101 thoughts on “Will Kauai Get Approval To Quarantine All Visitors?”

  1. Big warning for CVS test takers! Supposed to fly to Lihue on December 3rd and checked with CVS last week about the test. Had it all planned for making the appointment. I just went online to login and verify my CVS account for the test, there is a big “Note”:” We cannot guarantee a specific turnaround time on the lab tests accepted by Hawaii.- Travelers to Hawaii should make other testing plans”. I signed up with Vault and my kit should arrive today for me to take the test on the 30th…Hopefully they will come through or I will have to call United and cancel my trip. FYI!!!

  2. Regardless of whether Kauai reopens or not, it is the responsibility of the mayor to at least have a plan to bring in more ICU beds in short order.That’s the minimum safety measure that should be provided for Kauai Residents.
    It could be as simple as a tent with special ventilation in Wilcox hospital parking lot. The feds will provide the rest.
    If the mayor does not already have such a plan in place, he is either incompetent, or using the lack of ICU beds as an excuse to keep Kauai closed. Either way, it’s irresponsible to the resident’s of Kauai.

    1. We’ll put, Kevin.

      I was supposed to go to Kauai for a few days, but because of the interisland testing required, and the Mayor who seems intent on total lockdown, instead of preparing for what may, but likely won’t, happen, I chose to push the date back.

  3. Aloha BOH

    From Hawaii Tourism Authority President and CEO John De Fries

    “Starting Tuesday November 24th if you disembark here in the islands through a trans-Pacific flight you must have a negative test uploaded, and if not, you automatically will go into a 14-day quarantine. It’s a much stricter policy that is being taken,”

    Aloooohaaa welcome to Hawaii now go sit in your quarantine room for the next 14 days.

    Next week is going to be cluster.

  4. Mask wearing must be enforced. Cite non wearers and businesses that dont enforce mask wearing by customers.citing has been done for other public issues and can be done for this deadly virus. Cite for gatherings too.

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