78 thoughts on “Lulled Into Complacency, Hawaii Just Eclipsed 23 Mainland States’ Rates”

  1. As a resident of the Big Island I try to keep abreast of what is being said here at BOH. Most of the information is spot on.
    I also see a lot of anecdotal information about only resident spreading covid.
    My daughter who is a pharmacist for Longs here on the BI always has stories to tell. Last week a mother came in to her pharmacy to gets some drugs for her adult twice vaccinated daughter who left the mainland knowing she was contagious for covid-19. She downloaded all of her documents to safe travels and was given a free pass to infect the residents here.
    She is just one of many pharmacists who probably also has stories to tell.
    I am sure that there are more people coming from the mainland who are either symptomatic or asymptomatic than we know.
    This means the state needs to reinstate some kind of mechanism that would not allow this to happen.

    Travel is not as important to the lives of the residents here.

    Thank you, Kelly

      1. It is either complete ignorance or intentional negligence to continue with the narrative that visitors are not having a part in bringing Covid to Hawaii. I don’t care what our corrupted local government reports. The arrival numbers to Hawaii of both residents and visitors have been staggering. Neither vaccine exemption or testing is fool proof and quarantine is not enforced. All you need to do is ask a medical professional just how many residents AND visitors they see come to them positive with Covid. How many don’t follow quarantine once diagnosed. From my experience residents are behaving far better than seen on the mainland, but no we have not been perfect.
        We will continue to have increasing Covid cases if we choose to wear blinders. Good luck finding healthcare providers moving forward, they are sick and tired of being disregarded and disrespected. They have and continue to make requests of our state and are ignored. They are expected to clean up the mess created by out so called leaders, a mess that could have been largely prevented by managing the flow of those arriving in the state. Visitors are bringing COVID-19 just like residents, let’s stop pretending that is not happening, it only hurts us.

    1. This story is sadly horrifying. The nerve of someone to knowingly get on a plane, or go anywhere at all, while actively infected.

  2. I don’t understand. I thought everyone flying into Hawaii either had to prove a negative test or be completely vaccinated? If that’s not true maybe it should be. Including Hawaiians.

      1. They need to go back to requiring EVERYONE to having the pretest 72 hours in advance of flying to Hawaii.
        It is coming out in the news everyday more and more vaccinated people are getting sick! Require everyone to be tested!

        1. Lisa, If they did that, what’s the purpose of getting the shot(s)? It doesn’t kill most people (99.8%) at this point, whether vaxxed or not. The science has long gone out the window, and it now appears to be more about control, rather than facts or science. The death rate has yet to start climbing back to Jan 2021 numbers, and until more pople start dying in droves, it’s not going to happen.

          At this point, it seems to be all about establishing fear and hysteria to the masses that do what they’re told without using their critical thinking skills. 🤷‍♂️

  3. We have reservations for 3 weeks in Kauai starting in late August and are still planning to go. We are being very careful here at home to be sure we don’t get ill and bring anything to the island. But we’re coming !

  4. We just cancelled our September vacation today. We love Hawaii and the Hawaiian people but with covid on the raise and restrictions likely, we decided to wait until the covid numbers look better. Right now we plan to return in February for a long visit. Take care and stay safe.

  5. I live on O’ahu and have a friend from the States who was scheduled to visit in November over the Thanksgiving week holiday. She texted me a few days back and said she cannot afford to risk coming here after seeing the shutdown procedures fr9m last year when COVID hit and then we had our July/August spike.

    Whether you are pro or anti tourist, this is telling as she had waited and wanted for years to come here….but is now backing out. If she is backing out, it makes me wonder how many more people are considering (or doing) the same thing.

    Personally I kinda liked having empty beaches, parks and more but I also completely understand that our economy is behilden to tourism. I’d love to see alternatives but there has not been a good concept for industry(ies) for replacing what we would lose in tourism dollars.

  6. we just cancelled our dec. trip to kauai even though we’re both double vaccinated. age and underlying health issues factored into it as well as car rental fiasco etc. and fear of delta and whatever the latest virus mutation might be. this is the second cancellation to kauai and we’re heartbroken as kauai is our yearly treat. can’t wrap my head around why people won’t get vaccinated.

    1. Vaccines aren’t the “cure all” that many
      People think it is. According to the Aug 2, 2021CDC
      stats, only only 49.3% of Americans are fully
      vaxed, not even half. If it was so good, why isn’t the # in the 90% range? Many people have many
      concerns and questions that aren’t being addressed. Please read A lot.
      Local Boy with choke antibodies.

      1. Nice reply local boy! Yes, I agree people need to do their own research and look at all sides of the experimental injection! Love that you have Rock Solid, long lasting Natural Immunity which is THE BEST!!!
        I personally know 4 Dead people ( ages 44, 62, 63, 80 years old) who died within hours of injection… I personally know 3 young men who had heart attacks & subsequent surgery ( ages 19,23,23 years old) …I personally know 4 dead babies via miscarriage all within hours of injection (4, 6, 7 and 7 month babies)
        I am all for personal choice & freedom to decide whether to vax or not- just research well the risks involved & the risk/benefit of your age group to survive Covid & get those Rock Star antibodies.

        1. Nita,

          So sorry to hear of the losses and misfortunes of people you know personally.

          With all that personal history and knowledge, you must be 1 in 100 million, as 99% of the people do not seem to know anyone who has had a bad reaction to the vaccine, or any serious side effects.

          Your acquaintances are indeed an extremely rare group of citizens.

          1. She probably works in the industry that see’s all this death, which isn’t being reported on your local News. That’s my guess. You need to seek to validate information, rather than believing what your told? Critical thinking skills…🤷‍♂️

  7. Aloha BOH Bro’s

    Who is to blame for the reversal in Hawaiian cases?

    Seriously, follow the science to the Wuhan Lab that produced then let the virus escape into the local population way back on September 12th 2019.

    I’ve never seen so much rear end covering in my life from China to the WHO to a scientific community that modified a virus for reasons unknown to me to be more contagious and deadly.

    Where’s the outrage with the scientific community they’re the ones to blame for this.

    Individuals need to wake up and quit blaming tourist, locals, vaccinated and un-vaccinated folks for the spread of this virus. No matter what precautions are taking a virus is going to do what it’s going to do.

    It’s just Hawaii’s turn next it could be New Zealand or Australia.

  8. Two things…

    What about masks!! Aren’t they supposed to work? Hawaii- most masked State in the Country.

    Answer: No according to Bidens former Covid guy.


  9. Yes, but hopefully the cases go down after the tourist leave in droves in September with their kids who are not vaccinated. It has been shown that the virus can be spread by those who are vaccinated like most of the tourists are. While tourists don’t go home like residents they are in close proximity with them since the workers in Hotels, Timeshares, Restaurants and Shops are local residents that do go home to family and friends. I understand that this Delta Variant is so contaigious that even close proximity can transmit the virus to others.

    1. Totally agree. Just because someone is vaccinated doesn’t mean they cannot have it. Many will be asymptomatic, and vaxxed people don’t test. If vaxxed HI residents can bring it back from Vegas, then tourists coming in bring it as well. Especially the Delta strain.

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