101 thoughts on “Will Kauai Get Approval To Quarantine All Visitors?”

  1. I give credit to Kawakami. He is protecting the people of Kauai. An island that seems to put all differences aside to come together when needed. I have not heard anything but praise for Kawakami from Kauai. The people know that even though the virus is responsible for the death,sickness, economy, education etc. it will certainly not be disgruntled tourists that cause any sorrow for Kauai. Honestly most of the island would rather see the tourists go somewhere else but that does not stop them from sharing aloha. Let Kawakami protect his people, it’s his job.

  2. Landed on Kauai Monday 16th, tested negative with approved site pretravel. Self quarantine in hotel 3 days. Then taking second voluntary test for a variety of reasons. Safety of family living on Kauai, airport/air travel, respect for the locals, etc. Anything ive ordered or needed has been dropped off outside of my door, no biggie.
    Ive tested, and will test again voluntarily, wear my mask, social distance, quarantined, etc.
    Only push back I’ve received are from people who say I shouldn’t travel, same ones that say follow the science, go figure.
    If you follow the guidelines in place, don’t see why its a problem.

  3. I live in San Diego and people do come here all the time. I would rather they do not come here to vacation right now, but this is America, they are my fellow Americans and that is their right to travel within this country.

  4. Well put my friend. This is another state in America, not its own sovereign nation. We are all Americans and need to treat one another with the mutual respect.

  5. A vacation to any of the Hawaiian islands is incredibly expensive. Airfare, hotels, rental cars, food & beverage and now an additional excessive amount for Covid tests. No matter how long our trip is (7 days or 10 days or 14 days) I absolutely will not allow my family to pay to quarantine on the island of Kauai. The condo we rent is $400 a night … why in the world would I spend well over $1200 (3 days of quarantine) to hide away indoors and watch tv all day while on vacation. Ridiculous. Will gladly take my money elsewhere if this restriction plays out.

    1. Kathy,you must think of more than yourself and the cost. These are unprecedented times. The kamaaina deserve to be protected and while the economy relies on tourism they can’t risk their lives by being exposed by those visiting the island. I lived on Kauai for many years and respect that it is a very special place. We must put the community there first, before our own desire to be in paradise. Kauai has very limited medical facilities, limited doctors and we just can’t put them at risk. This is a very unpredictable and deadly virus.

    2. Thank you for your honesty, you are exactly the type of tourist that Mayor Kawakami is protecting the wonderful people of Kauai from.

  6. I have been to Hawaii several times and enjoyed myself without any reservation. In the past few months I have noticed so many negative comments by the people of Hawaii that I have cancelled my vacation this year and future years. Undoubtedly there are many excuses for their attitude toward the mainlanders but we must remember that we are all Americans and need to treat each other as such. Therefore I will vacation on the mainland and Mexico where people appreciate me and treat me as an equal 619 San Diego’s Thank you

    1. I agree with you. I will not vacation in Hawaii anytime soon I will take my hard earned money somewhere else lol

  7. We will cancel our trip if we are put into any sort of quarantine,if we have the required negative test results .

    1. John,a negative test result is only a snapshot in time. You can test negative after being exposed to the virus and a day or two later become symptomatic and test positive. The challenge with covid is that it takes 2-14 days to become symptomatic and/or test positive after exposure. Also..you are contagious 2 days before symptoms begin. Since I help directly with the public health effort, I have learned that most flights will have multiple infectious passengers on board. A second test makes sense, and without such measures quarantine will protect a vulnerable community like Kauai.

  8. I just watched the lt governors weekly presentation. I try to watch all presentations to keep up with what is happening. Something I found odd (and I’m not looking for promask/antimask arguments) but Kauai has the lowest positivity rate, residents are worried about any positive numbers coming in (which is understandable) but the Lt Governor just stated that Kauai has the lowest mask wearing precentage of all islands at Around 73/74%? Again, not looking for a debate. Just thought it was interesting if people are worried of transmision and worried about visitors not wearing masks why Kauai residents have the lowest percentage of compliance.

    1. I speculate that Kauai has low “positivity” rate because there have been, and still are, very few people that had the virus on island. Also, we are outside most of the time, or in houses with a lot of open windows, jalousies. But, that part is also true for the other islands. I am cynical that all the sweaty face diapers do much if anything other than to give people a another source of anger towards each other. No shortage of that these days, including in these comments.

  9. Arriving Kaui on Nov 28th. Prior to that have already done 14 days at home. COVID test 72hr prior scheduled, Safe Travel site almost completed.
    We have several masks each. I really hope this is just an article about what if. A majority number of tourist hopefully will follow the guidelines.

    1. Diane, thank you for all the measures you took to be safe and protect Kauai. Please do consider retesting a few days after arrival to ensure you were not exposed on the long flight. I would recommend anyone flying to please wear a KN-95 or multiple layers mask with a filter. It’s pretty much a guarantee that there will be more than one infectious passenger on the plane. I don’t say this to scare anyone, it’s just the reality right now. I do direct public health investigation and contact tracing and many, many cases have flown during their infectious period. Most unknowingly, some while symptomatic sadly.

      1. Mr/Ms Ka you seem to know everything-“it is guaranteed that there will be several infectious people on a plane” based on Hawaii’s own statistics roughly one out of 1000 arrivals tests positive after arrival. So the planes you are speaking of must be cruise lines or aircraft carriers to have several positive cases. The planes serving Hawaii typically have about 200 seats so one in every five planes if they are FULL. Also this argument does not line up with airline crews rate of getting Covid. Based on studies by Harvard and DOD scientists risk of getting infected while on the plane are very low. Finally as seen from statistics Kauai has the lowest percentage of mask wearing and most of the COVID cases are either community spread or residents returning. So next time you post get your facts straight.

      2. We traveled to Maui on Nov 8th and returned the 13th. Wore our masks the whole time. Both flights were packed. Now 6 days after returning home still no symptoms or anything. I understand people get lucky. My husband and I were apparently 2 that did. Just keep your immune system up people! And don’t let stress/fear make you 😷

  10. Visitors should absolutely have to have a negative test result before boarding the plane to any of the Hawaiian Islands. A second test on arrival or shortly thereafter doesn’t seem like too much to ask.

    1. Kauai cannot require anything of people who board planes. Nor can Hawaii. Maybe the Harris administration will impose such thing, but it would likely be for all airline travel anywhere in US. As long as the test was relatively cheap (like the TSA fee?) could be built into tickets. And like TSA, whether anything useful is being accomplished or just keeping up appearances will be a matter of opinion.

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