124 thoughts on “Will New Vaccination Passport Mandate Work and Become The Standard?”

  1. We have 2 timeshares on Maui, which we continue to pay the high maintenance fees every January. My husband and I are not getting the shot, but have no problem with wearing the masks or doing the tests. So with all the regulations we may have to cancel our vacation again this year. The sad part of all of this is, we still have to pay and have absolutely no other options.. We have gone every year since 1986 and love the islands..

  2. As long as there’s exceptions for unvaccinated, the policy is useless. Everyone needs to get vaccinated or stay home.

  3. Have been going to Hawaii pretty much at least once a year for the past 20 years but with the vaccine passport, sadly my trips there will be over.

  4. We’ll be on Oahu starting September 21st after 8 days on Kaua’i. Heading to Amazon now to buy a CDC card holder on a lanyard!

    Aloha BOH!

  5. I can see a lot of people canceling their trips to the island with the new 48 hour test. A lot of people were worried about the 72 hour. I have cancelled my trip for nov 1 because of the unknown if the will close the island down. We come 3-4 times a year to go diving and always eat at mom and pop places we also try to use the locals anytime we have a chance. I worry about them even more with all this possible closure. Best of luck Hawaii

    Mahalo for the memories

      1. So, 72 hours for travel, then on top of that within 48 hours of going to restaurants, bars, gyms, commercial boats (like Capt Andy’s), etc? Ridiculous.

      2. Not speaking for Alan, but the problem for any unvaxxed visitor is you you be constantly taking tests your entire trip, not just the initial one before you leave.. that’s not practical for enjoying a week or two. Plus, what if you test positive. Now you are stuck. Food trucks and fast food lines will get even longer. Time will tell if this helps or hurts restaurants and other impacted businesses, like local gyms

  6. This is why we are selling our timeshare on Kauai.We once Loved the Islands,but now they are becoming a Tyrannical State.No more aloha

  7. The Delta Surge is peaking now and it will make it look like this mandate saved the day!
    The mayor can walk abound like a super hero, and eventually win the next election touting his great accomplishments! he is a smart.

    1. Infections come and go. Almost on predictable schedules.

      UK surge foreshadowed the FL surge decline.. And just like clockwork it’s happening. The same will occur in Hawaii. And in the Fall NY/MI and other northern States will have the same end results.

  8. If you extend Blangiardi’s order to gatherings of more than ten people (weddings, funerals, organizers of rave parties as just happened on North Shore, etc.)then you might be close to attacking the surest contributor of the Delta variant — the local population that refuse to be vaccinated. Mitch Roth on Hawaii Island has already id’ed the major source and ordered that parks and beaches on Hawaii Island will not allow tents, canopies, or pop-ups and restricts the size of gatherings to 10 people.

    Though in a hyper-religious environment as is most of Hawaii, the order should include churches, but would likely never pass Constitutional muster. Living in rural Hawaii, I know many neighbors who will never be vaccinated and, sadly, Marshallese and other extended multi-family households who buy into the anti-vax hysteria, then take the virus home to spread.

  9. I will gladly watch the closing of restaurants due to this insane policy as the consequence of poor leadership.

    Hawaii is nuts.

    1. I don’t agree with Ige’s muddled pronouncements, but if you want a nutty CV-19 policy, look no further than FL. That Gov. is now de-funding school districts that don’t follow his policy to let the virus spread through children, no less, denying private sector decisions about vaccinations, their employees and customers, then rushing in to support treatment drugs that have to be administered in the very beginning of symptoms to prove effective.

      Makes perfect sense to me…

    1. Right. So, let’s just party down, unvaccinated, taxing an already overwhelmed medical system, now cancelling all elective surgeries while taxing the medical professionals such that many are quitting a life of service while we import a new batch of nurses, assistants, etc.

      Tell you what. I’ll let the unvaxed continue with this farce that you just penned, if you’ll agree that all unvaccinated agree they will not ever agree to be hospitalized should they contract CV-19.

      Then folks with cancer and heart disease and hospitals treating them won’t have to face the terrible choice of denying admission from lack of ICU.

    2. Aloha Greg M. Although you may wish it to be true (for whatever fanatical reason), vaccines DO, IN FACT, work. Hence we have vaccines for small pox, measles, mumps, etc. Please refrain from commenting if you are going to post blatant falsehoods. It does NO ONE any good. Mahalo.

      1. It actually doesn’t help with the spread of the virus. It did with the original strain but just as the flu does, covid is mutating, among vaccinated and unvaccinated and yes, vaccinated people are ending up in the hospital. The CDC is no longer tracking breakthrough infections so the numbers are not accurate. Medical freedom. Period.

        1. No one is taking away your freedom to make decisions. What you seem to want is freedom from the consequences of your choices. Personally I’m tired of having the consequences of others choices forced on me. So I support vaccine passports. If you choose not to vaccinate then the consequences of that decision should be entirely on you by being separated from the rest of civil society. The best way to do that is to effectively quarantine you with vaccine passports for any gathering of more that 10 people. That would include everything including weddings, family reunions, restaurants, bars, any retail establishments, etc.

      2. Covid Vaccine is NOT the same as the tried and true vaccines for MMR, Polio, Hep B, Dtap, etc. If you think they are, you will sadly be disappointed. So sad what is happening in Hawaii. As another commentator mentioned, “thanks for the memories.” Doesn’t look like this family will be returning any time remotely soon.

        1. Several people are making this point. If you doubt the efficacy of mRNA technology or don’t trust it, then you and all of the others who miss the point have an alternative. The J&J approach uses the same dead virus as in many other vaccines, just like the technology applied to MMR, Polio, HepB&C, etc.

          Is there any wonder disinformation rules the day when people can’t even face the simple fact that there is an alternative to mRNA?

      3. obviously you and 55 others are greatly misinformed. These vaccines are not the same as the other vaccines and are new mRNA tech and have embryo stem cells as part of its base.
        The vaccine is there to limit potential viral load but it only stops the severity of the sickness not the spread. And CDC has failed to follow through on proper tracing so we don’t have a accurate scaled data set to analyze, more like hypothesis and conclusions.
        Most people don’t even understand the core of science.

        Stay up to date on the fasts as they are constantly being updated as more data is acquired. Also keep an open mind as what we know today could be far from the truth in 3-6 months just like that has been happened over the last 18 months.

        I decided it would be irresponsible to travel under such conditions. Seems things will get worse so why travel?

        A lot of my friends have gotten sick even though vaccinated and they are far too reckless not caring about spreading it. Quite a few of my friends are worried as they thought this wasn’t supposed to happen and are not traveling/partying anymore.
        I will stay home and be sensible.

        I see no way to quail teh desire of people doing what they want when they want. You can’t stop em all without crippling the economy and community.

        lose-lose situation 🙁

    3. Greg, Not only do they work, they actually work better (at least the mRNA ones) than had been previously thought. At least in terms of preventing serious illness and death. Take a look at this article about the long-term effectiveness of the vaccine. npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2021/08/30/1032520934/immunity-to-covid-19-could-last-longer-than-youd-think It turns out that while the short term effectiveness of prevention is exactly that, short (6-8 months), at the same time your body is building additions weapons that prevent serious illness. That addresses EXACTLY the issue that Hawaii is concerned about, i.e., the hospitals and morgues filling up, like in Florida right now.

    4. Unless you can show us your credentials as a PhD or MD in immunology and the research to back up your claims, please STOP with the ridiculous claims. It’s not true, and people such as you that perpetuate disinformation on the internet as a main reason that more people are not vaxxed. Just stop, Greg M. Just Stop.


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