121 thoughts on “Updated: Hawaii Plans to Eliminate COVID Tests | Phase 1 Starts June 15”

  1. I truly believe in the KISS system, keep it simple stupid! My choice, your choice to get vaccinated. Don’t make me get tested 72 hours before my flight if I got vaccinated. Those who choose not to get the shot need to follow the travel restrictions to visit the islands. IGE says 70% to ease restrictions, just another way to keep his proclamation factory coming and moving the goal posts.
    Thanks for reading my little rant. Hope to visit Maui on Thanksgiving.

  2. Once Hawaii reach 60% would we still have to upload our van card into the safe travels website? Also, will the clear and CommonPass no longer be an option?

  3. I won’t travel anywhere if I need to have a vaccine passport. Guess I will just put my money into my stock portfolio instead

    1. I’d be willing to bet that you will need to upload Vax cards at least through 2022 and possibly 2023. The supposed herd immunity number is 70% but no one knows if that will actually eliminate it plus with variants. I think this is gonna be new normal for immediate and short term future

  4. Glad to hear that changes will be made in the testing policy. Unfortunately it will not apply to us when we fly during phase 1, but it will when we return to the islands in November. Hopefully with high levels of vaccinations we won’t see a resurgence of the virus in the Fall.

    For keeping us up to date on the changes!

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