Southwest Hawaii coupon code sale.

Southwest Hawaii Flights | Coupon Code Sale | Save 30%

This is a great chance to get a Southwest Hawaii flight for 30% less. But you need to book your flights to and from Hawaii no later than tomorrow, May 11, 2023, and before midnight PDT. Last year there was a similar Southwest Hawaii spring sale, and it was for 40% off with much longer validity. Well, things have gotten a lot busier in Hawaii travel, so the discount and duration are slightly less, albeit still an excellent offer. That’s true especially since we are seeing fewer Hawaii airfare sales at this time.

Read: How To Choose | Hawaiian Or Southwest To Hawaii In Economy.

How to obtain additional savings on Southwest Hawaii flights.

Use the coupon code “BEACHBOUND” in the promo code box when you book on Southwest. Then travel from August 8 through November 1, 2023. The offer is valid for round-trip fares, including the cheapest ones. Keep in mind that the discount is applied to the actual fare, prior to taxes and fees being added.

Blackout dates are September 30 through October 14 for flights to and from Hawaii.

Do the work to find dates for your Hawaii deal.

Keep in mind that, unfortunately, many times there are only a few seats on a given flight using the discount, and not every flight even has this coupon code deal. Also, although the sale is technically available through tomorrow night, as the availability of sale prices decreases, it could actually, end sooner.

The late summer and fall season is still the best time to visit Hawaii, and more so this year than before, given that there will be fewer visitors than this coming epic travel summer. You’ll also find top-notch Hawaii weather on tap. Today is an excellent opportunity to get a significant price break while avoiding crowds.

Let us know if this deal works for you!

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2 thoughts on “Southwest Hawaii Flights | Coupon Code Sale | Save 30%”

  1. Tried every Hawaiian destination SW offered in their online dropdown menu to take advantage of “BEACHBOUND” discount – even accessed entire SW flight schedule between now (May 11) and November, taking into account the “BEACHBOUND” code blackout periods and SW showing absolutely NO available flights. Guess the deal is over before today’s end date.

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