Rich and Famous Kauai

Up Close. Rich and Famous Kauai’s Latest. Sylvester Stallone + Anini Beach

Rambo picked one of our favorite beaches to build his home. See why. Rich and famous Kauai.

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30 thoughts on “Up Close. Rich and Famous Kauai’s Latest. Sylvester Stallone + Anini Beach”

  1. 1) I am so glad some one rebuilt that home. Although we did enjoy sitting on the property and treating as our own public park including clean up. Especially that great pool.
    2) If you ask around you’ll find the original name of Anini Beach was Wanini Beach until a truck rounded the corner and knocked off the ‘W’.
    Thank you

  2. eye yi yi. get rid of those comments, they don’t belong. do not lower this site please to the worst of comments. love you stuff. you are the best. too bad about one bd apple.


  3. The beach erosion at the former Stallone home makes me sad, but maybe it was always that way in that section of Anini.

    I always enjoy your coverage, even if I don’t comment.


    1. Hi LR.

      Thanks for saying that and your first comment. Yes beach erosion there and throughout Hawaii.


  4. I’d rather learn about the everyday families that have lived on Kauai forever than like Mark Zuckerberg and his ilk that ruin every single place they despoil with their presence. Property values? Closed beaches ? Do not enter signs. Enough.


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