Hawaii Without POG – So Make Your Own

In another sign of the times, POG looks to be biting the dust. Hawaii’s historic dairy Meadow Gold, the name associated with POG,  is no longer. Over one million gallons of Meadow Gold POG has been produced monthly. Meadow Gold dates back to 1897, when 7 dairies combined businesses.

While we are waiting for more news and contemplating when Hawaii air travel will resume: expect big changes, I went looking for some POG, and was stopped in my tracks, when I learned this news.

A deal that had hoped to save the company, failed to reach fruition and has been dropped. The company, now Dean Foods, plans to close at the end of April, following their bankruptcy filing in 2019.

“We are extremely disappointed that we were unable to finalize an agreement for Industrial Realty Group to acquire our Hawaii operations.” — Dean Foods.

Rumors are that another buyer “might” acquire the Meadow Gold Hawaii brand and, if so, could continue to produce out of a Hilo facility. Not sure that will happen, as it was also previously thought the whole operation would be sold. If it does happen, it is unclear to what degree they would have the distribution capability Dean Foods had.

History of POG.

POG stands for passion fruit, orange, guava, a popular sugary juice drink that’s been around for 50 years. It was originally created by Maui’s Haleakala Dairy, and subsequently acquired by Meadow Gold. The juice isn’t proprietary, however, and other brands, although minor compared with Meadow Gold’s enormous production, still exist.

Make your own POG recipe.

Without POG, which by the way has been hugely popular at Hawaii’s Costco’s, you may just need to make your own. Following are our recipe ideas:

Beat of Hawaii: Many of you didn’t know that Jeff has been a gourmet cook since childhood. This may not be the last of his recipes you see here. 


1 cup passion fruit juice, pineapple juice, or fresh pineapple
1 cup orange juice
1 cup fresh or bottle guava nectar
sweetener to taste
ice to taste


Place all ingredients in blender and whirl to desired texture.

Will You Miss POG?

29 thoughts on “Hawaii Without POG – So Make Your Own”

  1. I have loved visiting Kauai and drinking POG over the years. I’ve even had friends last and family bring bottles of POG home for me in their suitcases. It makes me happy to see so many people love this drink as much as I do.

  2. POG will not be discontinued anymore! A buyer purchased Meadow Gold Dairies and the POG brand. Please share the good news, we are trying to lift everyone’s spirits by informing the public that POG is here to stay!

      1. They are now available in half pints! Meadow Gold is even giving away half-pint POG at vaccine centers on Oahu.

  3. POG- the name and recipe was created by my grandmother Mary Soon. She was an employee of Haleakalā Dairy and won a recipe contest. She did not get any royalties and has not been properly credited in the true history of POG.

    1. Your mother is responsible for the finest beverage ever produced on this planet. It is a shame that she didn’t receive royalties as she should have.

  4. Oh no! My first purchase when we arrive on Kauai has always been POG! It was a part of my breakfast every morning on the island, and any other time of the day when we were in our hotel. I would miss it SO much on our next trip (which will be as soon as the island opens back up). That and the K-Mart; we will miss it, too. It was always so nice and clean, and the staff were so helpful. We weren’t K-Mart shoppers here in Tennessee, but there was something special about the Kauai K-Mart. We went there on our first trip to Kauai and visited it on every trip after.

    Mahalo for your newsletter; I look forward to every email and read it “cover to cover”. And mahalo for the POG recipe! I can’t wait to try it.

  5. The flight attendants in Hawaiian sent me home with 4 extra cans. I just had the last one with the series finale of Hawai’i Five 0. Super depressing news 😢

  6. Thank you for the recipe! Having moved from Hawai`i,I am on a POG free diet. Not good,not good..need POG🙂

  7. I’m so sad
    This is the absolute best juice in the world! My friend in Las Vegs stocked the fridge for me every time I came. I’ve even ordered it from Hawaii! I’m wrecked 😭

  8. I associate this delicious beverage with my trips to Maui. Being able to get the drink here in Oregon was a great pick me up. Always put a smile of good memories on my face. I hope that someone takes this venture on because the world will not be the same with out POG! Thanks for all the wonderful years! Soooo love your product and will miss it! Thanks for the recipe!

  9. Our family loves POG and drinks it twice a day mixed with varying amounts of Maui Splash (POG straight if you’re a kid). We buy it by the gallon from Costco and half gallon when in the grocery stores. Our family has probably been keeping Meadow Gold afloat. We remember Haleakala Dairy and were concerned when it became MG, but it is just as good! Please find a way to keep it coming!! The D. Family

  10. I will truly miss POG. When I came as a visitor to Maui 34 years ago, it was the first drink I had on arrival… I could taste the Aloha & it was always something that I remembered Hawaii by. Now that I live here & am an adult, it really is good with rum too! Still a drink that just gives me great memories of the Aloha spirit that is Hawaii…

  11. I will miss POG. Before I made my first trip to Hawaii, a native Hawaiian filled me on it and it sounded so delicious. I have looked for it every trip since. Good to see Jeff’s recipe gives proportions. I hope the company or product can be saved.

  12. Aloha, Will miss POG . Thank you for the recipe. Also adding coconut rum sounds delish. Mahalo

  13. I live in Gardnerville, NV and have been purchasing POG from the local Raley’s store for the past 5 years. About 2 months ago, the store lowered the price of the POG and put a clearance sign on it so I purchased most of them. Totally bummed I can no longer buy it, best juice ever.

  14. I prefer the POG made by Sun Tropics, because it is 100% juice, no corn syrup. It makes great cocktails when mixed with coconut rum! I think it is made on the mainland. It is hard to find in Hawaii – sometimes Safeway has it (in Kona). Maybe you can use your power to get more stores to carry it in Hawaii :-).
    Mahalo for all you do, I love Beat of Hawaii!

    1. Hi Heather.

      Thank you! Concur on the corn syrup. That’s one of the reasons why Jeff makes his own.


  15. My first exposure to POG was in the summer of 1981 when I was working at the Maui Land & Pine plantation picking pineapple. It was a welcome respite from all of the fresh pineapple and pineapple juice we would normally drink. POG will be sorely missed…..

    1. First experience tasting POG was on my honeymoon trip to Lanai. It was served on my Hawaiian Airlines flight over. Wow. That was good and have been hooked on it ever since. Hope it makes a come back some how.

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