Residents or tourists? Out of control Hawaii COVID cases in Hawaii has everyone pointing fingers. What you need to know.
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Residents or tourists? Out of control Hawaii COVID cases in Hawaii has everyone pointing fingers. What you need to know.
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Aloha BOH Bro’s and followers
News flash everyone covid is never going away it’s going to keep mutating and infecting people the rest of our lives. Even if everyone is vaccinated the virus will mutate bypass the vaccine and infect people. That’s how virus’s stay alive.
The likely hood that it will ever be eradicated is zero.
Billions of dollars have been spent on eradicating sars virus’s yet they all still exist. A strain of the 1919 Spanish flu virus still exists it’s never been eradicated.
Covid management is going to be no different then flu season. Every 6 to 12 months as new variants come forward you will need a booster to protect you from the new strain. Like flu there will be not as contagious or deadly variants followed by some very deadly ones.
It’s time to except this reality and get on with our lives.
Hi Richard.
Thanks. We don’t really like this new reality. The current variant, however, certainly gave us that rude awakening.
If Hawaii decides to test visitors after arrival how and where would they they do it. Don’t they get thousands of visitors per day. I envision a nightmare. In addition, how many tourists, businessmen ,or attendees of big events would want to be disrupted during their stay. In my opinion, that suggestion, which, although, may be effective,would be a mess to implement so it may only look good on paper.
I recently read a suggestion that vaccinated visitors may have to undergo a prearrival test just as non vaccinated visitors do.That may take away an incentive for travelers to get vaccinated if they were on the fence about vaccinations and were getting their shot(s) for convenience to travel to Hawaii.So they MAY get more nonvaccinated visitors
Unvaccinated and untested are to blame, no matter where you are from.
Viruses spread – that’s what they do! If you have to blame something then blame the virus. Most age groups and people with no co-morbidities get through it just fine. Let’s admit that masks and social distancing aren’t working (also not necessary) and stop shaming people for not wanting to be injected with experimental “therapy” that hasn’t been proven to be safe or effective. Driving kills people too – Are you going to let the government take that right away from you for the sake of the greater good?
We were just on Kauai * Oahu & had to be vaccinated before we were allowed to go so the uptick in cases has to be from te people already living there or the children under 12 who weren’t vaccinated. Everyone wore masks when we were there in mid July. We had a great time other then the roads in Princeville were closed most of the time so we missed out on a lot of touring the area. But had a great time. Were scheduled & paid to go to the Polynesian Culture Center but dates got mixed up & we weren’t allowed to go & didn’t even receive a partial refund. Very disappointing to us. Will not recommend them to anyone.
Once the virus is in place it is a duty for all to take precautions. Now all must realize we are in this together. Regardless of who is responsible it is here and the duty of each person to try and control the spread.
I find many of the recent comments regarding whether or not residents or travelers are responsible for the overwhelming surge. Honestly, Best of Hawaii should be withholding such comments, particularly the sarcasism and ignorance of factual data provided. While the data could change due to the massive increase nationally, currently the majority of cases are traceable to local residents returning from out of state travel and then carelessly ignoring basic rules that have helped to contain the virus for the past 17 of 19 months. While each of you commenting incorrectly bu insinuating that the increase is not because of residents, but tourists, you need to read, understand, and trust the statistics. If you did, such arrogant comments would not be thing to debate an issue that simply doesn’t exist, except in the mind of people who thrive on conspiracy theory versus reality information. As travel restrictions were beginning to ease several months ago, residents began traveling to all areas of the country, for personal, business, and leisure. Cases have been reported that during our best months, residents returned and repeatedly did not follow the mandated self- quarantine.
And families gathered when they should not have. Most importantly, leisure travel suggests that residents flocked to one of Hawaii’s most popular destination cities, even at a time when that destination had consistently been one of the highest infectious cities per capita since the pandemic began, a city that no longer required masks, distancing, sanitation and reduced occupancy in restaurants and hotels. Shall we ask for a tally of traces from Health officials regarding number of cases attributed to that location? Or for those returning from large graduations, weddings, and superspreading? We may wish to look in our own backyards as much of the current cause of the rising cases.
Agree with your assessment Frank. Just exactly what kind of behavior are the locals doing while on the mainland and it would appear that’s the same behavior they are doing when they return to Hawaii. Allso, that city you mention has reinstated mask wearing indoors.
Pfizer is currently working on a pill that can be given to someone who’s infected with covid and it will cure them. Pfizer hopes to have that pill out later this Fall.
We already have such a pill.
I’m a full time resident of Kauai since 1999 and enjoy reading Beat of Hawaii. Regarding the surge in covid cases, we need to problem solve instead of point fingers. My kindergarten teacher taught me that. 🙂
Dear Dianne, well said! It has been my lifelong dream to come to Hawaii for vacation🐠🌺🐢🍍🥥🌍✈🌈🌊❤😇🏖🏝 My Grandfather was in the Navy & in Pearl Harbor. I’ve always wanted to go to Pearl Harbor to pay my respects! My itinerary has been completed for months now & Pearl Harbor is # 1 on my list. I’m suppose to be coming to Oahu in April(2022) & when December rolls around I will reevaluate the situation. Whenever I do come I will be the best & most respectful visitor Hawaii will ever have!!♡♡ stay safe & God bless you…psalms 91:11😇
Aloha Dianne, I started my Hawaii research back in 2019 about hotels & activities. I’ve been learning some new things about Hawaii along the way. For example, the Pink Palace of the Pacific was closed for awhile to the public after Pearl Harbor happened. The hotel was a rest & recovery place for the soldiers to heal.
masks are working
Thank you for your excellent newsletter! One point about COVID-19 that doesn’t get covered is the excellent natural immunity that survivors of the disease acquire. Studies are being done that show the immune response continues to be strong even 12 -18 months post infection. And thankfully most people will recover. This should be factored in to the vaccine conversations. I would like to see proof of infection and recovery as equally valid as proof of vaccine for COVID-19 management.
Thank you
I wrote a similar comment here arguing for a positive antibody test certificate as valid proof of immunity to the virus. 12-18 months is the latest point of reference only because the virus hasn’t been around longer than that. Some reports say that natural immunity lasts a lifetime since the T-cells (and B-cells I believe) of a naturally immune person keep producing antibodies in one’s bone marrow. And, and this is significant, natural immunity protects a person from the CIOVID variants better than the vaccines because the vaccines target only a specific protein of the virus, much like the yearly flu vaccine which targets only a specific strain. If a different strain occurs, you are not fully protected. Thank you for writing this.
Mahalo for doing the math. 2% of cases originate from visitors. 10% from locals returning from hot spots like Vagas. 80%-90% of cases UNVACCINATED. (I know we’re not supposed to use all caps but the connection is so in your face it is necessary. )
Mandate vaccines like you mandate seatbelts Or quarantine the 9th island.Forget testing. No traveling to or from mainland without vaccine or 10 day quarantine.
Yes breakout cases happen (vaccinated people test positive) but they are less than 1%. I’ll take those odds.
Those who refuse vaccines want to be treated differently. So be it. You get quarantined because you are a danger to yourself and others.
I agree with you 100% Kenneth.
We are vaccinated and have flights scheduled to our Marriott timeshare September 1st. If the arbitrary Hawaii officials, all of the sudden, reintitute 72 hour limit pretests, we are severely affected. We come from Florida with a brief layover in Seattle. How can we meet this 72 hr. window.
I wonder, this “blame the tourists” is not supported by the facts. Is there some kind of testing charges rebate going to Hawaii bureaucrats? All this plus overzealous local reztrictions, quarantine of vaccinated people,etc. has made our usual annual trip ( over 27 years now) an unnecessary anxiety. We are elderly, and I am mobility handicapped. We may just sell, give away our Hawaii place, go to more tourist friendly venues. Aside from this side, we can find little updates in Kauai newspaper, Marriott, – just crickets! Can’ t somebody out there consider this impact on visitors? I can’ t imagine the negative impact on Hawaii tourism industry. Does any body even care?
Mr B.
I would suggest going to AFC Urgent Care for the PCR test if you need it. The results are available while you wait, is covered by insurance (usually) and they supply you with the forms necessay to upload to the Safe Travels website. Very straight forward. Not all AFC sites do the test so call first. My daughter used them to travel to Maui in June.
I hope the people with still be able to show proof of the vaccine September and October
Or that will change to a negative test
Thank you
Hi Greg.
Yes, that is one of the magic questions we’ll wait to know the answer to.
Dear BOH Bros, Did you know that the Pink Palace of the Pacific was closed to the public for awhile after Pearl Harbor happened? It was used for a place for the soilders to rest & heal. I started doing my Hawaii research in 2019! I’ve been learning some new things about Hawaii🏝. Stay safe & 🙏 God bless you & your families!!❤
To be counted as being infected you must be tested. Residents are getting tested since they don’t want to to spread the infection to friends and family. Tourists don’t have friends and family here so they are not getting tested. For the most part tourists have been vaccinated, but as we know, those that are vaccinated usualy have a mild case of the disease so they can treat it with over the counter antiihistamines, decongestants, pain killers etc. and not seek medical assistance. But they can carry the virus and spread it, but they will not be counted as having the virus.
I will play the blame game and thank all those really smart KAuai residents who travel to the mainland unvaccinated and then come back, OMG, infected! So lets thank the unvaccinated for this Covid lingering and threatening us all at every turn, not to mention the spectre of a new and improved virus just waiting to mutate from unimpeded spread. Please, get vaccinated!!!
And don’t forget the potential of yet another lock down. I detect a certain amount of panic emanating from Hawaiian officialdom. It could very well happen. Given the amount of delta variant virus already present on the islands with an R-naught value of 2.7, vaccination is absolutely imperative and I do mean now. Any delay may be too late.
I lived South side Kauai 10 years. I recently relocated to Florida from Reno, Nevada after 9 years. Before that 10 years in San Diego, CA. Say what you want you are better off outer island that anywhere mainland……especially Florida. Check the people and governor.
No one is to Blame Everyone is trying their best to beat this virus If your not vaccinated please get the shot I am fighting cancer and I am still here I understand some reluctance to get vaccinated but this can take your life No second chances The only thing we all share is Ohana
So if the LG is REALLY that concerned then WHY has he not made the call to have the west coast based Navy ship sent over to Hawaii to make sure that everyone that needs care will get it? A simple question with an equally simple answer.
How about we all stop arguing over who is to blame, and everyone just mask up, keep your distance, and get vaccinated! My husband and I are vaccinated, and will happily get tested pre-travel to be able to come back to Hawaii in December.
Dear Donna, that is right….less arguments & more blogs just about Hawaii!! 🌈🍍🌺🐠
Thank you for the update on the increased Covid cases in HI. Here in my area of CA the same results are happening, almost all new hospitalizations are people who did not vaccinate.
The PCR tests are a joke. If they are done at over 40 cycles there will be A LOT of false positives. I know one lab where they are being done at 42. Even if they are done at a reasonable cycle rate of 24-25 they are not diagnostic. Even the CDC say they should be not used after January 1st but are still using them now! It’s frightening that Lt. Governor Green is a physician. Hopefully a lot of things will be exposed in the near future and the masses can see how we have been played.
Agree completely Kawika. The PCR’s have failed us in so many ways.
Your info is awesome! Thanks for all your hard work! Here’s hoping this situation settles down before my visit to Maui for the Christmas Holidays!
Merci beaucoup
Hi Richard.
Thanks and de rien.
Dear Richard, yes hopefully it may settle down by then.
Dear Richard, I’m suppose to be coming to Hawaii in April(2022) for my lifelong dream vacation trip!! 🌺🌏✈🌈🐠🏖🏝 when December rolls around I will reevaluate the situation. I figure Hawaii isn’t going anywhere so if I have to wait aliitle longer for it to be safe, then that is what I will do. Stay safe & be blessed….Psalms 91:11 😇❤
I have known several HI Residents that contracted Covid on the main land and choose to get on an airplane and not test, and quarantine at ” home “.
Once again, this whole situation amazes me. “It’s the tourists’ fault”. “It’s the fault of the locals returning from Vegas”. “It’s the fault of the inter-island travel by locals”. Unless they totally lock down the islands and let herd immunity eradicate the virus, which of course would once again decimate its economy, the islands will have to live with the virus until the entire world reaches herd immunity. It also amazes me at the naivety and shortsightedness of the administration, both in Hawaii and Washington. To them, there are only two categories- the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. There is no consideration for those who have had the virus, recovered, and now have the antibodies against the virus. They are irrelevant, regardless of data showing that those individuals do not need the vaccine, and in fact, may have better and more immunity against the original COVID-19 and its variants than those who have been vaccinated. A far more useful, and accurate, measurement would be an antibody test, which would cover those vaccinated as well as those who have antibodies from prior infection. Natural immunity is always better than vaccine immunity. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were developed for a specific protein on the virus. But variants like Delta attach on a different protein, one that is resistant to the vaccines but which is being shown to be suppressed by the antibodies in those who have had the virus. There are close to 100 million US residents who have been infected and not vaccinated, but carry the antibodies against the original COVID virus and, again according to the latest information, against its variants. Those people need to be considered.
Hawaii is not alone in the fact that nearly 100% of hospitalizations with COVID are non-vaccinated individuals. In fact, you can’t watch the news today with seeing statistics like that! I was shocked at how many of my friends on the island were choosing to not get vaccinated because their doctor told them to wait for FDA approval!?!?!?!?! Personally, I believe that being vaccinated will be the criteria of the future – and why not? You have to be vaccinated for other diseases to attend public school. You will have to be vaccinated by mid-September to work for the federal government (or at least that seems to be where it is headed.) Many companies are requiring vaccination to work on premise. Other but not unrelated – you have to wear a seat belt, you have to smoke only in designated areas. I’m sorry but I think people who refuse to be vaccinated are being selfish unless there is a true medical reason they can’t be. (Can’t wait to see the responses on that last sentence!)
Not selfish Barbara, but in some cases prudent. Those who have already had the virus are already immune and don’t need the vaccine. And, according to some reports, it could even be harmful to them if they do get the vaccine. So, rather than categorizing the vaccinated vs the unvaccinated, there should be a third category- those who have had the virus, are therefore immune, and don’t need the vaccine.
Aloha! Pointing fingers and blaming does no one any good. We are each responsible for what we believe and what we do. If we are vaccinated and wear masks and wash hands frequently, we can protect ourselves and others. Please just everyone take precautions and we can beat this. If you don’t want to get vaccinated, then wear a good mask, wash your hands and don’t go to big indoor gatherings. It’s that simple. God Bless You All! Mahalo
Well said Pam! You stay safe also. God bless you.. .psalms 91:11 😇❤
Thanks, BOH! I must say, I hate seeing the word “blame.” Covid cases are up in Hawaii, period. The Gov/team need to act/implement now. Instead, all we hear from then is “if this doesnt improve by …” and then days/weeks/months go by and nothing gets done. Hawaii is only in the middle of the busy summer months … does the Gov/team really think there’s going to be any “improvement” without taking any preventative/actionable steps? Here we go again …
Hi Tracy.
Good point. On investigating the recent comments we found the word blame was used hundreds of times. BTW, thanks for all of your comments.
The statistics don’t lie…all over the country. The ones hospitalized are the unvaccinated, period. The tourists are either vaccinated or tested. The unvaccinated are going to cause the entire country to be shut down again. It’s simple, they take up ICU beds. No ICU beds left? Then they shut us down. I don’t mean to sound crass but if you’re not vaccinated and you end up in the hospital then you don’t get an ICU bed. Granted there are very, very few exceptions but it’s getting ridiculous. Get vaccinated or stay in your home and don’t come out. Vaccines are free and easy to get. Trust the science, not the dark internet feeding lies.
We went to the Big Island in April, followed all the safetravels requirements, including the 72 hour COVID testing. We observed all the regulations while there for 2-1/2 weeks and had a wonderful time. No problems.
We have since been fully vaccinated and are planning to go to Kauai next week for 3 weeks. We’ve gone there annually (except last year) for about 20 years. While we are there, we will obey all the guidelines to the fullest. We would never do anything to cause problems to the residents of our favorite vacation place.
PLEASE, other tourists, follow the rules and remember, the islands belong to the residents. We are their guests, and we want to be able to continue to visit there.
Dear KK, it has been my lifelong dream to go to Hawaii for my vacation!! 🌍🛩🌈🍍🌺🐠🌈 I’m suppose to go in April(2022) but when December rolls around I will reevaluate the situation. Take care of yourself, stay safe, & God bless you!! ❤
Well said KK….very true.
It’s hard to ignore the numbers. “That percentage is not changing, and even for the first week of August, it remains pegged at 2%.”
All tourists are either Vaccinated or pre-tested.
While 2% can add the whole, the other 98% are being tracked and traced… to community or community travel.
If we give up a few percents to tourist spread, tourist may equal 5%?
Other states are pretty much showing the same stats…. Non-vaccinated make up the majority of COVID spread.
What’s still left to argue?
Covid is a respiratory virus. Everybody gets it. If you have the vaccine, you get a mild case. If you don’t you might get something stronger. It is not like polio which can be eradicated (down to 41 cases worldwide last year). It is similar to rhinovirus, the common cold. Respiratory viruses are almost impossible to eradicate. Get the vaccine and you will be fine. As covid works its way through the population people will become resistant over time. People may get a covid or 2 each year instead of the common cold. 50,000 years ago the common cold may have been a killer two. There are actually studies on the CDC site that support this. Between the CDC and politicians they have really mucked this all up. Get your vaccine and go back to normal.
So fully vaccinated w/proper papers & Safe Travel filled out, still doesn’t need to get a Covid Test?
Dear Elaine, yes that is how it stands @ the moment right now. Hawaii will most likely go back to the test for requirement to come to Hawaii. Rules change alot. Stay safe & God bless you….psalms 91:11😇❤🌏🛩🌈🐠🌺🏝🏖
I wish they would also require testing before boarding a flight to the mainland. Passengers may be negative when they arrive in Hawaii but who knows if they have been exposed during their time there. They then get on an airplane with over 250 plus passengers confined in a cabin…and sadly, if someone contracted Covid they have now put every passenger on board at risk.
Local Vs. Travelers. Why must we provide fodder for combat when the vax deniers and the vax advocates are already at each other’s throats?
The salient reality of this article is that there is only one way to throttle down the virus and its variants. The estimate now, with the rapidly spreading Delta, is that a combination of vaccinated and those with past Covid + needs to reach ~90% before the virus has few hosts to continue mutating.
The time has long passed for mandatory vaccinations unless we want to live with this virus far into the foreseeable future.
If you look back at my comments over a year ago, when Hawaii was “locked down” and the numbers were good comparted to the Mainland, I warned you can only isolate for so long. This is a highly contagious virus. Sooner or later the Islands would have to re-open. Even a year ago COVID-19 was highly contagious. Now, the Delta variant is twice as contagious. So, finally re-opening the Islands, plus low vaccination rates by locals plus the highly contagious Delta variant equals the perfect storm yielding ever-increasing COVID-19 cases. Sad. It didn’t have to be this way. Don’t blame the tourists. Don’t blame the locals. Focus on getting vaccinated and encouraging everyone to get vaccinated. Take personal responsibility. Is that what ” living Pono ” means?
Who is to blame? could it be more obvious? The state who gave a pass and didnt require testing for all the vaccinated individuals. These are the people who are spreading the virus, not the people that can verify they are negative before travelling
why are people who scream “SCIENCE!” so anti-science?
even the mouthpiece of the CDC has acknowledged publicly that vaxxed people spread covid (something anyone who actually read the EUAs knew for six months).
Testing for all or testing for none. Segregating vaxxed and unvaxxed has no basis whatsoever in regard to policy
She just get vaccinated. Quit playing the blame game. If everyone was vaccinated it would disappear
It’s real simple get vaccinated and it will go away
Not really. The vaccine targets a single protein on the virus. It doesn’t target the variant proteins that have emerged and are emerging, like Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta. Epsilon is right around the corner.
So how many Hawaii residents are flying to So Cal and Vegas? Plenty for sure! Yet y’all want to blame tourists! You have no problem taking the never ending taxes and fees they pay. I’m thru with Hawaii! What aloha? What. hypocrites
Thank you BOH for providing Facts and meaningful data to prove your point.
Aloha and responsibility aren’t contradictory attitudes. Unfortunately many locals tend to blame tourist for the islands problems. Crime, terribly maintained and designed roads, and unresponsive and inept government, are all local problems!
For the most part, tourist for the most part come her, spend their money, clean up after themselves, and go back home. As residents of Hawaii, we need to clean our own houses and then work on work on the minor problems caused by tourism!
Hi Dan.
Thank you for that and your dozens of other comments. We appreciate your input.
Well I think we should stop pointing the finger as to who is @ fault of spreading the virus. We need to be encouraging each other because this situation is very challenging & affects all human beings!
Hi Dan, Thank you for acknowledging the good actions of us visitors. Like anything else the bad behavior of a few is what always gets the attention. I love Kauai and would never do anything to impact its aloha spirit!
Aloha-What is the point in testing non-resident travelers when they represent 2% of the total?
A previous post noted that a knowingly Covid positive daughter travelled to the islands and the (resident?) mother was at the pharmacy buying meds for the daughter. So that family, and who knows how many others are being exposed – not to mention the other travelers at the airports and on the plane.
Such disregard for others!
If everyone entering Hawaii is tested, you’ll probably eliminate (or quarantine) many from Las Vegas who are infected. Vegas most likely being the top infectious location for residents returning.
Being vaccinated is not sufficient anymore.