Zuckerberg Kauai 1-2-3 Punch Troubles

Zuckerberg on Kauai Suffers 1-2-3 Punch Woes

Sometimes you just can’t catch a break. And so it appears to be the case with billionaire and part-time Kauai resident Mark Zuckerberg. Three issues caught our attention. First is that even living part-time on Kauai, surfing every day, and being one of the wealthiest men on the planet doesn’t soothe the feeling Zuckerberg has that he is being punched in the stomach. The second is that he is being sued for significant unpaid Kauai builder’s fees, resulting in a contractor’s lien being placed on his property. And third, the questionable coconut wireless says there may be even bigger plans afoot such as a private marina for his yacht.

Punch #1.

In the first punch, literally to the gut, billionaire Zuckerberg said, “[I] wake up in the morning, look at my phone to get a million messages. It’s almost like every day you wake up, and you’re like punched in the stomach.”

He said that the news is never good; it’s always bad. Previously he’d said that he used to run to clear his mind, but when that stopped working, he moved to surfing. Zuckerberg said, “When you’re out there in the water, it’s pretty hard to focus on anything else.”

Maybe living on his 1,500-acre Kauai home helps too.

Punch #2.

A Kauai construction company is suing Zuckerberg. They claim to have not been paid $134k owed for work that was done on his Pilaa Beach Kauai home. The lawsuit said they had been contracted to build various dwellings on the property. But they claim that their bill was never paid. The company has placed a lien on the property related to the money they claim they are owed.

Punch #3. Does Zuckerberg want to try to create a private yacht marina on Kauai?

Zuckerberg Kauai 1-2-3 Punch Woes

This is a weird one. A Hawaii action network called Kia’i Report and its Twitter page (post below), allege that Zuckerberg may intend to “detonate a portion of Pilaa reef on Kauai to extend his TMK & build a private marina.”

We don’t know of this source personally, but we see that it is followed by credible news media in Hawaii. It has been rumored but denied that Zuckerberg owns the $150-$200M yacht “Ulysses,” which was purchased in Monaco.

In a follow-up post, Kia’a said that “While Kaua’i County & DLNR are officially stating this is false, our sources inside say this is a very real proposal being pushed by Zuckerberg…”


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37 thoughts on “Zuckerberg on Kauai Suffers 1-2-3 Punch Woes”

  1. Seems like billionaires on the island should be paying enough in property taxes to offset or be used to repair / rebuild ingastructures and eyesore properties !!! They are super rich and certainly afford to help with increased taxes if other billionaire ‘s see that they will be required to carry a larger tax bill perhaps buying up all of the island will be slower!!!


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