108 thoughts on “Polihale Beach Closed Indefinitely and More Troubles Abound”

  1. I can see by the sheer volume of comments on this topic that it touches a nerve.

    My question is more broadly based however – do Hawaiians read BOH ? Seems the comments come mainly from visitors with an affinity for Hawaii’s unique offerings.

    Hopefully we’re not just commenting to the converted…. Thanks as always!

  2. Beautiful Kauai, had been my home for 22 years, unfortunately no more. It is heart breaking to read this, and tears flowing for Hawaii. I went through Iniki, and we came back from it. This will also pass, and Hawaii will overcome, to find its soul again. Wishing you strength and endurance, and lots of aloha.
    Aloha nui loa, ahui ho.

  3. When I was on the big Island in late March everyone was screaming bloody murder that the governor had not imposed this lockdown yet. Including a moratorium on Incoming tourism. The majority of Hawaii got what they wanted, to shut down the economy come what may. So now we have (just the beginning) of the consequences following those decisions, Possibly with the example of the rioting on the mainland, The beginnings of apocalyptic conditions indigenous to a destroyed economy. How is this unexpected? Many of you will say, how can you choose money over loss of life? But are not our lives in the hands of God who sees all and knows us by name? Even the nimber of the hairs on our heads and the sparrows that fall?

    1. How can anyone blame the lockdown for vandalism and the destruction of nature? There is no connection.

  4. This makes me very sad to hear. Our world and attitudes in this society sure have changed. I sure hope
    all this virus stuff ends soon so we can come back and enjoy the beautiful land and culture.
    Thank you for the info.


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