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Hawaii Travel Reopens on August 1

Governor Ige announced today that Hawaii travel will resume on August 1 without 14-day isolation. But there is testing involved. Many questions including legal ones remain, but what you can hang your hat on is that Hawaii travel will resume on the date set.

Visitors planning Hawaii vacations can, after more than three months, move forward. “This allows travelers to return and allows us to continue to protect the health and safety of our community,” said Governor Ige.

Here’s what we know. This announcement comes on the heels of the US Department of Justice indicating earlier today that they do not believe that Hawaii’s 14-day period will be deemed constitutional. There will be more about that coming forward in the days ahead, as Hawaii and the federal government appear to be heading towards court. Hawaii officials believe that it has not violated any laws or statutes and that the state is moving forward legally.  

Stay tuned as more details about all aspects of the reopening, including testing, costs, availability, and protocol will be released soon. Distancing, masks, and hand cleaning will continue to be required as basic safety protocols. 

The state is working with CVS on a business to business program to provide this PCR testing. The cost of testing is still to be finalized. 

Regarding travel corridors, the governor said there are still discussions in effect. For the first time, the governor addressed that Hawaii is part of the US and therefore cannot create its own rules in that regard. The governor said he has been in discussions with the federal government.

Protocols that are being implemented:

1. Tests must be taken within 72 hours prior to travel to Hawaii.

2. Due to lack of availability and resources, tests will not at this time be available on arrival in Hawaii.

3. The state will be responsible for certification of testing, rather than the airlines. 

Many updates to follow. We look forward to your comments! Aloha and Mahalo.

210 thoughts on “Hawaii Travel Reopens on August 1”

  1. I am wondering if this is the reason Hawaii has gone with the 72 hour turn around time for visitors.

    From Quest Diagnostics:

    “An unforeseen increase in testing demand has had an inevitable impact on C0VID-19 turnaround time (TAT) overall. We continue to target TAT for Priority 1 (hospitalized) patients at 1 day. For all other patients, TAT is now 4-6 days, on average nationally.

    However, as we anticipate demand for COVID-19 testing to continue to rise, TAT for patients may exceed these current levels over the coming weeks.

    Please contact your Quest representative to obtain the turnaround time at your specific laboratory location or for more information around C0VID-19 testing.”

    It would appear Hawaii wants to appear to be be open to tourism when in fact, they know full well their requirements are not realistic outside an inpatient setting.

  2. I would like to know how we locate and find a rapid covid test for each state that’ll just allow you to get the test done? I libe in Nebraska but many other states will need this information too especially when they wa t us to test no more than 3 days prior to arrival and the results take a while.

  3. The PCR test is “to diagnose people who are currently sick with C0VID.” So why does Hawaii mandate it to find out if a traveler has C0VID? And “These samples are generally sent to centralized labs for analysis, so it can take several days to get results back.”

    1. Because it’s an island getting supplies and help is limited and takes longer to get there. O know this as I use to live there. this is also why they closed the state down for 3 months it was mandatory everyon and I mean everyone who came to hawaii via plane ect were to do 2 week quar antine this includes residents, military (any and everyone). you should see the stipulations on traveling animals the will quar antine your service animals and pets because its a state/Island that doesn’t have Rabies.

  4. We have the same questions and concerns about meeting your c0vid testing. Colorado tells us the test can take 3 to 7 days to get results. I guess we need to cancel our two week party of 8 to Hawaii

  5. So I just noticed that on the required test type has changed from a PCR test to a NAAT type test. There currently are no locations that will give a NAAT type test. Does anyone have any information on this type of test? I feel like this is the way they will keep tourist off the islands. Thank you in advance for any information.

  6. I find it comical that Hawaiians bash tourists in here that dont like or dont agree with the convoluted travel plans. It makes it more likely less will come. Very arrogant and stupid

    1. Usually folks who comment on the opinions of others as “arrogant or stupid” are simply reflecting their own image back towards those who disagree. Go with more aloha, and your life will change.

      1. James B that makes no sense. My comment is facts. How is that arrogant or stupid stating that hawaii has bitten off the hand that feeds them and gave Americans the middle finger basically? You cant make this stuff up!

  7. Yea lisa s. Hawaii does not have a plan that makes sense. And local hawaiians needs come before the howlie tourists from the mainland apparently. So just plan on poor leadership and loosing money there. Unless your in the military then its ok because they pay for housing and it helps alot with everything. The whole thing is a mess and you would think they would kiss the tourists feet with it thier only major source of revenue. I think its translated into no aloha unless you look and act hawaiian these days. And really stupid

  8. I talked to CVS today. They said they have no plans to allow testing for travel. You have to have symptoms. And the results are now taking 7 days or more.I am due to travel to Kauai on August 15. Not looking good

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