116 thoughts on “Step Back in Time: You’re About Have Hawaii to Yourself”

  1. Thanks for a more sensible Outlook than is being shown by our politicians in Hawaii tourism is of such importance but many people seem to take for granted the Comforts we have in our day-to-day life without realizing that it’s because of all the employment and the wealth pouring into Hawaii from tourism that This is all possible.

    1. I have been stuggling as whether to come visit my cousin. I think this article is my answer. If you have to e quaintined for 14 days does that mean you have to stay in a hotel that long. No way i can afford that

  2. I just read an article from Maui that the Gov will be extending the 14 day quarantine through July 31 for all visitors coming to the Islands.

  3. Could you please tell me who has significantly lower fares that I could buy today for flights in December and January?

  4. Thank you for the info! We have a trip planned to Hawaii for the beginning of September, we planned it way before every thing started shutting down. We have been back and forth on if we’re gonna postpone it or cancel all together. I’ll be following you for more information as you make it avaliable. Any theories about if travel from the mainland will be open by then? Thanks again!

    1. Hi Sarah.

      We have to think so, and look forward to updating you as quickly as possible.


  5. We’re booked for early/ mid July… do you think DIAMOND head and other tours be opened by then?

    Thanks in advance and looking forward to visiting beautiful Hawaii…

    1. Hi Candy.

      We’ll be updating this as soon as we have more information. Note that the governor indicated yesterday that he will be pushing out the July 1 date. We don’t yet have further information.


      1. We postponed an April trip to the beginning of September, and are eagerly looking forward to hear whether we will actually be able to go. Thank you for this article; it gives me hope!

  6. Thank you for this information. I am very sorry so many people are struggling. I would love to be able to keep my vacation date, unfortunately not if I have to be quar antined for 2 weeks. I am praying for you.

  7. I can’t wait to go back tio the Hawaii I visited over thirty years ago. The big Island is still visitor friendly, but Maui and Kauai were just too jammed packed the past couple of years with people and cars.

  8. Shame on you! How dare you advertise Hawaii like this, during times like these!! The people of Hawaii do not want tourist anytime soon!!! We have been following the rules to keep the number of C0VID-19 cases low and the disrespectful tourist who come here do not follow quar antine rules and are truly a disgrace to humanity!! Beware tourist, the people of Hawaii do not want you here until the cases of COVID-19 are less than 10/day in the mainland. We have a hui here watching for quar antine rule breakers and you will be arrested and fined!!

    1. There will never again be less than 10 cases per day. This is a vi rus that will be here to stay but over time will get weaker due to herd immunity. At that point they will not even report it in the news just like the flu. Which kills on average 45,000 to 65,000 per year. On that note when the quar antine is lifted people will travel from the mainland to the state of Hawaii freely and i know that the citizens will welcome them again. May God bless, Mahalo.

  9. My wife has dreamed for years of going to Hawaii. We are booked to go to Maui and Kauai in October for our 30th anniversary. We are considering cancellation, especially if there are restrictions in place. With the amount of money spent and it being a once in a lifetime type trip, we don’t want a partial Hawaii experience burdened by mask wearing and such. If these restrictions are going to be in place in the Fall we will likely postpone our trip. Can you please advise if you foresee restrictions being in play in October?

    Thank you,


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