Pierce Brosnan | Celebrities on Kauai

Beat of Hawaii shares something special with dynamic actor Pierce Brosnan, and that’s our love of life on Kauai. It also puts us on iconic North Shore Kauai beaches like Hanalei Bay, pictured below. Pierce and wife Keely have been lying low nearby here during this craziest of times.

The iconic former James Bond star, age 67, can often be seen around Kauai’s north shore. Speaking of life and times, he said of this disease, “No matter where you are and how beautiful it may be, you still have this awful threat to life looming. You have to keep pushing the rock uphill, and you have to keep involved in life. We are at war. People are dying.” He recently lamented the death of two friends to C0VID, who were friends of 45 years, and one to whom he is godfather to his son.

Pierce returned to Kauai before the shutdown of normal travel in March. “I was on a plane the next day. I was told I might not get out, and I wanted to be with my family.”

Pierce and his wife of nearly twenty years Keely Shaye Smith recently donated $100,000 to Hanalei School. They have been part-time residents and supporters of the Garden Island’s North Shore community for more than a decade. They split their time under normal circumstances between Kauai and Malibu. Their Kauai home is found near Tunnels Beach (pictured above), not far from Hanalei Bay pictured below, where Beat of Hawaii swims often in summer.

North Shore Kauai

Also read:

Celebrities on Kauai | Bette Midler Property Sells

Mark Zuckerberg’s Rare $1 Million Kauai Relief Donation

Lead photo credit Instagram. Other photos © Beat of Hawaii.

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20 thoughts on “Pierce Brosnan | Celebrities on Kauai”

  1. Been going to Hanalei for 10 years now,most beautiful place ever seen.Saw him at the beach bar few years ago,appeared to be a very nice guy.Hope this virus is eradicated soon want to go back to the north shore.enjoy these articles.

  2. Love Hawaii, and this is the first time in 20 years we have not spent weeks there. The C0VID has grounded us on the mainland.

  3. Hello! Kauai is my favorite island. I can’t wait until this all to be over so we can visit.

    Thank you for the pictures. I miss it so much.


  4. We had planned to visit Maui in September 2020. Is that a realistic vacation for one week in the
    C0vid19 equation ?
    Not sure what to do in regard to airline tickets and resort reservations. Would you please advise
    Thank you so very much 😊

    1. Hi Denise.

      We providing all the information that we have. More updates and hopefully clarity regarding your question should be coming soon.


  5. Nice article! We just spent a few days at Hanalei Colony Resort (kamaina special rate!) and while walking the road to Tunnels, Pierce passed us in his car just near his driveway. We exchanged shakas! We live and work on the south shore, but in the summer, we love to go to Hanalei Bay to paddle board on its calm waters!

  6. I have friends and family on Kauai. They all speak well of Pierce and Keely and how much they help the local community. They seem to be very down to earth folks. Kauai is richer because of them.

  7. Aloha from Las Vegas! I wish everyone on the Hawaiian islands the best. Pierce Brosnan’s
    lovely wife Keely was a guest on a TV show years ago, talking about home gardens and how to make them thrive. She used a particular plant growth hormone that I started to use back then, based on her recommendation, and still use to this day. Every time I see anything about her, I think of her and how much it helped! Mahalo to the Brosnan family. We all hope this is over soon so we can come visit the islands again!

  8. Still no word about COVID testing plan ? Please give us an update soon. We are supposed to be leaving August 8 and have no idea how we are supposed to get that Covid test within the 3 to 5 days of traveling. You mentioned that we were supposed to know something by Friday.

    1. Hi Rich.

      We report what the state indicates and that was there was to have been an update last week. Everything is in a state of flux as I’m sure you know, and that goes way beyond Hawaii.


  9. All these liberal “greenies” with their huge mansions, 2nd and 3rd homes, private planes spewing hypocritical carbon killing off the planet. I sure wish they would walk the talk.

    1. How do you know he was on a private plane. what difference does it make how many homes he has (2 by this story) since they can only live in one at a time their carbon footprint should be no more than yours in your one residence. Jealous much?

  10. Aloha BOH: Question as to which COVID test may be required before mainlanders like us who own homes on Kauai can fly. Is it the PCR (polymerase chain reaction test) or the NAAT test? The former can be done on the mainland with results known same day. The latter may take 6-8 days depending which facility one uses and does not seem to meet current known requirements (which seem to be in a state of flux). Is it only me, or are the Governor and mayors not providing able and confirmatory direction? Mahalo. John V

    1. Hi John.

      There should be an update from the state coming shortly on that. We hesitate to guess at this point.


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