwhelmed. So 2 yrs now not 1 new hospital built.

  2. Dear Covid,
    Omicron isn’t acceptable and you need to go away. Far far away.

    Mahalo Jeff and Rob.
    Aloha and stay safe everyone.
    Welcome to the twilight zone.

  3. We have a Maui and Big Island trip planned starting end of January 2022, and I have to admit, I’m feeling some concern – wondering if we’ll have to cancel – again. All of the unknowns involved create such negative stress for me, but I guess that’s life right now, and I need to accept reality! Thanks for keeping all of us up-to-date on the latest Hawaii happenings — so helpful!

  4. FYI–one of South Africa’s foremost health experts has released a statement that this variant has been circulating among many countries for quite some time. The only reason it is being associated with South Africa is that they were the ones to actually break it down and identify the parts of the virus that made it a different variant. He stressed that halting travel from the area is actually ineffective and pointless because this variant is likely all over the world by now. No panic needed.

  5. Although much is at stake not the least of which are livelihoods of many – perhaps most – Hawaiians including the Governor and state leadership would do best not to panic but be patient while the scientists evaluate the efficacy of the vaccines in protecting against the new variants as they reveal themselves.

    The unfortunate and Uninformed knee-jerk responses by state leadership to COVID’s first variant last year did provide protection while it also seemed “over-the-top” and not well thought


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