108 thoughts on “Polihale Beach Closed Indefinitely and More Troubles Abound”

  1. I am so saddened to hear of such vandalism .
    These are tough times and everyone needs to pull together and look out for your amazing islands/parks.
    Thank you,

  2. This is so tragic. Locals with total disregard of what surrounds them: beauty, history, nature. Makes me weep.
    An old Kauai girl.

  3. You finally see the truth..its the locals who destroy everything..shut down all parks..and make the fines 10 times higher for vandalism..

    1. Agree. I’ve lived on Maui a few years now. It definitely isn’t the tourists who save and spend thousands of dollars to be here who are throwing trash everywhere and leaving beat up cars across the island.

    2. Couldn’t agree more. I live on Oahu and if there’s one thing this pandemic has highlighted about the locals, it’s that they’re the one destroying it, throwing trash everywhere, disrespecting the land. It’s a tragedy. I wish people could just do the right thing

  4. Been to all of the islands and especially Kauai many times. Enough
    time to understand and appreciate the culture and history.
    Now feel like such an orientation should be mandatory for all visitors to these special places and people. Also, with this knowledge one can navigate the indigenous people with confidence and mutual respect.

  5. I know that it happens, but our family has been travelling to Maui at least once a year for the past 26 years and we have never experienced any hostility or rudeness from the locals. I do see a few locals being rude and short in social media posts and trying to blame all the island problems on tourists, but obviously this beach issue had little or nothing to do with tourists. Regardless, it looks like people are getting restless and want a change. Can’t blame them – I feel the same way, although people do need to take care of the land and their family.

    Thank you Beat of Hawaii for your insight on all issues!

  6. Aloha! It’s just as bad in SoCal. Did you see the 4th of July fireworks in LA? No organized fireworks at all but the entire night sky was full of fireworks all the way around lol. If you look around here, other than masks, you could not tell we are in a pandemic. Maybe, the state needs to monitor social media meetups. I don’t know how anyone can mess with Polihale, that place is a whole vibe. As long as people feel entitled to something, I guess they’re gonna steal it. Definitely worrisome behavior but hey I’m ready to come back and spend some money, LET ME IN. Take care and thanks again for another great article BOH❤️

  7. Have been on island when there have been some attacks out at Polihale but have never seen that many cars or camping issues out there. Wow, time to get some control and teach the youth about taking care of that area.

  8. Man is destroying the earth and it’s atmosphe and eventually the earth and it’s atmosphere will destroy man….

  9. so sad indeed. The article is right, they can’t blame any of this on tourists. We were supposed to come to Kaui a couple of weeks ago and months ago I had been reading comments on here from people who live in Hawaii how they were happy tourists weren’t coming to disrespect and ruin their islands and they were enjoying the time without crowds…be careful what you wish for – no tourists, no money. And now the disrespect and destruction is coming not from tourists but the citizens of Hawaii. I truly hope this whole pandemic will be over soon and that the islands can once again welcome visitors and can recover.

    1. Hello BOH, I submitted a comment here a day or two ago and I’ve been curious to see if there were any other comments following mine but I don’t see it posted here anywhere-please advise and thank you!

      1. Hi Dave.

        We don’t always work 7 days a week and are updating comments today.



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