78 thoughts on “Lulled Into Complacency, Hawaii Just Eclipsed 23 Mainland States’ Rates”

  1. The large resorts need to mandate vaccinations. When I was on Big Island at end of April, resort worker said she + her family were going to wait + see about getting vaccine – very nonchalant. Even though her kids had been exposed to sport coaches who were positive for covid. And her mother took care of kids some days of the week.

    How can people be so nonchalant?

    1. Because it’s still an experimental “treatment” for a sickness that 99.9% survive. Plus you can still get and spread COVID after getting the experimental injected into your body. Take care of yourself and stop living in fear of the flu.

  2. Aloha, are there any statistics to prove that Hawaiians are spreading the disease? “Looks like” is not a scientific method.lala

    1. It is based on science. Covid cases are currently only 2% travel associated (non resident).

      1. It is not based on science at all. If you want it based on science talk to the medical professionals seeing both visitors and residents with covid here in Hawaii. The stats published are based on how our DOH decides to report and a local government who doesn’t want to shut down tourism. We have almost nonexistent contact tracing happening and even then the contact tracers are not looking for where the cases originated, just the last contact. Not to mention the fact that many visitors are likely going to return to their homestate before getting tested. Most visitors are arriving with only a vaccine exemption or pretesting that has been proved to not have the best accuracy, which is the reason people admitted to the hospital are testing 2 or 3 times before they are considered covid free. Covid is arriving by residents and tourists and pretending it’s not is only causing more harm.

  3. Mahalo for the update. I wouldn’t want to be a burden to Hawaii & with Covid cases growing, I decided to cancel our Oahu trip this month. I’m fully vaccinated & I also have a medical underlying condition. If we all work together, we can put this pandemic behind us & back to normalcy.

    1. Dear Grace, I’m suppose to come to Hawaii in April(2022) but when December rolls around I’m going to reevaluate the situation. If I had one wish it would be that covid never existed for health reasons, then travel! Stay safe! God bless you….John 3:16 & Psalms 91:11🐢🐠🌺🍍🥥🌍🏖🛩💺☀️🌈 Hopefully things will get smoothed out soon.

    2. On the reverse… Your chances of being a burden to the island since yiu are vaccinated is probably low. The income potential might do more than staying home to avoid being a burden.

  4. Who is to blame?

    Tourists coming to Hawaii. People complaining about travel restrictions and deliberately disobeying Covid requirements as outlined by the state. Pretty simple, really… Covidiots.

    Thank you.

    1. I live in a tourist town in Alaska where we had low rates until the end of June. Through contact tracing the original outbreaks were linked to several evangelical churches where unvaccinated individuals were gathering together. As a result we had the dubious distinction of having the highest rate of cases per capita in the nation prior to the arrival of the first cruise ship of the season.

      Tourists can bring covid, but that doesn’t mean locals aren’t also contributing.

    2. You always want to blame the tourists for all your problems. Covid cases are currently only 2% travel associated (non resident).

  5. Given the vaccinated still spread and catch it, they cannot be so easily exempted from the massive increase when we see massive waves of tourists flying in and out every day. Yes, they mingle with us, yes they eat and play with us, they shop with and among us. The unvaxxed and tested or quarantined residents who choose to finally escape to see loved ones or other business on mainland and return cannot be to blame for all of this increase. Plane loads coming in nonstop with tourists and the residents who dare venture off are blamed? No. Vaccinated spread too.

    Residents who get it are possibly getting it on the airplane, or from their vaxxed co workers, friends, families, etc. That jab doesn’t do what people assume it does, blaming unvaxxed is ignoring the science behind how it works and how it doesn’t.

    If we care about health, we must focus on the results of the pushed solution….spike proteins. In fact, those who are near the vaccinated are also at risk of their spike protein side effect of this new experimental treatment (not actually a vax) and that epidemic hasn’t been accounted for yet as their ill effects will take awhile to accumulate and the data isn’t being collected as it should to inform us of those issues. We cannot count on the media to do any investigative reporting on it deeper than approved pieces regurgitated. Medical whistleblowers all over the world are trying to warn but to deaf ears by invested parties within large organizations, and censorship czars who deny citizens access to all pertinent medical data on these very treatments, the ingredients, the issues arising.

    The rest of the civilized world is up in arms about the draconian coercion to require these injections, they need to be heard. This cannot happen in America. People need to learn about the realities of these treatments and stop coercing, bullying, harassing, demeaning, excluding, and disenfranchising those who cannot or choose not to take part in the jab.

      1. VERY WELL SAID! It’s about time we all
        start using our intelligence and not just
        let the news make us afraid and useless.

      1. Please start doing your own research…If you seek truth it will find you, but only IF you are able to discern it, within the deception and lies being propagated across the world.

    1. Tonya,

      I know a once Big Island Gal (living on Oahu now), who stayed/visited next door to me at my place outside of Hilo for part of one summer, a few years back. She and I had some good conversation (talked Story) and we saw many things in common that aren’t shown in the “light”. Over the last few years, we’ve stayed in touch via FB/Messenger, and oddly enough she sounds just like you, with her logical thought process and critical thinking skills. Funny, she has the same first name, and last initial too. lol 😉

      It’s a no brainer, that this is exactly what’s happening, if you see with “eyes wide open”, a clear mind and a heart really open to truth and fact…🤙

  6. In all fairness, even if Hawaii is currently on par with a lot of other states, half of it is that they’ve come down significantly due to vaccinations. We’re comparing post vaccine Hawaii numbers to other state’s post vaccine numbers. I bet at this point and going forward, the positive rate will be directly correlated with the vaccination rate more than any other factor.

  7. Aloha,

    This is absolutely been frustrating to watch, because there’s been a lot of focus in finger pointing at tourists, but the real culprit has been everybody around us. So there needs to be accountability amongst the community. And anyone who is reckless enough to fly the 9th Island, not vaccinated, and returning here to infect ohana and friends is irresponsible at best.

    But, I think the focus needs to be on education so the doubters feel comfortable, because just telling people to “get vaccinated” isn’t enough.


  8. Your comment about not having a heart attack in Hawaii implies that good cardiac care is limited or unavailable in Hawaii. This is very untrue. Most residents have access to excellent cardiac care, especially in Honolulu. As someone who has been in the health care field for many years, and as a consumer of cardiac care, there are good options for care among the major health systems. I have also had significant experience in Mainland health care in five different locations. While Honolulu may not have the extensive care available in LA, SF, or NYC, it compares well to cities of similar size.

    While we are filling up hospitals with Covid patients, we may be forced to cut back on elective procedures, but good emergency care for a heart attack will be available.

  9. Why is Las Vegas such a huge appeal for Hawaii residents? I’ve never figured it out. Seattle, San Fran, San Diego have a lot to offer, just to mention a couple.

    1. We have enough homeless in Hawaii. Don’t need to see the homeless camps in Seattle or SF.
      Vegas is mo bettah:)

    2. Kathe L They love to gamble and the buffets. My Hawaiian friends verify this statement. Plus the shows and “perks” are also a great draw.

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