Save 15% on Hawaii Hotels

Save Extra 15% on Hawaii Hotels With Coupon Code

We’re always on the lookout for the cheapest way to fly to Hawaii. Once you’ve scored cheap tix, the focus becomes where to stay. When your Hawaii vacation plans include Hawaii hotels rather than or in addition to Hawaii vacation rentals, here’s an easy way to save an extra 15% off Hawaii Hotels via the Orbitz coupon code below. With accommodations in Hawaii and elsewhere getting more and more expensive, this is a little bit of welcome relief. The offer also lets you combine the coupon code with any special hotel deals including room or suite upgrades, dining/spa credits, and even free night offers!

We tried booking this across a range of Hawaii hotels and every one we tried worked.

Book by: March 27, 2016.

Travel by: September 30, 2016.

Orbitz coupon code: GOTIME.

How to use: Select your Hawaii Hotel (also valid outside of Hawaii). On booking page, look for “Enter a Coupon or Promotion Code.” Enter the code and click apply. Price will change to reflect additional discount.

Restrictions: Offer valid at participating hotels and is subject to availability. Rules, restrictions, black out dates and minimum stay can apply. Limit one discount per hotel room and one promotion code per booking. Discount may not be used towards the booking of a vacation package.

Beat of Hawaii photo of  ancient Hawaiian fish ponds at Mauna Lani Resort on the Big island.

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