103 thoughts on “With New $5 Abbott Test, Hawaii Travel Can Restart”
All of this sounds promising. BUT, it does not even begin to address the problem of lost airline fares and Condo deposits, etc. if a person tests positive at the last moment before departure. What then?
Unless the Airlines and Hotels and especially condo owners step up with something that will keep us from losing lots of $$$ – I am still not interested. Seriously doubt travel insurance will cover this. Travel insurance is notorious for not coming through. :0(
Everything is just waaay too iffy and will probably stay that way for a long time. Just wait for the next round of lay offs. See how things go then. Thousands are set to be laid off in the airline industry alone. Everything is broken and no one has a fix. :0(
It will surprise me if things are still bad next summer 2021! Sorry to be such a pessimist. We will wait until Spring 2021 and see how things go. Too much time/energy/money to invest in a ‘not so fun’ Hawaiian vacation in quarantine or worse – cancelled at the very last moment by a positive test. :0(
Most travel insurance explicitly excludes any “known” problem at the time you initially made your reservations, such as an approaching typhoon (or maybe even typhoon season), outbreak of disease, etc. For this reason, for our May 2020 trip, we initially were unable to get a refund from Alaska Air or any insurance compensation for our condo rental. What we did was this: we held off on cancelling, hoping that Alaska would cancel the flights first. When they did, they had to give us a refund. After that the insurance for the condo was pretty easy since Alaska had effectively cancelled our trip, not us.
Now we are going to wait until there’s a vaccine (if ever). Meanwhile, we’re re-learning how to enjoy the many nice things about where we live – right down to observing the antics of the mockingbirds looking for bugs in the back yard. Beauty is where you find it.
you know this all about politics right? I would not for one second trust this test because it was pushed thru forced thru by TOP officials to try and make the incompetent american government look like they are doing something. How readily available will it be? NOPE I would not trust this test at all currently
To Paul C. The sky is not falling.! Yes, it is possible that something good for Hawaii could possibly happen, Not everything is bad and wrong. I’m challenging you to write something good and positive next time. Enough with the hate and mean spirited comments!
I will be more than happy to be positive when our potus and government start to take this seriously. Pushing for a miracle too quickly could kill countless others.
You seem to have forgotten that a negative test result shows that you don’t have covid today. It doesn’t mean that you’re not incubating it. There’s a reason why quarantine lasts 14 days.
Iceland had allowed entry with one negative test and then started to get cases on their island from those who subsequently developed it. They’ve now introduced a second test on day 5 of quarantine. That should pick up about 85% of cases. But there’s still 5 days of quarantine and they’re still risking transmission on their island from those visiting.
The only game changer with this test is fast results which means contacts can be told to isolate sooner and stop the spread of the virus.
So the naysayers who want to maximize economic damage will point out how it is no good.
THey forget:
all current tests give false negatives and false positives
Quarantine does not prevent against asymptomatic who can be infectious 3-4 weeks after infection
Many people show symptoms before 3 weeks, many by three weeks but equally many take up to 4-5 weeks to show symptoms.
Many symptoms such as aches and fatigue are missed as jet lag.
So before the great campaign against making things better starts, let’s be real about where we are right now.
My question is how much will the clinic/ parmacy and Dr, Nurse, Pharmacist charge for administration? Can they trun it round in 48-72 hours and can they supply the certiciation that Hawaii (CLIA) Japan and others are asking for all test results? SOme want NAAT some want PCR, will we gget a global standard. Who is libale if a false positive causes someone to lose the flight? WHo is liable if a false negative infects a plane full of folks? Let us see the dtail. Unfortunately I am sure some folks in Hawaii will ensure they do well out of it.
Asymptomatics are not driving this disease. Look at the extensive research done by contact tracers. Individuals can be trusted to manage their own health. Have you ever needed a test to tell you whether you’re sick or not? Symptoms come before diagnosis. Medical School 101.
So much suffering could be avoided if that simple common sense idea was remembered and embraced by all.
Simple common sense includes accurate facts.
In fact, pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic carriers are a major spreader of COVID.
“CDC Estimate of Asymptomatic COVID-19 Carriers Increased to 40%. Asymptomatic coronavirus carriers, or those who do not experience any symptoms, unknowingly contribute to the spread of COVID-19, infectious disease experts say. Now the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued new guidance that raises the estimate of asymptomatic carriers to 40 percent of people who have COVID-19.
“The CDC had estimated that the chance of transmission of COVID-19 from asymptomatic people was 100 percent. But that figure has been revised downward this month to 75 percent. That means that the CDC now says asymptomatic individuals are less likely to transmit infection, compared to symptomatic individuals who have a 100 percent chance of transmission.”
75% is major.
“the CDC stated that researchers in Singapore identified seven clusters of cases in which presymptomatic transmission is the most likely explanation for the occurrence of secondary cases.
That report was backed up by a study Trusted Source published in mid-April that concluded that people with no symptoms are the source of 44 percent of diagnosed COVID-19 cases.”
44% is major.
It doesn’t sound like you went to med school or nursing school – or took “Medical School 101.”
It is petty and needlessly insulting (not to mention totally off-the-wall wrong) to claim that “naysayers” “want to maximize economic damage.” Frankly I’m surprised that they allow this sort of vicious comment on the site.
Aloha! Thanks for your good work guys! Thanks for some great news! Yes, Hawaii now needs people in charge who can properly handle this new situation. They are our elected officials. The current government has shown their inefficiency, at the expense of their citizens. Enough already. And sadly I heard Oahu compared to New Zealand or worse Melbourne Australia, as voting to implement new laws against citizen’s personal freedoms. Wake up Hawaii. Time for a change. Proactive not reactive! Together we can do this!
Personal freedom…freedom to infect other people. Wonderful.
Why on earth would Hawai’i want to open up more, so that people who don’t care about others can come flooding in and overwhelm the health care ‘system’? The death rate in Hawai’i is still very low. Many people would prefer to keep it that way.
Not sure what you mean by “Oahu compared to New Zealand.” O’ahu has been very nice to visitors. In NZ they quarantine people in a facility with a fence around it. A police officer has been placed at all hotels, two-metre fences have been installed, and strict checks have been introduced for exemptions from isolation or quarantine. Violators are arrested and charged.
Thank you for the positive news!!! I really hope this comes to life. My daughter started her freshman year and I couldn’t accompany her due to the quarantine restrictions. So I pray this happens so I can visit
This is an antigen test which only shows the presence of antibodies. will that be enough to prove a negative status, since now at least one person who had CV-19 was reinfected?
I just read an article in the Atlantic re: this test. It’s true that it is an antigen test. It is slightly less accurate than the gold standard PCR, but it is a game changer. This will allow rapid and frequent testing which is what is needed to move the economy.
I’d recommend reading the article.
Here we come Kauai (in May)
I’m sorry but you are wrong. This test has nothing to do with antibodies. Antibodies require a blood test. And antibodies only show you had COVID-19 at some time in the past. I have measles antibodies from 70 years ago.
At this time, antibody tests are a research tool to evaluate the effectiveness of vaccines.
Antigen tests show if you have COVID in your upper respiratory tract.
There is a small chance you were exposed so recently that you have undetectable antigen levels.
However, a 97% chance of being COVID free is the best we can do.
However, a universal 14-day quarantine in prison is the most certain way to keep COVID out.
This from the CDC. Antigen tests detect the proteins that generate an immune response:
“Antigen tests are designed to detect viral proteins — which, in the case of the coronavirus, would come from the spikes that coat the outside surface of the virus — that trigger an immune response in the body.”
So, you see, splitting hairs does make sense when the facts are on your side. Also, the sad truth of antigen tests vs. PCR. (CDC)
“But antigen testing is not as sensitive as PCR testing, which means there is a greater chance that antigen tests could deliver false negative results. In other words, a patient could be infected but an antigen test is just not sensitive enough to detect it.”
PCR can be done in a matter of 1-2 hours, not days. The problem is the states sending the tests to a central point, causing a backlog. Health facilities that do it in-house can give you quick results.
James B
Most sources put the antigen accuracy at 95%. In 2019 the average daily tourist arrivals was ~250,000. That’s 12,500 potential positives daily if tourism came roaring back. Numbers matter. Facts matter. Now you have diminished the impact of false negatives, misstated what an antigen test actually detects, and used an inaccurate % of false negatives related to the antigen test regime.
The reason I keep replying is to alert other readers to research, cite, and be careful about postings’ accuracy.
Dave R
Thank you for keeping the discussion fact-based, and providing accurate information. If only all posters would do the same! Sadly, too many people want to make a medical issue into a political issue. The virus really doesn’t care about politics, and neither do those who have severe symptoms (blood clots, strokes, heart damage, damage to liver and kidneys, etc.) or whose friends or relatives have died of COVID-19.
Cheryl W
Please let our Governor and mayors know about this so they can make decisions to use it and stop the 14 day quarantine. Thanks.
CA just bought a version that will increase testing by 150k/day. Their cost is $35/test.
Quarentine already mucked up our 2 wk visit the end of September.
1) Abbott is a large company that has been ramping up production capability for months now. 50 million kits per month is a huge number.
2) According to website the test is around 98% accurate. Nothing is 100% including a vaccine.
3) $5.00 per test is incredibly affordable even if it is marked up some for testing personnel
4) The test does not require instrumentation. You just need health personnel that are trained in properly taking swab samples.
5) Swabs are shorter and more comfortable than the typical PCR test.
6) 15 minute response time allows you to create a test and wait system at the airport
7) iPhone app for the verification makes it easy to monitor
What’s not to like?
Hawaii needs to get to the front of the line for this technology
The best plan would be to require a test before travel (within 3 days) and upon arrival. This would greatly reduce inaccuracy erros.
Tony Nash decided he would do the research on deaths last year in the U.S. He went directly to the CDC and WHO websites to gather this information. Like he suggested on his podcast, everyone should decide for themselves what these numbers mean. Here are the death numbers in the United States from last year for several categories:
Accidental Deaths 170,000
Lower Respiratory 160,000
Strokes 146,000
Alzheimer’s 121,000
Diabetes 83,000
Flu 55,000
Suicides 145,000
Smoking 480,000
Obesity 300,000
Drug related 70,000
Alcohol related 88,000
Drunk drivers 11,000
Missing Children 460,000
Abortions 650,000
Covid19 190,000 approximately as of this date
More facts about Covid19 in the U.S…
There have been approximately 5,150,000 positive cases. Out of the approximately 190,000 that have died, this represents .03% and 97% have recovered.
The average age of all Covid19 deaths is approximately 80 years old
Out of 328,000,000 people divided by 5,150,000 cases means that .015% have had Covid19
328,000,000 divided by 190,000 deaths equals .00057%
5 out of every 10,000 have died from Covid19
Approximately 45% of deaths have been from 5 states, mostly in assistive living facilities.
Hello, just read your comments on these tests. They are indeed good news, however the article I read earlier today stated that the Government ordered 150 million today. That will take the first 3 months of production at 50 million a month starting in October.
The article stated that they would be supplied to hospitals, clinics and doctors offices.
I still think it is good news. Hawaii will need to grab the “bull by the horns,” and figure out the process once these are available. I still believe that they will not allow travel until early 2021. Get some retired Command Sargent Major types to organized this with the state. I am “jonesin” for Kihei….
Excellent news….put that in place and even if as someone alluded to here that it’s not perfect, no worries.
If we wait for a 100% “perfect” solution it isn’t coming.
This would be all they need to open up, combine it with continuing to take extra care of our Kapuna and move on.
Let’s hope tourism is rebuilt in a thoughtful and careful way.
Ideally the thoughtful pragmatic tourists will return and the type epitomized by the few on here throwing stones at Hawaii
and swearing they’ll never come back will keep their promise.
Restart tourism in way that attracts people that love Hawaii and understand any accommodations needed are for the good of all.
Let’s rebuild with quality not quantity in mind.
BOOM! Assuming Abbott’s test proves reliable over the next few months, this is the Mic Drop moment we’ve all been waiting for. (Note: Ige and Friends should still be replaced – i hope all Hawaiians remember this.)
A lack of tests has never been the state’s problem. Our problem is a lack of a competent, qualified, MOTIVATED state bureaucracy to manage, administer, and fund the testing. Other places–particularly other countries–have been doing this well from almost day 1. (See Vietnam, Germany, Singapore, S Korea, Canada, Greece, Australia, etc.)
If you don’t have a drill or a screwdriver, having the best screw (COVID test) in the world won’t help you build anything. And Hawaii simply lacks the most basic of tools–human tools–for managing this pandemic. We should be calling on every single state leader who has been tasked with planning for, preparing for, and managing a pandemic like this to resign and allow other–more qualified–people to step in and do the job they are clearly incapable of doing.
This is good news for those who wish to visit relatives or who just want to spend time at their rental facility, maybe go down to the beach, and do little else. This is just a step, admittedly a welcome one, in the return of tourists to the islands. However, the State will still have a long way to go, probably months if not a year, before the economy will be restored to the point where small businesses, restaurants, malls, excursion operators and the like can return to solvency and exhibit the ohana spirit we all love. Until that happens, do not expect to see 30,000 tourists a day flooding to the islands.
This is the most hopeful thing I’ve heard regarding re-starting our economy here in Hawai’i.
Thank you for this and for all of your great updates.
Ummm, I’m not holding my breath on that. I doubt that vacation travelers will be given any priority on available tests, and Hawaii seems to be very slow to act, plus very wishy washy on their Covid rules, and seem to change the rules with little to no warning. Plus the fact that people will have to pay for a Dr. visit to get the test is also a drawback. We shall see…….. thank you.
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Please remove my email from the 2nd box. I just got 10 emails with comments from people
I don’t know and that is way too many emails to even bother to look at. I appreciate Beat of Hawaii emails only. Thanks,Jane M
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I hope they produce enough of these tests to meet the demand, but wonder how soon that will be. I also read that the test does have drawbacks such as false negative/positives, but I guess all of the tests have those possibilities. It would be a Godsend for us if that were in place before next March, when we plan to visit family on Oahu and the BI. Here’s hoping it works, and the tests are available soon. Our cases in WA are moderating, and have always been fairly low in our area. Hopefully it will be that way for all states soon. We can hope.
After reading some of others comments, I had to check the 2nd box in case I have questions later. Its great to see what readers comments are, so many opinions, Thanks again, Jane M
While logical, I would not expect Hawaii to have this in place for October 1 and possibly not for November 1. The state government has proven themselves totally incompetent at handling the sort of logistics that would be required to put this in place.
Also given the spikes of coronavirus on Oahu and other islands I can’t imagine that the islands will be in a good position to reopen by October 1 even with great testing. Tourists can’t be expected to adhere to stay-at-home orders.
This is the Best news in a long time, especially while we have plans to be traveling to Hawaii in January 2021. Hope all goes well with this testing procedure. And a very big Thank You for all you newsletters keeping us informed of the covid-19 pandemic. We look forward to your email daily. Mahalo, Jane M
One caveat regarding this new test. It MUST be performed in a healthcare provider office. ONLY the PROVIDER can create the secure Digital Health Certificate. It’s not like a HOME PREGNANCY test.
There will be some charge for collecting the specimen and running the test and issuing the certificate.
However, worst case, Hawaii could have providers available at each airport to run the 15-minute test.
Another solution would be for every (major?) airport to have a testing service available. If you test negative, you can board. If not, you go home.
Once supplies are large enough, there could be a home version. It wouldn’t be official, but if you test negative, you could go to Urgent Care and have them retest you and issue the certificate.
Thanks for the great news about rapid testing , I hope the state will look at this as the way to safely open up . Things will not be the same as prior to vovid , Probably not ready for the full scale tour bus and events type of vacation yet where people are close together but surely letting the regular Hawai’i visitors who just want the ocean , the great climate and let us help the economy by patronizing the restaurants and stores. I am not a doctor so am not an expert on covid but it would seem possible to me that this type of visitor is not a high risk once the testing can be done quickly .
Couldn’t have said it better myself. It will be awhile before anywhere returns to big tour buses and gatherings, but for those that just wish to enjoy the spirit of Hawaii and its people, this could be what we were waiting for! Fingers crossed.
Hi Hawaii travelers. Abbott Labs is a big company so saying they plan or expect to produce 50 Million kits in October is great. However, the supply chain seems scary to me unless they have all 50 Million pieces for the kit. Maybe December is more realistic. These kits, if they work will be in very high demand. How many might come to Hawaii is not known. I think the FDA does a great job. However, they have a process. Shortening this time line is a big risk. When did Abbott send this to the FDA? Just too many unknowns to guess on an opening date. I love Hawaii and plan on many more visits once it is safe!
Wow! This sounds almost to good to be true! Is it? Or will it be? Sadly, after reading the 1st comment, I came back to reality and our Ige situation…. This truly is a game-changer and lifesaver for the Hawaii tourism industry. Will the State leaders embrace it, or wring their hands and wonder if they should ‘make a decidsion’ for the thousands and thousands of people so dramatically affected by the current lockdown policy?
Says it will be available in Oct, so your opening won’t be any earlier…and the level of accuracy needs to be verified. anything less than 95% accurate isn’t going to cut it for most people. We want verifiable safety for us to travel, not by gosh we sure hope its good enough we can start travel. The FDA green lighting it means very little in todays society where political decisions outweigh medical ones.
This is wonderful news for Hawaii and the world! Its about time something quick and affordable is made available to the general public. Its not just for travel but for peace of mind in general. Bravo Abbott Laboratories!
The technology appears right. But as we said, it isn’t clear how soon these will be available for travel. It would seem like within a few months of them being delivered, hopefully.
This is a game changer and Wonderful News. I believe the government will rise to the occasion and perform Excellent with this at their disposal. My heart goes out to them & I’m grateful I don’t have to make the tough decisions they have confronted. I have watched other states make horrible mistakes, and I’m inspired and encouraged Hawaii hasn’t followed them.
Credit is due and their efforts appreciated.
With Hawai’i unable to control the spiraling COVID cases of those already on the islands there’s no way, Ige is even considering opening up travel to the islands. The end of the year at the earliest before flights resume.
I wish I had your level of confidence regarding Hawaii embracing the new Abbott test. It certainly seems to be a no-brainer, but they’ve blown management of this crisis at every turn and I see this as merely another opportunity for the Hawaiian government to fail.
Yet the true Aloha seems to prevail, even in the face of human incompetence. There is great wisdom in the saying, “if can, CAN…”
As a local survivor of both Iwa and Iniki, i remain optimistic about our collective future. After all, there are a lot more wise people on the planet than current incompetent two-leggeds! (More of us than them!)
— Unkah K. 😉
All of this sounds promising. BUT, it does not even begin to address the problem of lost airline fares and Condo deposits, etc. if a person tests positive at the last moment before departure. What then?
Unless the Airlines and Hotels and especially condo owners step up with something that will keep us from losing lots of $$$ – I am still not interested. Seriously doubt travel insurance will cover this. Travel insurance is notorious for not coming through. :0(
Everything is just waaay too iffy and will probably stay that way for a long time. Just wait for the next round of lay offs. See how things go then. Thousands are set to be laid off in the airline industry alone. Everything is broken and no one has a fix. :0(
It will surprise me if things are still bad next summer 2021! Sorry to be such a pessimist. We will wait until Spring 2021 and see how things go. Too much time/energy/money to invest in a ‘not so fun’ Hawaiian vacation in quarantine or worse – cancelled at the very last moment by a positive test. :0(
Most travel insurance explicitly excludes any “known” problem at the time you initially made your reservations, such as an approaching typhoon (or maybe even typhoon season), outbreak of disease, etc. For this reason, for our May 2020 trip, we initially were unable to get a refund from Alaska Air or any insurance compensation for our condo rental. What we did was this: we held off on cancelling, hoping that Alaska would cancel the flights first. When they did, they had to give us a refund. After that the insurance for the condo was pretty easy since Alaska had effectively cancelled our trip, not us.
Now we are going to wait until there’s a vaccine (if ever). Meanwhile, we’re re-learning how to enjoy the many nice things about where we live – right down to observing the antics of the mockingbirds looking for bugs in the back yard. Beauty is where you find it.
you know this all about politics right? I would not for one second trust this test because it was pushed thru forced thru by TOP officials to try and make the incompetent american government look like they are doing something. How readily available will it be? NOPE I would not trust this test at all currently
To Paul C. The sky is not falling.! Yes, it is possible that something good for Hawaii could possibly happen, Not everything is bad and wrong. I’m challenging you to write something good and positive next time. Enough with the hate and mean spirited comments!
Mahal & Aloha!
I will be more than happy to be positive when our potus and government start to take this seriously. Pushing for a miracle too quickly could kill countless others.
You seem to have forgotten that a negative test result shows that you don’t have covid today. It doesn’t mean that you’re not incubating it. There’s a reason why quarantine lasts 14 days.
Iceland had allowed entry with one negative test and then started to get cases on their island from those who subsequently developed it. They’ve now introduced a second test on day 5 of quarantine. That should pick up about 85% of cases. But there’s still 5 days of quarantine and they’re still risking transmission on their island from those visiting.
The only game changer with this test is fast results which means contacts can be told to isolate sooner and stop the spread of the virus.
So the naysayers who want to maximize economic damage will point out how it is no good.
THey forget:
all current tests give false negatives and false positives
Quarantine does not prevent against asymptomatic who can be infectious 3-4 weeks after infection
Many people show symptoms before 3 weeks, many by three weeks but equally many take up to 4-5 weeks to show symptoms.
Many symptoms such as aches and fatigue are missed as jet lag.
So before the great campaign against making things better starts, let’s be real about where we are right now.
My question is how much will the clinic/ parmacy and Dr, Nurse, Pharmacist charge for administration? Can they trun it round in 48-72 hours and can they supply the certiciation that Hawaii (CLIA) Japan and others are asking for all test results? SOme want NAAT some want PCR, will we gget a global standard. Who is libale if a false positive causes someone to lose the flight? WHo is liable if a false negative infects a plane full of folks? Let us see the dtail. Unfortunately I am sure some folks in Hawaii will ensure they do well out of it.
Asymptomatics are not driving this disease. Look at the extensive research done by contact tracers. Individuals can be trusted to manage their own health. Have you ever needed a test to tell you whether you’re sick or not? Symptoms come before diagnosis. Medical School 101.
So much suffering could be avoided if that simple common sense idea was remembered and embraced by all.
Simple common sense includes accurate facts.
In fact, pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic carriers are a major spreader of COVID.
“CDC Estimate of Asymptomatic COVID-19 Carriers Increased to 40%. Asymptomatic coronavirus carriers, or those who do not experience any symptoms, unknowingly contribute to the spread of COVID-19, infectious disease experts say. Now the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued new guidance that raises the estimate of asymptomatic carriers to 40 percent of people who have COVID-19.
“The CDC had estimated that the chance of transmission of COVID-19 from asymptomatic people was 100 percent. But that figure has been revised downward this month to 75 percent. That means that the CDC now says asymptomatic individuals are less likely to transmit infection, compared to symptomatic individuals who have a 100 percent chance of transmission.”
75% is major.
“the CDC stated that researchers in Singapore identified seven clusters of cases in which presymptomatic transmission is the most likely explanation for the occurrence of secondary cases.
That report was backed up by a study Trusted Source published in mid-April that concluded that people with no symptoms are the source of 44 percent of diagnosed COVID-19 cases.”
44% is major.
It doesn’t sound like you went to med school or nursing school – or took “Medical School 101.”
It is petty and needlessly insulting (not to mention totally off-the-wall wrong) to claim that “naysayers” “want to maximize economic damage.” Frankly I’m surprised that they allow this sort of vicious comment on the site.
Aloha! Thanks for your good work guys! Thanks for some great news! Yes, Hawaii now needs people in charge who can properly handle this new situation. They are our elected officials. The current government has shown their inefficiency, at the expense of their citizens. Enough already. And sadly I heard Oahu compared to New Zealand or worse Melbourne Australia, as voting to implement new laws against citizen’s personal freedoms. Wake up Hawaii. Time for a change. Proactive not reactive! Together we can do this!
Personal freedom…freedom to infect other people. Wonderful.
Why on earth would Hawai’i want to open up more, so that people who don’t care about others can come flooding in and overwhelm the health care ‘system’? The death rate in Hawai’i is still very low. Many people would prefer to keep it that way.
Not sure what you mean by “Oahu compared to New Zealand.” O’ahu has been very nice to visitors. In NZ they quarantine people in a facility with a fence around it. A police officer has been placed at all hotels, two-metre fences have been installed, and strict checks have been introduced for exemptions from isolation or quarantine. Violators are arrested and charged.
“Beat of Hawaii: We cannot imagine that Hawaii will not be all over this test as the way to eliminate mandatory 14-day quarantine.”
Tsk … tsk … really? If it makes sense & puts Hawaii on level ground, you can be sure our elected officials will find a reason not to do it!
Thank you for the positive news!!! I really hope this comes to life. My daughter started her freshman year and I couldn’t accompany her due to the quarantine restrictions. So I pray this happens so I can visit
Hi Joyce.
Thinking there is Hope for our Anniversary Trip in December. THANKS TO ABBOTT LABS.
This is an antigen test which only shows the presence of antibodies. will that be enough to prove a negative status, since now at least one person who had CV-19 was reinfected?
I just read an article in the Atlantic re: this test. It’s true that it is an antigen test. It is slightly less accurate than the gold standard PCR, but it is a game changer. This will allow rapid and frequent testing which is what is needed to move the economy.
I’d recommend reading the article.
Here we come Kauai (in May)
I’m sorry but you are wrong. This test has nothing to do with antibodies. Antibodies require a blood test. And antibodies only show you had COVID-19 at some time in the past. I have measles antibodies from 70 years ago.
At this time, antibody tests are a research tool to evaluate the effectiveness of vaccines.
Antigen tests show if you have COVID in your upper respiratory tract.
There is a small chance you were exposed so recently that you have undetectable antigen levels.
However, a 97% chance of being COVID free is the best we can do.
However, a universal 14-day quarantine in prison is the most certain way to keep COVID out.
This from the CDC. Antigen tests detect the proteins that generate an immune response:
“Antigen tests are designed to detect viral proteins — which, in the case of the coronavirus, would come from the spikes that coat the outside surface of the virus — that trigger an immune response in the body.”
So, you see, splitting hairs does make sense when the facts are on your side. Also, the sad truth of antigen tests vs. PCR. (CDC)
“But antigen testing is not as sensitive as PCR testing, which means there is a greater chance that antigen tests could deliver false negative results. In other words, a patient could be infected but an antigen test is just not sensitive enough to detect it.”
But the antigen test gives 97-98% accuracy in 15 min. PCR takes days and won’t meet any of the 72-hour windows. PCR is expensive and slow.
How much more accurate do we need testing to be?
PCR just can’t be scaled to 50 million a month or hundreds of millions a month.
And at $100 a test that’s 5 billion a month for PCR testing.
PCR can be done in a matter of 1-2 hours, not days. The problem is the states sending the tests to a central point, causing a backlog. Health facilities that do it in-house can give you quick results.
Most sources put the antigen accuracy at 95%. In 2019 the average daily tourist arrivals was ~250,000. That’s 12,500 potential positives daily if tourism came roaring back. Numbers matter. Facts matter. Now you have diminished the impact of false negatives, misstated what an antigen test actually detects, and used an inaccurate % of false negatives related to the antigen test regime.
The reason I keep replying is to alert other readers to research, cite, and be careful about postings’ accuracy.
Thank you for keeping the discussion fact-based, and providing accurate information. If only all posters would do the same! Sadly, too many people want to make a medical issue into a political issue. The virus really doesn’t care about politics, and neither do those who have severe symptoms (blood clots, strokes, heart damage, damage to liver and kidneys, etc.) or whose friends or relatives have died of COVID-19.
Please let our Governor and mayors know about this so they can make decisions to use it and stop the 14 day quarantine. Thanks.
Hi Cheryl.
CA just bought a version that will increase testing by 150k/day. Their cost is $35/test.
Quarentine already mucked up our 2 wk visit the end of September.
Do I dare start to hope again? Please!
1) Abbott is a large company that has been ramping up production capability for months now. 50 million kits per month is a huge number.
2) According to website the test is around 98% accurate. Nothing is 100% including a vaccine.
3) $5.00 per test is incredibly affordable even if it is marked up some for testing personnel
4) The test does not require instrumentation. You just need health personnel that are trained in properly taking swab samples.
5) Swabs are shorter and more comfortable than the typical PCR test.
6) 15 minute response time allows you to create a test and wait system at the airport
7) iPhone app for the verification makes it easy to monitor
What’s not to like?
Hawaii needs to get to the front of the line for this technology
The best plan would be to require a test before travel (within 3 days) and upon arrival. This would greatly reduce inaccuracy erros.
Fingers crossed.
Tony Nash decided he would do the research on deaths last year in the U.S. He went directly to the CDC and WHO websites to gather this information. Like he suggested on his podcast, everyone should decide for themselves what these numbers mean. Here are the death numbers in the United States from last year for several categories:
Accidental Deaths 170,000
Lower Respiratory 160,000
Strokes 146,000
Alzheimer’s 121,000
Diabetes 83,000
Flu 55,000
Suicides 145,000
Smoking 480,000
Obesity 300,000
Drug related 70,000
Alcohol related 88,000
Drunk drivers 11,000
Missing Children 460,000
Abortions 650,000
Covid19 190,000 approximately as of this date
More facts about Covid19 in the U.S…
There have been approximately 5,150,000 positive cases. Out of the approximately 190,000 that have died, this represents .03% and 97% have recovered.
The average age of all Covid19 deaths is approximately 80 years old
Out of 328,000,000 people divided by 5,150,000 cases means that .015% have had Covid19
328,000,000 divided by 190,000 deaths equals .00057%
5 out of every 10,000 have died from Covid19
Approximately 45% of deaths have been from 5 states, mostly in assistive living facilities.
Hello, just read your comments on these tests. They are indeed good news, however the article I read earlier today stated that the Government ordered 150 million today. That will take the first 3 months of production at 50 million a month starting in October.
The article stated that they would be supplied to hospitals, clinics and doctors offices.
I still think it is good news. Hawaii will need to grab the “bull by the horns,” and figure out the process once these are available. I still believe that they will not allow travel until early 2021. Get some retired Command Sargent Major types to organized this with the state. I am “jonesin” for Kihei….
Aloha from Alaska
Hi Roger.
150 million is not 3 months of production. The order for 150 million will fuel expansion to 100 or 200 million a month.
Excellent news….put that in place and even if as someone alluded to here that it’s not perfect, no worries.
If we wait for a 100% “perfect” solution it isn’t coming.
This would be all they need to open up, combine it with continuing to take extra care of our Kapuna and move on.
Let’s hope tourism is rebuilt in a thoughtful and careful way.
Ideally the thoughtful pragmatic tourists will return and the type epitomized by the few on here throwing stones at Hawaii
and swearing they’ll never come back will keep their promise.
Restart tourism in way that attracts people that love Hawaii and understand any accommodations needed are for the good of all.
Let’s rebuild with quality not quantity in mind.
BOOM! Assuming Abbott’s test proves reliable over the next few months, this is the Mic Drop moment we’ve all been waiting for. (Note: Ige and Friends should still be replaced – i hope all Hawaiians remember this.)
Aloha!!! ~Socal Matt
A lack of tests has never been the state’s problem. Our problem is a lack of a competent, qualified, MOTIVATED state bureaucracy to manage, administer, and fund the testing. Other places–particularly other countries–have been doing this well from almost day 1. (See Vietnam, Germany, Singapore, S Korea, Canada, Greece, Australia, etc.)
If you don’t have a drill or a screwdriver, having the best screw (COVID test) in the world won’t help you build anything. And Hawaii simply lacks the most basic of tools–human tools–for managing this pandemic. We should be calling on every single state leader who has been tasked with planning for, preparing for, and managing a pandemic like this to resign and allow other–more qualified–people to step in and do the job they are clearly incapable of doing.
Well said!
This is good news for those who wish to visit relatives or who just want to spend time at their rental facility, maybe go down to the beach, and do little else. This is just a step, admittedly a welcome one, in the return of tourists to the islands. However, the State will still have a long way to go, probably months if not a year, before the economy will be restored to the point where small businesses, restaurants, malls, excursion operators and the like can return to solvency and exhibit the ohana spirit we all love. Until that happens, do not expect to see 30,000 tourists a day flooding to the islands.
Hi Rob.
Thanks for your many comments.
This is the most hopeful thing I’ve heard regarding re-starting our economy here in Hawai’i.
Thank you for this and for all of your great updates.
Hi Catrinka.
You just got to love capitalism! Hopefully the test will prove reliable enough to use here in Hawaii.
Ummm, I’m not holding my breath on that. I doubt that vacation travelers will be given any priority on available tests, and Hawaii seems to be very slow to act, plus very wishy washy on their Covid rules, and seem to change the rules with little to no warning. Plus the fact that people will have to pay for a Dr. visit to get the test is also a drawback. We shall see…….. thank you.
Hi Kristi.
please delete my email from notification list. Mahalo!
Hi MK.
The email notifications are self-service. On any notification email you receive there is an unsubscribe link. If you encounter any problems please let us know.
Yes, please
Please remove my email from the 2nd box. I just got 10 emails with comments from people
I don’t know and that is way too many emails to even bother to look at. I appreciate Beat of Hawaii emails only. Thanks,Jane M
Hi Jane.
We deleted that subscription and you can set it up again as you would like. The subscription to comment feature is self-service and you can make it from any email you receive.
I hope they produce enough of these tests to meet the demand, but wonder how soon that will be. I also read that the test does have drawbacks such as false negative/positives, but I guess all of the tests have those possibilities. It would be a Godsend for us if that were in place before next March, when we plan to visit family on Oahu and the BI. Here’s hoping it works, and the tests are available soon. Our cases in WA are moderating, and have always been fairly low in our area. Hopefully it will be that way for all states soon. We can hope.
Thanks for keeping us up to date.
Hi Lee.
Thanks again for your dozens of comments.
This is great news!
Hi Nani.
After reading some of others comments, I had to check the 2nd box in case I have questions later. Its great to see what readers comments are, so many opinions, Thanks again, Jane M
Hi Jane.
Thanks for your comments.
While logical, I would not expect Hawaii to have this in place for October 1 and possibly not for November 1. The state government has proven themselves totally incompetent at handling the sort of logistics that would be required to put this in place.
Also given the spikes of coronavirus on Oahu and other islands I can’t imagine that the islands will be in a good position to reopen by October 1 even with great testing. Tourists can’t be expected to adhere to stay-at-home orders.
This is the Best news in a long time, especially while we have plans to be traveling to Hawaii in January 2021. Hope all goes well with this testing procedure. And a very big Thank You for all you newsletters keeping us informed of the covid-19 pandemic. We look forward to your email daily. Mahalo, Jane M
One caveat regarding this new test. It MUST be performed in a healthcare provider office. ONLY the PROVIDER can create the secure Digital Health Certificate. It’s not like a HOME PREGNANCY test.
There will be some charge for collecting the specimen and running the test and issuing the certificate.
However, worst case, Hawaii could have providers available at each airport to run the 15-minute test.
Another solution would be for every (major?) airport to have a testing service available. If you test negative, you can board. If not, you go home.
Once supplies are large enough, there could be a home version. It wouldn’t be official, but if you test negative, you could go to Urgent Care and have them retest you and issue the certificate.
Thanks for the great news about rapid testing , I hope the state will look at this as the way to safely open up . Things will not be the same as prior to vovid , Probably not ready for the full scale tour bus and events type of vacation yet where people are close together but surely letting the regular Hawai’i visitors who just want the ocean , the great climate and let us help the economy by patronizing the restaurants and stores. I am not a doctor so am not an expert on covid but it would seem possible to me that this type of visitor is not a high risk once the testing can be done quickly .
Hi Tim.
Thank you.
Couldn’t have said it better myself. It will be awhile before anywhere returns to big tour buses and gatherings, but for those that just wish to enjoy the spirit of Hawaii and its people, this could be what we were waiting for! Fingers crossed.
Hi Hawaii travelers. Abbott Labs is a big company so saying they plan or expect to produce 50 Million kits in October is great. However, the supply chain seems scary to me unless they have all 50 Million pieces for the kit. Maybe December is more realistic. These kits, if they work will be in very high demand. How many might come to Hawaii is not known. I think the FDA does a great job. However, they have a process. Shortening this time line is a big risk. When did Abbott send this to the FDA? Just too many unknowns to guess on an opening date. I love Hawaii and plan on many more visits once it is safe!
What’s the accuracy of this testing?
The information available from various sources claims it is 95% accurate.
I hope they can get enough tests produced in time for this to work for our early December trip!
Rumors on Maui say quarantine will be extended to December 1st.
Wow! This sounds almost to good to be true! Is it? Or will it be? Sadly, after reading the 1st comment, I came back to reality and our Ige situation…. This truly is a game-changer and lifesaver for the Hawaii tourism industry. Will the State leaders embrace it, or wring their hands and wonder if they should ‘make a decidsion’ for the thousands and thousands of people so dramatically affected by the current lockdown policy?
Says it will be available in Oct, so your opening won’t be any earlier…and the level of accuracy needs to be verified. anything less than 95% accurate isn’t going to cut it for most people. We want verifiable safety for us to travel, not by gosh we sure hope its good enough we can start travel. The FDA green lighting it means very little in todays society where political decisions outweigh medical ones.
This is wonderful news for Hawaii and the world! Its about time something quick and affordable is made available to the general public. Its not just for travel but for peace of mind in general. Bravo Abbott Laboratories!
Wonderful news! So optimistically, we could open in Nov/Dec? Mahalo!
Hi Claudia.
The technology appears right. But as we said, it isn’t clear how soon these will be available for travel. It would seem like within a few months of them being delivered, hopefully.
A few months??? Ugggggg! Thanks.
This is a game changer and Wonderful News. I believe the government will rise to the occasion and perform Excellent with this at their disposal. My heart goes out to them & I’m grateful I don’t have to make the tough decisions they have confronted. I have watched other states make horrible mistakes, and I’m inspired and encouraged Hawaii hasn’t followed them.
Credit is due and their efforts appreciated.
With Hawai’i unable to control the spiraling COVID cases of those already on the islands there’s no way, Ige is even considering opening up travel to the islands. The end of the year at the earliest before flights resume.
I wish I had your level of confidence regarding Hawaii embracing the new Abbott test. It certainly seems to be a no-brainer, but they’ve blown management of this crisis at every turn and I see this as merely another opportunity for the Hawaiian government to fail.
Yet the true Aloha seems to prevail, even in the face of human incompetence. There is great wisdom in the saying, “if can, CAN…”
As a local survivor of both Iwa and Iniki, i remain optimistic about our collective future. After all, there are a lot more wise people on the planet than current incompetent two-leggeds! (More of us than them!)
— Unkah K. 😉